 This week Lyska and I talk to Max Voltage of Glitterfruit and Pants Off Productions (the folks behind Homomentum, Homo’s Got Talent etc) who will be performing at a free, all ages concert for the culmination of the 31st annual Lewis and Clark Gender Studies Symposium. […]
 Glitterfruit working their magic.
Max Voltage and Riley Ciara La Roux dusted the audience at In Other Words Saturday evening with their Glitterfruit as the duo dug into a handful of instruments during their debut full length show, Fruitillion.
Opening with “Nirvaga,” a mash-up of Nirvana’s “Come as you are” and Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance,” Glitterfruit did get into a little bit of everything – with numbers induced with camp, cabaret and circus style. Their set included the electric violin, bass, accordion, mandolin and ukulele with each taking turns at vocals. La Roux at one point quipped, “We’re a five person band with two people.”
The music varied – for “Girl on the Side,” a song that came from a friend named Willis in Brooklyn, it was all about well, being a girl on the side. La Roux playfully croons, “You are busy as a honeybee, sweet as syrup from the maple tree and all I want to know is want to kick it on the side with me?”
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  Wayne Bund's photo series 'The Bathers' opens Saturday at East End
Check back for our preview of Siren Nation festival, which will encompass the entirety of the weekend. As if you didn’t have enough to work with below.
Thursday may not see a whole bunch of new nights but there’s always the stellar, incredibly danceable and Smiths-loving Dirtbag! at the Know (with special guest DJ Ill Camino) and the mellower Bobby Jo Valentine just down Alberta street making his Portland debut and the popular St Johns Thursday night gay hangout Sweet Tea where you can drink in southern style for only 4 bucks.
Deep Cuts – Only in its second iteration, DP has already become a music conisseurs good time. Good music without pretentiousness this party is hip and fun without being the kind of hip and fun that makes you uncomfortable, nervous and…no fun. I think that’s proved well enough by this week’s DJ of the Week, which profiles Cuts’ special guest DJ L-Train.
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  Cat Fancy performs Saturday at Fat Fancy
Reclaiming Pink a short performance by Max Voltage – The co-creator of Homomentum and Homo’s Got Talent hasn’t been heard from all summer (oh my god so long!), but Max is back with a free performance that is part of the JAW Playwrights Festival. This journey through gender and back again is sure to be the colorful and expressive performance we’ve come to expect from Voltage and I’m particularly excited to see how the Men’s restroom plays out as a stage for the piece. It continues throughout the weekend so make sure you spare a half hour somewhere along the way.
Mantrap@RedCap – Fridays at Red Cap just got a lot better with the introduction of current It Boys DJ Lunchlady and photographer Wayne Bund. Surprise performances round out the part. This week it’s Sweat/Shine and Devan McGrath, making any guy’s dream team.
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  Max Voltage playing the violin
Local music and performance maven Max Voltage, one of the minds behind the brilliant and uber gay performance series Homomentum and Homo’s Got Talent is now looking to create a queer music series. In an open letter to the community on Facebook yesterday, s/he called for contributors and volunteers. I’ve reposted the request below:
Dear Community,
I have produced queer events in Portland, OR for 10 years now. Mostly I have focused on drag/dance/cabaret shows, because I’ve always had an affinity for creating space for radical queer art-forms that don’t have a stage. I am also a life-long musician (have played violin classically since I was 5), and recently, I have had the opportunity to play, tour and collaborate with some fucking fabulous queer musicians. I’ve also begun helping book/promote/produce queer music shows in Portland, including the recent Rae Spoon/Tender Forever show, which was amazing & a really positive experience.
My next project brings together all these passions of mine… music and creating space for radical queer art: F-holes: a queer music series.
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  Best Pride backup crew! Photo by Diana Edwards
So it’s been quite a week of reliving 2010. Truthfully I’m a little burned out. But before you shed all your summer skin and head into the depths of 2011 fresh and new here are a few last looks back at some of the “best” random sh** of the year…
Most asked question
What time is the dyke march? (A wink and a nod to the amusing insights of Katey Pants).
Best LGBT quote of the year
“You know if I could go back in time, I would lez it up 24 hours. Believe me, one thing I would not miss? Balls. Terrible little things.”
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Aw, Valentine’s Day can be so cute you throw up in your mouth a little. And who knows what to expect from those freaky performance artists at Homomentum when they take on the pink and red clashing holiday. Puke is not out of the question, especially when organizer and emcee Max Voltage makes the claim that this month’s Love Bugs has the biggest lineup yet with Under the Radar, […]
 Trans Revolution dance party returns to Crush tomorrow
Just because you are trying to stick to your New Year’s resolution of not drinking, or at least drinking less, doesn’t mean your social calendar should suffer. We may be experiencing the post-holiday doldrums of grey and rainy January but there is still plenty of queer excitement left in the humid air.
This weekend sees at least 3 big events, the 3rd anniversary of the popular smut fest Dirty Queer, the return of the genderiffic Trans Revolution dance party and the continuation of the popular Homomentum performance cabaret.
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 Airport security will never be the same
The holiday season brought us a special Homomentum performance featuring the cold and snappy celebration of all things queer and seasonal. And you can catch just a glimpse of the white winter wonder with our Snowpocalypse photo gallery.
Performances included a very special TSA burlesque from KT Kusmal and Venus Envy, a final performance from drag queen provocateur Champagne, and a rendition of the Tchaikovsky’s Sugar Plum Fairy dance from Catitude.
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As the first decade of the millenium draws to a close, so too does Pants Off Productions‘ performance trilogy Homomentum. The December installment of queer variety awesomeness celebrates the cold season with with a frosty Snowpocalypse! theme this Saturday night, 8pm at the E Room (3701 SE Division).
In memorium of last year’s December arctic blast the dancing queers are here to show off their ice princess steps with Snow Queen MC her/himself Max Voltage. But you won’t be cold for long when the heat of burlesque performers Pigeon Von Tramp and Portland’s burlesque diva Sahara Dunes steam up the frosty windows.
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