
This weekend will have you Singin’ in the Rain

The weekend is dominated by dance parties, Homomentum’s Singin’ in the Rain, new glasses at Sword and Fern, a comedy benefit and the laid back vibe of Sunday’s Bridge Club. […]

This weekend Some are Sparkles, some are Gaga, some are just Bent on having a Gender Fantasy

Preview Kaj-Anne Pepper's GenderFantasy this Friday at Bent


DJ Challenge and Gaga look alike contest for AIDSwalk – A benefit for the upcoming walk to bring attention to AIDS (cuz the fight is not over my friends) this Gaga look alike contest can also win you tickets to Ke$ha. Gay cliché as it may be I bet there will be many good costumes provoking laughter and gasps alike. And though I don’t know what the DJ challenge entails I’m excited to see Mr. Charming (Gaycation) participate in it. If it was DJ Hero on the Wii I might even give them a run for their money…

Big Eyes, Tacocat, Forever, & Guantanamo BayWatch – Punk rock at the Fleetwood Shac.

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