  Seattle's LA Kendall will make a PDX appearance Friday at Bent
Sweet Tea – Sounds like the perfect summer refresher for those St Johns gays.
Dirtbag! – Your stellar dance party with the Smiths happy ending (is that an oxymoron?) takes up residence at my favorite Alberta dive once again.
Bent with special guests – Lifepartner will be at the decks along with Seattle superstar LA Kendall who rocks not just the dance floor but the business end, booking successful parties and performers alike. She’s also a producer/performer in her own right as one half of electro-pop-raptresses Luxury A.K. Bent is always a good time but this one will be a night to remember (or, perhaps, forget…).
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  The Dolly Pops perform as part of End of the Rainbow
Oh my god, today is the day! So shake off that 3 day hangover and get your ass to the big Pride Parade…Make it Happen! And check out the earlier route and Waterfront Festival maps in case you’ve forgotten. Gay Standard Time is probably ok but the route is short so don’t miss it! And once you’re done with downtown it ain’t over yet, as there seem to be more Sunday afternoon and nighttime events than ever!
Families of Color Day Out picnic – Sunday is a perfect day for winding down and slowly easing yourself out of Pride weekend. I’ve often gone to informal friend BBQs but people of color might want to consider the larger group gathering in North Portland’s Kenton Park. SO grab the hot dogs and the ribs and show your out of town guests what a NW picnic in the shadow of the big Paul Bunyan statue really means.
7th annual Pride Block Party – Today’s the day when Stark Street really is gay again as Red Cap/Boxes closes down the triangle to outsiders in favor of colorful tents that contain some of the best daytime dancing and performance I’ve seen. Hosted by San Francisco’s Trannyshack momma Heklina, the block party, open mere moments after the parade at 1pm, features performances by the Rose City Sirens, ChiChi and Chonga, and (can it be?) all the Miss Thing winners of 2010.
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  Legendary sissy bouncers Katey Red (L) with Big Freedia
Full list of Friday night events: https://archive.qpdx.com/events-this-week/2011-06-17/
Get Primped for Pride – A pre-funk where the goal is to get girly before you go out. Sexy beats by RoyGBiv and manicures from Nailed by Ally at the Eclexion Boutique (825 NW Glisan).
T*Party picnic – This family friendly event is actually one of my faves and a perfect mellow beginning to the weekend. Fill your belly with real food before entering the liquid diet phase amongst trans family and allies. There’s nothing cuter than little kiddos in drag, trust me.
Poison Waters & friends Happy Hour show – Another earlier in the day events means you can cram even more Pride into your Friday as legendary drag diva Poison Waters presents sequins, rhinestone’s, feathers and heels and laughs.
Q Center Concert series Pride edition “Hip to be Q” – Forget square, in this town it’s hip to be queer and this all ages event has an incredible lineup that will surely last hours upon hours. So here’s to hoping the kids these days have attention spans long enough to catch performances by singer/songwriter and rock icon Kaia Wilson, stoner drag twinsies ChiChi and Chonga, sexy Rose City Sirens, and flamboyantly dirty Fannie Mae Darling among others.
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  BabyPuppySailorSuit showing off his 4Loko bling.
For a full list of Thursday events: https://archive.qpdx.com/events-this-week/2011-06-16/
Preludes to Pride at the Record Room – Wanna start off slow for a big climax? Lounge it out at the Record Room (8 NE Killingsworth) with DJ Shoshana spinning Charo to Chicks on Speed, T-Rex to XX, Little Milton to Biggie Smalls amongst real, actual records that you can peruse, and a beer and wine bar.
Queerlandia! – Remember, we’re not just gay, we’re Portlanders too, which means we’re a little offbeat and super awesome. It also means we like to combine our FREE club nights and killer DJs with performances (in this case ChiChi and Chonga, Devan McGrath, electro hip hopper Baby Puppy Sailor Suit and more) and arts and crafts from the likes of Field Work Objects and Jewelry, Becca (underwear), Greg LeMieux (DIY bliss objects). And, of course, gay Feng Shui with Rob Loucks.
