  Carla Rossi hosts the Thanksgiving edition of Peep Show this Friday
Lucinda Williams – Singer songwriter loved by the lesbos takes the stage at the Crystal Ballroom.
Del Shores‘ Sordid Confessions – Del tries to make up for standing us up last time he was in town. The creator of the cult favorite TV series Sordid Lives (starring Olivia Newton-John, Rue McClanahan, Leslie Jordan and Caroline Rhea) is touring his hilarious new standup show. Raunchy, gay and not for the feint of heart, this seems like a delightfully small venue to catch the outrageous one man show.
Peep Show Thanksgiving with Carla Rossi – Little Tommy may be on vacay but there is no lack of talent in this Turkey day celebration of drag and performance. Hosted by wino Carla Rossi you’ll get to see favorites such as Fannie Mae Darling, Georgia Ray Babycakes and Melody Awesomazing while being introduced to some newcomers with fabulous names like Dionysus, ShpongledHoops and Austin Tatious. (Dammit why did I think of that drag name? I ever have an Austin necklace) Also, make sure you fight the tryptophan and wine induced coma to dance afterword with some of your favorite DJs.
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  Carmen Carrera from RuPaul's Drag Race makes an appearance Friday at Peep Show
Don’t forget the biggest fest of the weekend, Not Enough!, preview in this interview with organizers Sheana Corbridge and Edgar Frias.
Love Crimes: Faguette Disco – Haven’t seen DJ Girlfriends around in awhile so I’m glad to see him back and teaming up with another of Portland’s great lesbian loving and adorable gay DJs LunchLady. Advertising a cross of pulp fiction and Tom of Finland means a welcome infusion of irreverence to perk up a scene that hasn’t seen a new night in awhile. (Because we have so many good ones currently I know. Just sayin’…)
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  Legendary sissy bouncers Katey Red (L) with Big Freedia
Full list of Friday night events: https://archive.qpdx.com/events-this-week/2011-06-17/
Get Primped for Pride – A pre-funk where the goal is to get girly before you go out. Sexy beats by RoyGBiv and manicures from Nailed by Ally at the Eclexion Boutique (825 NW Glisan).
T*Party picnic – This family friendly event is actually one of my faves and a perfect mellow beginning to the weekend. Fill your belly with real food before entering the liquid diet phase amongst trans family and allies. There’s nothing cuter than little kiddos in drag, trust me.
Poison Waters & friends Happy Hour show – Another earlier in the day events means you can cram even more Pride into your Friday as legendary drag diva Poison Waters presents sequins, rhinestone’s, feathers and heels and laughs.
Q Center Concert series Pride edition “Hip to be Q” – Forget square, in this town it’s hip to be queer and this all ages event has an incredible lineup that will surely last hours upon hours. So here’s to hoping the kids these days have attention spans long enough to catch performances by singer/songwriter and rock icon Kaia Wilson, stoner drag twinsies ChiChi and Chonga, sexy Rose City Sirens, and flamboyantly dirty Fannie Mae Darling among others.
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  play/start celebrates the release of their new album 'The Alibi' Saturday at Saratoga
Don’t forget about PSU Pride. You can also prepare yourself for the weekend by making sure everyone’s safe at the Q Patrol training. And of course don’t forget the weekly Portland Idol and Drop Shop afterword (which I think is still happening?)
Q Center’s “Senior” Prom -Think pink and shake off the gray at this gay and lesbian community center re-imagining of that special adolescent night. Kickoff to the GG expo features dancing, entertainment and lite snacks for the 50+ set.
Feminist Film Society presents Temple Grandin – Claire Danes in sensible shoes in this early exploration of autism.
Twinks show premier party – RapidFire Productions premiers the show they’ve been filming at Scandals for the past month, but because it has the worst website implementation I’ve really ever seen, so I can’t tell you much about it.
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  Purple Rhinestone Eagle
Purple Rhinestone Eagle‘s Bad Dream Tour kickoff with Fucking Lesbian Bitches – “I don’t compromise. I’m metal..” And with hot local ladies making it you don’t have to. Seriously fuzzy riffs and bold but not scratchy vocals combine the best of 70s hard rock with punk and blues undertones. PRE’s new album The Great Return is out now and they’re ready to take their act on the road. Joined by FLB for their hometown farewell helps prove hardcore punk’s not dead, nor are ironic band titles with the word “lesbian” in them.
Hustle: A trans top surgery benefit dance party – It’s time to dance your boobs off with DJs Kinetic (Blowpony), Trans Fat (Maricon, Blowpony, Cafeteria) and Roy G Biv (Bent, Blowpony). Good cause and there’s bound to be trannies and chasers so take your pick.
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Rabbit Rabbit with Lisa Schonberg & Heather Treadway – Remember when you used to get excited about new bands? Well be prepared to feel that way again with 2 new projects taking the intimate stage at Mississippi Pizza (across the street from Mississippi Studios). Two of the ladies from Explode into Colors are exploding into another musical venture so new it doesn’t even have a name. Be prepared to swoon over Lisa’s skills on the drum set. Yeow!
Indie–Cent – Local Lounge is trying to make main drag MLK Blvd the place to be for queers and I think it might be working. I haven’t seen the busy strip so fun as lively as I have this year. As part of this effort the Local is adding regular dance nights that are small enough to feel neighborhoody and big enough to be a party. One of the first was JunKtion but they’re expanding a a twice a month (1st & 3rd Fridays) soiree which might have a slightly more masculine flavor with organizers Nathaniel Knows and Danny Merkury. But don’t worry, boys and girls alike rule this school!
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  Little Tommy Bang Bang host Mrs Sloppy Seconds
Culture Machine @ Disjecta – That oh-so-hip warehouse art space by the Dancin’ Bare and the Paul Bunyon actually is as cool as it seems. It certainly doesn’t hurt that one of our head homos, Kaj-Anne Pepper, will be part of the invading troupe. Culture Machine is a dance performance (and research tank) that is performed and created by Tahni Holt along with Kaj-Anne Pepper, Robert Tyree, Sallie Garrido-Spencer, Thomas Thorson, Suzanne Chi, and Dicky Dahl. It’s like a big queer DJ combined with a Reed thesis expressed through dance.
Drop Shop – Sultry new queer/stripper love hip hop night goes around for its second week. Was there any booty bouncing last week? Cuz I’m in the mood to shake my laffy taffy.
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  Dexter Flowers and Cooper Lee Bombardier perform Sunday at Not Enough! Festival
Bollywood Bike In with Qurbani – Giving Portland a little much needed cultural flavor local DJ Anjiali and Kid Sister are showing classic Bollywood films outside the Q Center (4115 N Mississippi) all month long. This week features Qurbani and I’m excited to see a South Asian take on the 80s…
Ratatat afterparty with Rude Dudes – Ratatat are not a gay band but they’re hipsters and isn’t that about the same thing in Portland these days? Don’t worry, they’ve teamed up with “Rude” homos for a spanktastic dance party and DJ set. This might be the most mellow Thursday I’ve seen in awhile.
Mendy’s Big Gay Boat Party – Do you need an excuse to bust out those Top-Siders and sailor hat? No, you don’t. But in case you want to fool around with others in sea garb this is your chance.
Forsorcerers with Hooray for Everything and Don’t – Didn’t think Portland could get any weirder? How about a queer fantasy metal band? Despite the schtick, hoever, Forsorcerers are incredibly talented drum and guitar heros that will aurally rock you into remembering why you love the rough stuff.
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