  Carmen Carrera from RuPaul's Drag Race makes an appearance Friday at Peep Show
Don’t forget the biggest fest of the weekend, Not Enough!, preview in this interview with organizers Sheana Corbridge and Edgar Frias.
Love Crimes: Faguette Disco – Haven’t seen DJ Girlfriends around in awhile so I’m glad to see him back and teaming up with another of Portland’s great lesbian loving and adorable gay DJs LunchLady. Advertising a cross of pulp fiction and Tom of Finland means a welcome infusion of irreverence to perk up a scene that hasn’t seen a new night in awhile. (Because we have so many good ones currently I know. Just sayin’…)
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  Crave producers MJ (L) and DJ Alicious at last year's Glow party. Photo by OSI Photography.
SugarTown Ice Cream Soul-cial – Last month’s very first ST was a sweet sweet success. Despite the sound trouble early on this celebration of sweetness and soul left a pleasant taste on everyone’s tongue. The music was fun and a nice respite from the usual club fare, the sweet treats for sale were cheap and delicious and there were just enough people to create plenty of opportunities mingle and dance without that claustrophobic and intense heat sometimes generated by popular nights. Sweet Thursday perfection. *
Crave presents “Glow” – Crave’s annual black light party is always a messy success. And as the creators are moving on to that bigger glow stick coast city Los Angeles, it might also be your last chance to feel the dark light love. This is your chance to relive your raver days or revel in what you missed for those of you in your 20s. But get there early cuz this tiny space fills up fast with females, and besides, they have killer drink specials before 10. *
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  Gaycation's Mr Charming performing at Booty back in the day...i comes full circle in the inner SE gay strip...
Don’t forget to keep your eyes in Latino Gay Pride all weekend long!
Poison Waters & friends happy hour show – Good ol’ fashioned drag divaliciousness in the relaxed atmosphere of Al’s Den at the new Crystal Hotel.
Jelly Roll – This is billed as a party for fat folkes and allies but I think it’s going to be much more than that. I hear that one of the best dressed backup dancers I’ve ever seen, Melody Awesomazing, will be performing. I can’t think of a better way to start of a weekend of chub empowerment than with her glitter facial hair and neon stockings.
Chicka–Boom–Boom – Records by ladies, spun by ladies. More info from Lyska earlier in the week.
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  ElleMC is way better than Ke$ha and she'll be here Friday night at JunKtion
Seems to me if you’re not one of the many going to either San Francisco or Seattle Prides this weekend you might still be in recovery, but there are some decent options if you gotta keep the party going
JunKtion! – Rapper, singer, songwriter, skateboarder and dually named ElleMC aka Swagatha Christie will make the Local Lounge pop with her dope rhymes before the dance party begins. Maybe an all-female skateboard dance troupe ala the Sprockettes will bust it out?
Heavy Metal Ladies Night – Iron Man ain’t got nothin’ on us. Sloans is the most badass bar in Portland. You know, the one with the semi-truck pokin’ out the front? Perfect venue to celebrate the female headbangers.
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  The Dolly Pops perform as part of End of the Rainbow
Oh my god, today is the day! So shake off that 3 day hangover and get your ass to the big Pride Parade…Make it Happen! And check out the earlier route and Waterfront Festival maps in case you’ve forgotten. Gay Standard Time is probably ok but the route is short so don’t miss it! And once you’re done with downtown it ain’t over yet, as there seem to be more Sunday afternoon and nighttime events than ever!
Families of Color Day Out picnic – Sunday is a perfect day for winding down and slowly easing yourself out of Pride weekend. I’ve often gone to informal friend BBQs but people of color might want to consider the larger group gathering in North Portland’s Kenton Park. SO grab the hot dogs and the ribs and show your out of town guests what a NW picnic in the shadow of the big Paul Bunyan statue really means.
