
Get your raunchy comedy, your Rebel Grrl and your Sass Patrol ready for a weekend of the old and the new, the Bent and the blue

Claw vs. Claw plays Saturday at the 1 year anniversary of Rebel Girl

Don’t forget Electrogals, which continues all week. And check out an interview with founder Heather Perkins from earlier in the week.


Fist: Electro queer night – New dance night at a new venue. And we like new and different don’t we? Jams from DJ Hookerface so be prepared. This is an electro night and Hooker and I used to rave a decade ago so shit’s gonna be real, and hella danceable.

Smutty Clown open mic – Here in P-Town we like to make everything dirty. So naturally, we already had dirty poetry, now we need dirty comedy. I’m a huge fan of the innuendo myself, as anyone who has spent time with me after 5 o’clock can tell you. I also appreciate sexy comedians. So who knows what to expect from those signing up but it’s hosted by Whitney Streed and Sterling Clark (basically the template they used for Portlandia‘s “…all the hot girls wear glasses… line) so you know it’ll be off to a good start.

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You can ‘Crave’ hip hop, a ‘Gaycation,’ Sinead O’Covers,’ candy, porn or a ‘Night of Noise’ and be satisfied this weekend

Purple Rhinestone Eagle


Purple Rhinestone Eagle‘s Bad Dream Tour kickoff with Fucking Lesbian Bitches“I don’t compromise. I’m metal..” And with hot local ladies making it you don’t have to. Seriously fuzzy riffs and bold but not scratchy vocals combine the best of 70s hard rock with punk and blues undertones. PRE’s new album The Great Return is out now and they’re ready to take their act on the road. Joined by FLB for their hometown farewell helps prove hardcore punk’s not dead, nor are ironic band titles with the word “lesbian” in them.

Hustle: A trans top surgery benefit dance party – It’s time to dance your boobs off with DJs Kinetic (Blowpony), Trans Fat (Maricon, Blowpony, Cafeteria) and Roy G Biv (Bent, Blowpony). Good cause and there’s bound to be trannies and chasers so take your pick.

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Lucky ‘Buckhunters,’ Gaycation with Katastrophe, Her HRC and ‘dancing on your own’ with Gula Delgatto this weekend

Katastrophe performs Saturday with Athens Boys choir at Gaycation

Whew! So one small weekend of only a few events and we’re back to the melee of 20 million dueling events. Here’s what you got to choose from.


Triskaidekaphilia (Just My Luck)Former Just Out arts writer Jimmy Radosta hasn’t had the best of luck. But his loss is our comedic gain with his one man show that highlights his growing up in Salem and other gay misfortunes. Billed as  blending the dry wit of David Sedaris with the political humor of Jon Stewart and the cheeky musical stylings of “Weird Al” Yankovic, this love of 13 is surely a good luck charm for the rest of us.

Radical Act at the Reel Music FestivalRadical Act may have been made in 1995 but women in rock still have a glass ceiling. The film screened at Outfest in Los Angeles and appeared in 1999 as part of Miranda July’s “Break My Chainletter” collection, and now it’s being revived at the Reel Music Festival.

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Trans Empowerment Week and the Transgender Day of Remembrance

Queer acrobatics from the Collective-of-Geniuses

Events, gatherings and celebrations are already underway for Trans Empowerment Week leading up to this Saturday’s Trangender Day of Remembrance. Today at 6pm on KBOO’s Outloud (90.7FM) Tobi Hill-Meyer and Smitty Buckler will be talking with Sasha about TDR, a day dedicated to day primarily memorializes those lost to hate crimes, it also serves as a forum for transgender communities and allies to raise awareness around the threat of violence faced by gender variant people and the persistence of prejudice felt by the transgender community, trans justice and intersecting oppressions and the connections between violence and the mainstream adult film industry.

Though the TDR may have somber overtones, there are also plenty fun and affirming activities and performances.

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Weekend Preview: Dirty Queer, Blow Pony, and Kick/Ball/Change

oh my fellow queers, i hope you’ve been saving your spare change and some brain cells for this bashtastic weekend, not to mention dusting off your dancin’ shoes.

KBC Curtain Call. Photo Courtesy of Lee Kyle

KBC Curtain Call. Photo Courtesy of Lee Kyle

The amazing Kick/Ball/Change will be happening this Sunday, but before then, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get up and get down.

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Dirty Queer! X-Rated open mic…

X Rated. Monthly. Queer. Sliding Scale. An institution of queer life in Portland gets a QPDX writeup.

Crowd at the two year anniversary of DQ

Crowd at the two year anniversary of DQ

Dirty Queer (DQ for short), the country’s only X-Rated Queer Open Mic has been running for around two years now-and i’d never been! Bad Perry. I know. Come ‘ere darlin’, tell me off! Ok, ok. Nevermind!

But finally, finally…I managed to go last Friday and not only was I present for the readings and performances, I also got to interview host Sossity Chiricuzio and I read some of my own writing!

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