
Not Enough Prom nights, Blow Ponies, JunKtions, fashion shows or art this Memorial weekend? Hardly

Double Duchess perform Saturday at Blow Pony


Not Enough! benefit dance party – Last Thursday becoming a bit too tame and straight and bridge and tunnel for you? It’s our chance to queer it back up while raising some funds for Not Enough! and having a gay ol’ time.

AIDS Walk kickoff party and Swimwear fashion show

Prom Night at the Cafeteria – Creator DJ Lunch Lady promises to a spiked punch bowl and a pregnancy scare at this wonderful reimagining of the high school night you never had (even if you did go, was it really all you dreamed?). Double bonus for not fearing expulsion and for me to use one of my favorite phrases, “I’m off like a prom dress.”

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