7th annual Pride Block Party – Today’s the day when Stark Street really is gay again as Red Cap/Boxes closes down the triangle to outsiders in favor of colorful tents that contain some of the best daytime dancing and performance I’ve seen. Hosted by San Francisco’s Trannyshack momma Heklina, the block party, open mere moments after the parade at 1pm, features performances by the Rose City Sirens, ChiChi and Chonga, and (can it be?) all the Miss Thing winners of 2010.
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  Legendary sissy bouncers Katey Red (L) with Big Freedia
Full list of Friday night events: https://archive.qpdx.com/events-this-week/2011-06-17/
Get Primped for Pride – A pre-funk where the goal is to get girly before you go out. Sexy beats by RoyGBiv and manicures from Nailed by Ally at the Eclexion Boutique (825 NW Glisan).
T*Party picnic – This family friendly event is actually one of my faves and a perfect mellow beginning to the weekend. Fill your belly with real food before entering the liquid diet phase amongst trans family and allies. There’s nothing cuter than little kiddos in drag, trust me.
Poison Waters & friends Happy Hour show – Another earlier in the day events means you can cram even more Pride into your Friday as legendary drag diva Poison Waters presents sequins, rhinestone’s, feathers and heels and laughs.
Q Center Concert series Pride edition “Hip to be Q” – Forget square, in this town it’s hip to be queer and this all ages event has an incredible lineup that will surely last hours upon hours. So here’s to hoping the kids these days have attention spans long enough to catch performances by singer/songwriter and rock icon Kaia Wilson, stoner drag twinsies ChiChi and Chonga, sexy Rose City Sirens, and flamboyantly dirty Fannie Mae Darling among others.
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  Host Poison Waters poses with a swimsuit model
Poison Waters hosted and DJ Chris Cox spun tunes as hot models strutted their stuff down Barracuda’s catwalk as a fundraiser for the Portland AIDSwalk. And lucky for us who want to ogle the men and women in beachwear (as well as fighting AIDS, of course) Garbero Photography was there to catch all the action and have been gracious enough to let us post the photos here.
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  Poison Waters
The Stark Street triangle may not wholly belong to us gays anymore, but we’re at least invited to the grand opening celebration of the newest gentrification venture, the new McMenamins Crystal Hotel.
The three days of celebration, starting today, features musical performances by the Corin Tucker Band tonight and ends daily with headliner M. Ward at the Crystal Ballroom.
Local drag legend Poison Waters also hosts a daily free performance at 5:30 at Al’s Den in the basement of the new hotel.
Check out the full schedule below:
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 Saturday's 'Blow Pony' features Serendipity Jones
Forgive Me Father at Pivot – I have no trouble reconciling my hedontistic, panganisitc spiritual desires with my homosexual ones, but many of those who hold more subdued beliefs do. This night is for them. There’s quite a movement incorporating faith with gay liberation and this is just the function to explore that.
The Cafeteria – Vendetta is a small venue but this school themed night has it bursting at the seems. And don’t think you’ll be safe by showing up at 9. The door gods take station at the early work time of, like, 8 or something. Thank god it’s worth it.
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  Bulimianne Rhapsody and Melody Awesomeazing host Mrs. this Saturday
If you’re not too busy fighting the crowds at the newly opened international budget fashion boutique H&M there’s still plenty of good nightlife to catch out this wintery weekend.
Bent – Nopo favorite Bent is back for to squeeze your ass into that tiny dancefloor and do it queer underground style. With guest DJ Il Camino, Jodi Bon Jodi and Roy-G-Biv on the decks turning the Foggy Notion (3416 N Lombard) into the Faggy Nation I swear it will only hurt a little bit. Besides what else will you talk about of Craigslist the nest morning?
Babe Cave – For those more inclined to stay in the southeast DJs Lifepartner and Chelsea Starr are bringing the hotties to Holocene (1001 SE Morrison) and when Ms. Star says “crawl back into my cave” you don’t say no. For a hint of the music you can expect check out LP’s mix below.
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