There’s plenty of gay Halloween happenings this weekend but one of the most different and fun is Friday’s Wicked Awesome. This 2 level party features costumed dancing upstairs and a host of amazing cover bands downstairs. Even the music is in the spirit of dressing in disguise! But it’s still awesome, wicked awesome, because it mixes the skills of our local talent with the fun of past pop songs, and brings together those who like to dance with those who just like to listen. So basically, it’s the Halloween party for everybody. I had an amazing time last year as well as at it’s similar predecessor All Homo’s Eve. So read the interview with organizer Freddie Fagula below to find out what all the fuss is about and I’ll see you Friday. Because you’ll regret it if you don’t go.
qPDX: What gave you the idea of a Halloween party centered around cover bands?
Freddie Fagula: Olympia! Halloween cover bands show every year at the Capital Theater. So fun. All the punks and the queers and hipsters together. I moved here and had some lack-luster Halloweens in Portland and decided that was what was missing. Wicked Awesome is gay-er, but has a lot of the same spirit.
qPDX: This is the second year for Wicked Awesome, although it seemed to sort of start with All Homo’s Eve in 2009. What’s been important to keep from last year and what will be different?
FF: Keeping? A super strong, super talented DJ line-up. Changing? The bands are downstairs, on a bigger stage. There’s a bit more variety to the genres people are covering. More decorations too. It’s gonna be turned out.
How many cover bands are there in total? What are some of the cover bands you’re most excited about seeing, or just that you’d like to highlight and why?
We have seven bands. Naturally, Georgina Michelle has a lot of buzz, because several of their members did Heart last year and KILLED IT. [ed note: They did. They really did. I had Heart stuck in my head for weeks and I didn’t even care]. They have back-up singers, a sax solo-ist…full on! I could say something about every single band….Sheanna Corbridge is gonna make a really bangin’ Exene Cervenka, I’m sure. Do N’ Dudes is kinda legendary and will have everyone dancing. Megatalica? Who doesn’t want to see ladies shredding on Master of Puppets? Feyonce, our stunning Mistress of Ceremonies, will do a special number with one of the bands too! I could go on and on.

Audrey, Log Lady and Agent Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks at last year's Wicked Awesome. Bloodhound Photography
Tell us about the costume contest. I hear there are categories? What else can we expect? What are some of the prizes? Any recommendations for preparing?
Creativity will take you far. Sexy fill-in-the-blank is not gonna win you anything, UNLESS there’s a twist. Categories are: Best Celebrity look-a-like or Current Event; Scariest Costume; Most Creative, Unique, and Unexpected Costume, and The Grand Prize, which could combine any of those elements. The audience picks the winner.
What have been some of your favorite costumes from the past couple Halloween parties you’ve put on. Any costume rumors you’ve heard and are looking forward to?
Brandie and Stan as the Toddlers in Tiaras in ’10 and the Juggalos in ’09. They are kind of the Susan Lucci of Wicked Awesome. They really got robbed but had amazing, over-the-top stuff. I did love the 2010 winners: Your Lesbian Professors. Subtle costumes but they were in character and charmed their way to the Grand Prize.
Any advice for those procrastinators still looking?
If you’re thinking “Is this worth it? Is it too complicated? Is it too much work to put together?” The answer is yes, no, no. Do it. Look at the Blood Hound Photography booth from last year. It’s so good.
What else do you want qPDX readers to know about this year’s Wicked Awesome?
People love this party. They start asking me about it in July. I keep the cover low so everybody can come even if they want to party hop. If bands aren’t your thing, there will be dancing non-stop upstairs all night. Bands start downstairs at 9 and the cover is only $6 before 10pm, so get there early. You don’t want to miss anything!
Also, an additional note to guests of Wicked Awesome: It’s important to the organizer of this event that people of color in our community be able to enjoy Halloween without seeing white people wearing offensive costumes. Specifically, please do not dress up as a any characterization of another race or ethnicity that is not your own, even if you think it is a tribute and not intended to stereo-type or parody disrespectfully. It is not your place as a white person to use other cultures as costumes on a holiday. Guests of the party who do will be asked to leave, with the option of changing outfits and coming back. Be creative and don’t disrespect. Thanks
[…] Interview with Halloween cover band party Wicked Awesome’s creator Freddie Fagula […]