  Boy Funk makes his Portland debut at Blow Pony
Note: The previously listed SistaFist/Magic Mouth show was listed incorrectly as this Thursday. It’s actually next Thursday, which we didn’t find out until this week. qPDX regrets the error.
Feminist Agenda launch party – Feminist Agenda has quietly been creeping onto the scene for about 3 or 4 months now but they’ve finally decided this is the time for their coming out party. A site dedicated to being a directory and resource of feminist activism and organization, FA is helmed by former In Other Words staffers Katie Carter and Amber Rowland. You can read an interview with the dynamic duo from earlier in the week, and stay tuned to hear them on next week’s podcast.
“Ethical Sluthood” a Q&A with Janet Hardy – Portland (well Eugene in this case) queers are more used to polyamory than most but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a lot to learn. Whether people have been calling Gingrich’s indiscretions an open marriage or polyamory you’d be wrong. That was just plain cheating. So how do we know we’re being fair in a non-monogamous relationship? Some of it is common sense, a lot of it is communication, but many of the “rules” are unfamiliar territory. Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy’s Ethical Slut, has been the go-to guide for polyamory with a conscience since its release in 1997. Now you can actually ask questions about the finer points and maybe even some “what ifs” thanks to new sex toy store As You Like It.
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  Preview Kaj-Anne Pepper's GenderFantasy this Friday at Bent
DJ Challenge and Gaga look alike contest for AIDSwalk – A benefit for the upcoming walk to bring attention to AIDS (cuz the fight is not over my friends) this Gaga look alike contest can also win you tickets to Ke$ha. Gay cliché as it may be I bet there will be many good costumes provoking laughter and gasps alike. And though I don’t know what the DJ challenge entails I’m excited to see Mr. Charming (Gaycation) participate in it. If it was DJ Hero on the Wii I might even give them a run for their money…
Big Eyes, Tacocat, Forever, & Guantanamo BayWatch – Punk rock at the Fleetwood Shac.
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  Roy G Biv, aka Katey Pants, is a big fan of the bling gif
qPDX is starting a new feature! Every week we will introduce you to a local LGBTQ party DJ and ask them about their experiences in the scene and feature an audio mix they’ve made. If you’re interested in being featured contact alley@qpdx.com.
This week features DJ Roy G Biv aka Katey Pants. You can catch her party Bent, which we named best new club night of 2010, this Friday September 9th. This special edition will feature a preview of multimedia performer Kaj-Anne Pepper‘s GenderFantasy. She has also appeared at many other popular club nights including Blow Pony, Gaycation and others.
When and how did you get started DJing?
In Portland; I started DJ’ing at BENT. This was nearly 2 years ago and since then I’ve learned a lot; have challenged myself; and have humbled myself a lot.
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  Crave producers MJ (L) and DJ Alicious at last year's Glow party. Photo by OSI Photography.
SugarTown Ice Cream Soul-cial – Last month’s very first ST was a sweet sweet success. Despite the sound trouble early on this celebration of sweetness and soul left a pleasant taste on everyone’s tongue. The music was fun and a nice respite from the usual club fare, the sweet treats for sale were cheap and delicious and there were just enough people to create plenty of opportunities mingle and dance without that claustrophobic and intense heat sometimes generated by popular nights. Sweet Thursday perfection. *
Crave presents “Glow” – Crave’s annual black light party is always a messy success. And as the creators are moving on to that bigger glow stick coast city Los Angeles, it might also be your last chance to feel the dark light love. This is your chance to relive your raver days or revel in what you missed for those of you in your 20s. But get there early cuz this tiny space fills up fast with females, and besides, they have killer drink specials before 10. *
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  Little Tommy with one of this weekend's hosts ChiChi
In case you haven’t heard former Tuesday show, Peep Show, outgrew it’s weekday shortpants and has moved to a coveted Friday slot because it’s so damn good. qPDX took a minute to sit down with one of the show’s producers Little Tommy Bang Bang so find out some of the dirt behind the move and catch a glimpse of what might be in store for us this Friday.
qpdx: So what prompted the move to Fridays? I assume it has gotten quite popular. Were there other reasons?