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 Queens... keeping the galaxy safe from boredom.
I knew it. Somewhere, deep in the solar system, is a planet where only women can gaycation. Well, mostly drag queens really, but that’s better in my opinion. In 1991, the famous San Francisco drag queen, Doris Fish, released a really low budget movie called, Vegas in Space. She’d been scraping money together for eight years before she could actualize her dream. The best part? Vegas in Space is based on a party she threw.
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  Butt Plug Klub welcomes Kaj-Anne Pepper back to PDSex
What else do you really need to do this weekend but ensconce yourself in QDoc? OK, fine. Here’s a bunch of other cool stuff, but I’m tired, so commentary is short.
Dirtbag! – No less a fabulous femme kickass DJ than she ever was, Gutter Glamour has reemerged from the chrysalis as Bruce la Bruiser. Joined by guest Freddie Fagula the DJ duo will get you on the floor and make you weep all in one. It’s a free party in the heart of Alberta that will slyly introduce new wave to the pop laden queer scene and I, for one, embrace the infiltration.
Sweet Tea at the Fixin’ To – I think it’s awesome that there’s a neighborhood queer night up in St Johns. And really I’ve been meaning to go. But when there’s so much awesome Thursday action in inner NoPo it’s hard to truck out to the 8000 block. Still, I hear it’s awesome. Let me know?
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  Dirty drag diva Fannie Mae Darling will perform at tonight's Peep Show 1st anniversary
I’m lame and don’t have time for my usual witty posting but I didn’t want you to forget about these 2 awesome events tonight:
KnowHomo queer trivia at Sloans (Williams and Russell)
Join us for our inaugural queer trivia night at sloans! gather your local homoknow-it-alls in teams of 5 or less. $1/person to play.
Top teams will be rewarded with CASH PRIZES! Prizes also to best team name & team with lowest points!
Peep Show One Year Anniversary at Red Cap (The Stark Triangle)
Make sure not to miss our very special Peep Show One Year Anniversary Show!!! We are bringing back many of our all time favorite performers from the past year and it is going to be AMAAAAZING!
NO COVER!!! $2.50 well drinks!!! Amazing entertainment!!!
With performances by…
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Yours truly was too lazy to make it out into the rain on a school night but luckily Melody Awesomazing and Myriah J. Day were there to not only catch all the action on “film” (um, SD card?) but took up room on the stage and in brilliant flashy costumery. I’m sad I missed the show, but happy I get to see evidence in the photo gallery below.
And […]
  Teenage dream Kaia wilson sings songs from her 90s rock roots Friday at Mississippi Pizza
Neal Morgan, Hungry Ghost, STLS & New-Dadz DJ Association – Get in the drum line for this booming early show at The Know (2026 NE Alberta). Percussion punk is alive and well in Northeast.
The Cafeteria with guest DJ Mr Charming – Lunch trays and crunk gays is the perfect neighborhood dance spot for the almost weekend. In case you’ve missed Mr Charming at any of her other super successful parties and appearances lately you get another chance. She and DJ Lunch Lady made it rain downstairs at Blow Pony last weekend and this will be the same, except smaller and more elite.
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  Blow Pony's 4th anniversary this weekend
Sweet Basil‘s Grand re-opening – Would you like some drag with your Pad Thai? I’m excited for them, because I want this to be more than a restaurant. Their food is pretty delicious, but can be hit or miss. Everything tastes fresh, but inconsistent (just like top 40’s pop).
Being told, that this is a gay establishment, I was expecting to feel at home right when I walked through the doors. You know, a queen in full glory, handing you menus and a shot. I don’t want Hamburger Mary’s to have the market on “out and proud”. I think Beaverton moms should be exposed to the haircuts they should have had. I also think that your food should taste as good as the fun you’re having. Really, I wanted more gay. I like when VERY straight people feel a little uncomfortable. It isn’t exclusion… it’s gossipy community.
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