  Wicked Awesome's Freddie Fagula
There’s plenty of gay Halloween happenings this weekend but one of the most different and fun is Friday’s Wicked Awesome. This 2 level party features costumed dancing upstairs and a host of amazing cover bands downstairs. Even the music is in the spirit of dressing in disguise! But it’s still awesome, wicked awesome, because it mixes the skills of our local talent with the fun of past pop songs, and brings together those who like to dance with those who just like to listen. So basically, it’s the Halloween party for everybody. I had an amazing time last year as well as at it’s similar predecessor All Homo’s Eve. So read the interview with organizer Freddie Fagula below to find out what all the fuss is about and I’ll see you Friday. Because you’ll regret it if you don’t go.
qPDX: What gave you the idea of a Halloween party centered around cover bands?
Freddie Fagula: Olympia! Halloween cover bands show every year at the Capital Theater. So fun. All the punks and the queers and hipsters together. I moved here and had some lack-luster Halloweens in Portland and decided that was what was missing. Wicked Awesome is gay-er, but has a lot of the same spirit.
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  Claw vs. Claw plays Saturday at the 1 year anniversary of Rebel Girl
Don’t forget Electrogals, which continues all week. And check out an interview with founder Heather Perkins from earlier in the week.
Fist: Electro queer night – New dance night at a new venue. And we like new and different don’t we? Jams from DJ Hookerface so be prepared. This is an electro night and Hooker and I used to rave a decade ago so shit’s gonna be real, and hella danceable.
Smutty Clown open mic – Here in P-Town we like to make everything dirty. So naturally, we already had dirty poetry, now we need dirty comedy. I’m a huge fan of the innuendo myself, as anyone who has spent time with me after 5 o’clock can tell you. I also appreciate sexy comedians. So who knows what to expect from those signing up but it’s hosted by Whitney Streed and Sterling Clark (basically the template they used for Portlandia‘s “…all the hot girls wear glasses… line) so you know it’ll be off to a good start.
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  Gaycation's Mr Charming performing at Booty back in the day...i comes full circle in the inner SE gay strip...
Don’t forget to keep your eyes in Latino Gay Pride all weekend long!
Poison Waters & friends happy hour show – Good ol’ fashioned drag divaliciousness in the relaxed atmosphere of Al’s Den at the new Crystal Hotel.
Jelly Roll – This is billed as a party for fat folkes and allies but I think it’s going to be much more than that. I hear that one of the best dressed backup dancers I’ve ever seen, Melody Awesomazing, will be performing. I can’t think of a better way to start of a weekend of chub empowerment than with her glitter facial hair and neon stockings.
Chicka–Boom–Boom – Records by ladies, spun by ladies. More info from Lyska earlier in the week.
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  Leslie and the Lys will perform at Blow Pony
Full schedule of Saturday events: https://archive.qpdx.com/events-this-week/2011-06-18/
Dyke March 2011 – Don’t get confused or show up late, this adventure of “how many exes does it take to screw in a lightbulb and organize a dyke march” may be ridiculous in its ever-changing lineup of organizers but its worth it to keep it going. We had grand ideas last year to take it over and make it as big and great as San Fran’s but my compatriot up and ran away to said city by the Bay. So instead I’ll just be another marching lezzie. But that’s quite a force in P-Town, even if we are running to catch up an hour late…
Doll House Pride Edition – I may not usually be into chains but Hamburger Mary’s is a fun implementation of a great idea gay/drag laid back restaurant franchise. The atmosphere is friendly and they’ve given the prime Pride real estate of Saturday night over to the ladies.
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  Joan Rivers is in town Saturday and she is indeed a piece of work!
Most of us are likely tired (and perhaps a little wounded) by a night out ringing in the New Year but there’s no rest for the wicked. This weekend might be a tad slower than usual but there’s plenty of not to be missed gay weekend events.
Dirtbag! – Just recently revealed as one of the best new club nights of the year catch DB while it’s at its peak.
Drop Shop with Exstasy – Hot, hip hop, dancing sweating boys and girls. The perfect party for the breadth of your pals.
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  Friday is going to be ridiculous, including Dolly Parton Hoot Night...
Holy goddess-mother it’s Pride season and there’s going to be a helluv a lot of ways to have fun this summer from here on out. I’ll do my best to highlight with I think sounds best but, you know, feel free to school me…
QDoc – Um yeah, this is actually all weekend. Get it while the gettin’s good. Opening party tonight with the hottest old drag queen and director Michelle Lawler. Hell yeah!
First Thursday – You already know about it if you’re artsy, and a lotta us gays are. But you should definitely check out Brent Pruitt’s Commie Pinko Fag exhibit at the Men’s Wellness Center and Audrey Lawson’s Queer Sex senior thesis show at PNCA.
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 Trans Revolution dance party returns to Crush tomorrow
Just because you are trying to stick to your New Year’s resolution of not drinking, or at least drinking less, doesn’t mean your social calendar should suffer. We may be experiencing the post-holiday doldrums of grey and rainy January but there is still plenty of queer excitement left in the humid air.
This weekend sees at least 3 big events, the 3rd anniversary of the popular smut fest Dirty Queer, the return of the genderiffic Trans Revolution dance party and the continuation of the popular Homomentum performance cabaret.
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 Delilah Sinn teases with her rubber ducky routine
Saturday’s second installment of Homomentum: Timewarp Talent Show hit the E Room like a ton of bricks and we have the snapshots to prove it.
Host Max Voltage was charming as ever in spectacles and rainbow suspenders, introducing a cadre of fun, if not particularly thematic, acts.
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 Homomentum's Timewarp Talent show this Saturday
Last month’s inaugural Homomentum installment was a freaky success and this sophomore expedition into our past this Saturday should be just as enjoyable. I can’t wait to see some mall hair, and stiff high bangs when the folks from Pants Off Productions bring on the Timewarp Talent Show.
This month’s performance pleasures include burlesque from Jodi Bon Jodi and Venus Envy, hip hop dance from Under the Radar, and the dragtastic spectacle that is Feyonce.
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