
Interview with Halloween cover band party Wicked Awesome’s creator Freddie Fagula

Wicked Awesome's Freddie Fagula

There’s plenty of gay Halloween happenings this weekend but one of the most different and fun is Friday’s Wicked Awesome. This 2 level party features costumed dancing upstairs and a host of amazing cover bands downstairs. Even the music is in the spirit of dressing in disguise! But it’s still awesome, wicked awesome, because it mixes the skills of our local talent with the fun of past pop songs,  and brings together those who like to dance with those who just like to listen. So basically, it’s the Halloween party for everybody. I had an amazing time last year as well as at it’s similar predecessor All Homo’s Eve. So read the interview with organizer Freddie Fagula below to find out what all the fuss is about and I’ll see you Friday. Because you’ll regret it if you don’t go.

qPDX: What gave you the idea of a Halloween party centered around cover bands?

Freddie Fagula: Olympia!  Halloween cover bands show every year at the Capital Theater. So fun. All the punks and the queers and hipsters together.  I moved here and had some lack-luster Halloweens in Portland and decided that was what was missing. Wicked Awesome is gay-er, but has a lot of the same spirit.

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Weekend picks, Halloween edition

Fannie Mae Darling in 'Trannysnatchers'

This is the weekend that all the gay ghouls come out of the woodwork for All Hallow’s Eve mayhem. So whether your pleasure is tricks or treats there’s bound to be a party, or 2, for you.


Cafeteria, HomoDeluxe and Drop ShopThursday isn’t particularly spooky, although I have no doubts there will be some excellent costumes at “lunch trays and ghoulish gays” themed Cafeteria. Dead lunch ladies? Zombie assistant principals? Vampire cheerleaders?


Crave‘s Halloween Bash – Sexy undead go go dancers and the chance to show your own go go off with costume prizes in several categories like originality, scariest, sexiest, nerdiest and cutest couple. The featured drink of the night is ‘Monster Punch,’ sweet/sour and strong, and it’s only 2 bucks before 10. Plus VIP passes and incentives for friends makes this the it party for girls.

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