  Butt Plug Klub welcomes Kaj-Anne Pepper back to PDSex
What else do you really need to do this weekend but ensconce yourself in QDoc? OK, fine. Here’s a bunch of other cool stuff, but I’m tired, so commentary is short.
Dirtbag! – No less a fabulous femme kickass DJ than she ever was, Gutter Glamour has reemerged from the chrysalis as Bruce la Bruiser. Joined by guest Freddie Fagula the DJ duo will get you on the floor and make you weep all in one. It’s a free party in the heart of Alberta that will slyly introduce new wave to the pop laden queer scene and I, for one, embrace the infiltration.
Sweet Tea at the Fixin’ To – I think it’s awesome that there’s a neighborhood queer night up in St Johns. And really I’ve been meaning to go. But when there’s so much awesome Thursday action in inner NoPo it’s hard to truck out to the 8000 block. Still, I hear it’s awesome. Let me know?
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 “Cooking for Charity and Fame”
Hamburger Mary’s Bar & Grille Portland is proud to introduce to you our premiere annual competition called “Iron Mary” where competitors get the opportunity to cook for charity and fame. Hamburger Mary’s Portland has teamed up with the Cascade AIDS Project (CAP) to create this competition with various challenges meant to raise awareness of the AIDS epidemic which affects us all.
This competition has several weekly challenges that are meant to test one’s capacity to turn ordinary food into something legendary while reaching out to the community. “Iron Mary” is set to begin on Tuesday, May 3rd and its winner will be selected on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011.
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Thousands of people turned out for this year's AIDS Walk to support the efforts of Cascade AIDS Project.
Yesterday morning crowds gathered in Pioneer Square to walk in solidarity for Cascade AIDS Project’s annual AIDS Walk. Teams and individuals raised enough funds to meet CAP’s financial goal for the event (total funds are still being tallied and will be available here by Oct. 13th).
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  Rufus Wainwright plays tonight as part of the TBA Festival
Rufus Wainwright with the Oregon Symphony – Portland’s yearly Time Based Art festival is pretty epic and pretty gay in and of itself. But tonight’s opening act is sure to be one of the more memorable musical collaborations. This celebrated male vocalist has had immense success as a pop star but easily scored an entire opera, Prima Donna, as well. On the last stop in his North American tour Wainwright will entries from his latest opera, performed by local soprano Janis Kelly as well as some “classical” Rufus that will showcase the composer’s own vocal range when he sings two concert pieces by French composer Hector Berlioz.
Dirtbag – Jenny Bruso’s Alberta queer non-poppy sweat dance party this week with guest DJ Lick My Battery. It’s real. It’s raw. And it’s damn good.
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 Diva Debauchery, who won the "Ms." title, rocking a parasol during the swimwear portion of the competition.
As an annual Portland Pride tradition, a competition was held over the weekend for the title of Mr./Ms./Miss PDX Pride. Tons of people showed up to cheer on their favorite contestants and give support the cause. The pageant was produced by the talented Jersey Scities, dual emceed by Adrienne Alexander […]
 The Mad Hatter makes an appearance at CC Slaughter's Superstar Divas
Photographer Mike Burt was on the scene again Saturday to catch the Cascade AIDS Project‘s 21st Annual Art Evening & Auction featuring dinner, oral and silent auctions of over 200 juried artworks. Check out the photo gallery of CAP’s event.
Mike was back out and about Sunday to catch photos from the 3rd anniversary of Superstar […]
Don’t miss your chance to voice your concerns about issues affecting the local LGBTQ community when Mayor Sam Adams takes the podium tonight at the Q Center (4115 N Mississippi) for a Queer Town Hall meeting.
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community and friends are invited to participate in a Portland Plan town hall event on April 12, 2010. Mayor Sam Adams will lead the discussion, which is co-facilitated by Jeana Frazzini of Basic Rights Oregon, Kendall Clawson of the Q Center, Michael Kaplan of Cascade AIDS Project, and representatives from the Sexual Minorities Youth Resource Center (SMYRC).
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Tomorrow’s many activities mark the 21st Annual World AIDS Day, a time to recognize not only the 25 million individuals lost to HIV and AIDS, but the 33 million global citizens living with the HIV virus today. World AIDS Day Portland lists numerous stories, resources, events and workshops happening throughout the day and for the next week.
To mark world AIDS Day and raise awareness throughout the Portland Metropolitan area, HIV/AIDS service organizations with both domestic and international focus have come together to implement the Nine and a Half Minutes Campaign for 2009. Through this campaign, we envision hundreds of groups – from schools to community-based organizations – to mobilize short actions, events, or campaigns all over the Portland-metropolitan area to raise awareness for 21st Annual World AIDS Day.
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Cascade Aids Project is starting a new educational series intended for volunteers and community members who want to be informed HIV and AIDS. The series of discussions, led by professionals and community leaders, will take place once ever two months at the Q Center (4115 N Mississippi Ave).
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Oregon’s Republican Senator Gordon Smith
There has been much bruhaha over this year’s Portland AIDS Walk. Two candidates in a volatile and closely watched Senate race, Republican incumbent Gordon Smith and Democratic challenger Jeff Merkley, were both scheduled to attend. However, Gordon Smith was supposed to speak and LGBT Dems were most certainly upset that Cascade AIDS Project chose to let Smith speak.
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