LTBB: The reason for the move to Fridays is simply that we outgrew Tuesdays. After over a year of successful “first Tuesday” shows, the Red Cap agreed to let us have a better night for our show. Keeping in the Portland tradition of monthly events, we are now officially booked for “third Fridays”.
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  Legendary sissy bouncers Katey Red (L) with Big Freedia
Full list of Friday night events: https://archive.qpdx.com/events-this-week/2011-06-17/
Get Primped for Pride – A pre-funk where the goal is to get girly before you go out. Sexy beats by RoyGBiv and manicures from Nailed by Ally at the Eclexion Boutique (825 NW Glisan).
T*Party picnic – This family friendly event is actually one of my faves and a perfect mellow beginning to the weekend. Fill your belly with real food before entering the liquid diet phase amongst trans family and allies. There’s nothing cuter than little kiddos in drag, trust me.
Poison Waters & friends Happy Hour show – Another earlier in the day events means you can cram even more Pride into your Friday as legendary drag diva Poison Waters presents sequins, rhinestone’s, feathers and heels and laughs.
Q Center Concert series Pride edition “Hip to be Q” – Forget square, in this town it’s hip to be queer and this all ages event has an incredible lineup that will surely last hours upon hours. So here’s to hoping the kids these days have attention spans long enough to catch performances by singer/songwriter and rock icon Kaia Wilson, stoner drag twinsies ChiChi and Chonga, sexy Rose City Sirens, and flamboyantly dirty Fannie Mae Darling among others.
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  Double Duchess perform Saturday at Blow Pony
Not Enough! benefit dance party – Last Thursday becoming a bit too tame and straight and bridge and tunnel for you? It’s our chance to queer it back up while raising some funds for Not Enough! and having a gay ol’ time.
AIDS Walk kickoff party and Swimwear fashion show –
Prom Night at the Cafeteria – Creator DJ Lunch Lady promises to a spiked punch bowl and a pregnancy scare at this wonderful reimagining of the high school night you never had (even if you did go, was it really all you dreamed?). Double bonus for not fearing expulsion and for me to use one of my favorite phrases, “I’m off like a prom dress.”
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  Purple Rhinestone Eagle
Purple Rhinestone Eagle‘s Bad Dream Tour kickoff with Fucking Lesbian Bitches – “I don’t compromise. I’m metal..” And with hot local ladies making it you don’t have to. Seriously fuzzy riffs and bold but not scratchy vocals combine the best of 70s hard rock with punk and blues undertones. PRE’s new album The Great Return is out now and they’re ready to take their act on the road. Joined by FLB for their hometown farewell helps prove hardcore punk’s not dead, nor are ironic band titles with the word “lesbian” in them.
Hustle: A trans top surgery benefit dance party – It’s time to dance your boobs off with DJs Kinetic (Blowpony), Trans Fat (Maricon, Blowpony, Cafeteria) and Roy G Biv (Bent, Blowpony). Good cause and there’s bound to be trannies and chasers so take your pick.
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  Teenage dream Kaia wilson sings songs from her 90s rock roots Friday at Mississippi Pizza
Neal Morgan, Hungry Ghost, STLS & New-Dadz DJ Association – Get in the drum line for this booming early show at The Know (2026 NE Alberta). Percussion punk is alive and well in Northeast.
The Cafeteria with guest DJ Mr Charming – Lunch trays and crunk gays is the perfect neighborhood dance spot for the almost weekend. In case you’ve missed Mr Charming at any of her other super successful parties and appearances lately you get another chance. She and DJ Lunch Lady made it rain downstairs at Blow Pony last weekend and this will be the same, except smaller and more elite.
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  Best Pride backup crew! Photo by Diana Edwards
So it’s been quite a week of reliving 2010. Truthfully I’m a little burned out. But before you shed all your summer skin and head into the depths of 2011 fresh and new here are a few last looks back at some of the “best” random sh** of the year…
Most asked question
What time is the dyke march? (A wink and a nod to the amusing insights of Katey Pants).
Best LGBT quote of the year
“You know if I could go back in time, I would lez it up 24 hours. Believe me, one thing I would not miss? Balls. Terrible little things.”
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