 Mrs takes on Lisa Frank Saturday at Mississippi Studios
Thursday and all weekend
POW (Portland Oregon Women) Film Fest – POW Fest, now in its third year, aims to highlight women directors (unlike the Academy, who has never awarded a female Best Director) and has a great and eclectic assortment of films in its 4 day run. On Friday can catch 80s classic Fast Times at Ridgemont […]
  The legendary Bob Mould performs at Q Center's annual Winter Gala Saturday
PQ Monthly launch party – A new publication is in town and tonight is the night both the print and web versions launch. We are excited to share resources and have even more reason to make sure local queer coverage is comprehensive and thought-provoking. Oh yeah, and an excuse to party.
SugarTown queer soul – The best queer homage to 60s and 70s soul in town is finally back after a brief hiatus. The new venue of the Spare Room has a great space, cheap drinks and will be a refreshing change to the usual old haunts. And this special return also features this week’s DJ profile for Freaky Outty. Plus where else can you get sweet treats by Emily Franco in addition to a drink? It’s a killer comeback you won’t want to miss.
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 Your picks for the best queer weekend ever in PDX […]
  The 5th Annual Queer Quistmas is this Saturday at the Q Center
Saucy Santa photo ops – Yet another chance to be a Portland sexy weirdo and ask Santa for more than the lump of coal you deserve. Have you made the naughty or nice list this year?
Portland Idol‘s Holiday Harmonies – Get in the holiday spirit with some of P-Town best voices.
The 1st annual Stumped Awards – This Razzie style award show was dreamed up by the folks behind Peep Show and Genderf***ing Takover. Who will take home the statue celebrating Synciest Lips, Highest Blood Alcohol Content or Most Epic Facebook? This is bound to be the gayest red carpet you’ve ever seen.
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  Corrina Bain performs Friday as part of Q Poetry's Award Open Mic.
Hot Mess Grand Finale – Whether you’ve been attending religiously for the past 12 weeks or just want to see how it all turns out, tonight’s final contest is sure to be a knock down drag out fight to the hot mess death. With 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize packages starting at $700 you know these queens are going to be giving their all and putting on a good show. But who will win? Jackie Daniels? Jam N Toast? Allie McQueen? One of the other 6 contestants with or without an odd drag/stage name?
Wild Flag record release show – This one’s a bit of a non-starter. Not only is it the second night of a 2 night set, but it’s already sold out. However, I’m sure there’s a scalper or two out there and with regular tickets a reasonable $12-14 they shouldn’t command too much of a premium. But if you’re not willing to risk it these locals are sure to play again soon. In the meantime check out Wild Flag videos and news in earlier posts.
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  We don't need another hero, we just need Mrs. Beyond Thunderdome Saturday
There’s always lots to do on the weekend but only one weekend is bigger than the weeklong celebration of International LGBT film, PLGFF. We’ll have previews all week long so stay tuned.
Cafteria‘s Saved By the Bell edition – It’s time to bust out the cuffed acid wash jeans and use that aerosol to make those bangs into a wave. I’ll even lend you my scrunchie if you meet me at the Peach Pit. Ok, so it’s a special moment of fun nostalgia made right for my exact generation. So let’s all recreate the junior high experience we never had k?
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  Melanie Griffith is workin' our her "Executive Realness' too
Laborday is gayborday (or LaborGay, how far can I work this bad pun?) in the hard-workin’ heartland of Portland, so us young retired people are just gonna use Labor Day weekend as an excuse to extend the party…right?
Dirtbag! – The workin’ man’s weeknight party, cuz it’s free and awesome. To find out more about the DJ workin’ this event check out yesterday’s profile of DJ Bruce laBruiser.
A painting show from Mason Bondi & I Mirror/Your Mirror art openings – Downtown/Pearl’s First Thursday may have a snootier reputation than the ridiculous and bohemian Last Thursday on Alberta but it’s always been about the art and there’s good art to be had. Here are two examples from experimental artist and former local Sarah Gottesdiener and Mason Bondi, a painter whose images of small figures amidst huge skies are at once whimsical and haunting.
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  Bacon Salt man at last year's Portland Baconfest. 2011 version takes place this Saturday on E Burnside
Q center open house – Come say hi to the new Executive Director, Barbara McCullough-Jones while you check out featured art on the history of Portland drag from photographer Greg Pitts.
Kerry Hallet @ Alberta Pub – The pub may be eclipsed by its newer hipster neighbors across the street but it’s still got amazing fries and damn good acoustic music sets, like this one by local Kerry Hallet.
Bent featuring Jeau Breedlove – This months gay ass dance party up north features the homo hop stylings of Jeau Breedlove. The name will probably get old quickly but I heard the cat at the Queer Music Fest the rhymes are pretty dope.
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  Hello Sailor! 'Maggots and Men' screens Thursday at the Hollywood Theater
Beartown 16 goes all weekend long with an array of amazing events. Perry has some highlights in an earlier post. She was particularly excited about massages but I’m kinda down with the UnderBear Dance Party and how fun it would be to traipse Mississippi with a clan of cubs.
Maggots and Men: Queering History/Revisioning Utopia – This film revisions post-revolutionary Russia with a sailoriffic genderf***ed twist. I love how awesome and weird we can be sometimes. The historic Hollywood Theater is the perfect place to indulge in this film. Fleetweek here we come!
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  Rae Spoon plays tonight at Saratoga
Rae Spoon with Tender Forever – I don’t know too much about Rae Spoon but this musician from Montreal produces dance-able electro-pop with a deep sense of longing. And he’s apparently a big deal as excitement for this show has reached a fever pitch. I mean, he is real cute in a pink sailor hat. He’s be joined by the equally longing filled local (well, now) Tender Forever. Her beats range from dark and melancholy to nearly pop electronic and always include something interesting like video background or controlling a virtual drum snare with Wiimotes. Ok, I have to admit I’m pretty damn excited too.
Bent features CJ & the Dolls – In a very special pre-tour event, CJ & the Dolls, will be performing at and generally fluffing the crowd at this weekend’s Bent. It’ll be just a taste of what’s to come from the band, as we’ve got a project in the works. And if you thought there was excitement for Thursday night, it ain’t got nothin’ on FriGay the 13th (thanks for that one Mr Charming). The crowd will be filled with intense sexy doll makeup and fierce nails courtesy pre-party nail-fest from Nailed by Ally.
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