
Thanksgiving weekend with Tristan Taormino erotica, Just Us! for Monica Taylor, a Peaches Christ Blow Po and an Inferno of women

Have a gay Thanksgiving with this rainbow turkey and be thankful I didn't choose the image of the naked bear as meaty centerpiece


Riot Wednesdays present Riot: RewindDJ Rhienna keeps it real with cross colors early 90s hip hop style so you can go into the holiday season with a fond memories of Christmas music and fashion wishes past.


Portland’s young crowd from across the country often doesn’t have family in town or needs a break from family on holidays so nightlife goes on. But this year it seems everyone decided to stay in with wine and tryptophan induced coma. I’m totally ok with that…Happy Thanksgiving!

And for those of you who don’t have plans and are at a loss as to what to do our friends over at Dave Knows Portland put together a list of things to do on Thanksgiving (and Christmas day) every year!

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A weekend Gaylabration of peep shows, bears, candy and showgirls (Peaches Christ!)

Carmen Carrera from RuPaul's Drag Race makes an appearance Friday at Peep Show

Don’t forget the biggest fest of the weekend, Not Enough!, preview in this interview with organizers Sheana Corbridge and Edgar Frias.


Love Crimes: Faguette Disco – Haven’t seen DJ Girlfriends around in awhile so I’m glad to see him back and teaming up with another of Portland’s great lesbian loving and adorable gay DJs LunchLady. Advertising a cross of pulp fiction and Tom of Finland means a welcome infusion of irreverence to perk up a scene that hasn’t seen a new night in awhile. (Because we have so many good ones currently I know. Just sayin’…)

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