
Not Enough Prom nights, Blow Ponies, JunKtions, fashion shows or art this Memorial weekend? Hardly

Double Duchess perform Saturday at Blow Pony


Not Enough! benefit dance party – Last Thursday becoming a bit too tame and straight and bridge and tunnel for you? It’s our chance to queer it back up while raising some funds for Not Enough! and having a gay ol’ time.

AIDS Walk kickoff party and Swimwear fashion show

Prom Night at the Cafeteria – Creator DJ Lunch Lady promises to a spiked punch bowl and a pregnancy scare at this wonderful reimagining of the high school night you never had (even if you did go, was it really all you dreamed?). Double bonus for not fearing expulsion and for me to use one of my favorite phrases, “I’m off like a prom dress.”

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PSU Pride presents Dawn of the Day of the Living Queer

Pride season is summatime, the season of short shorts and no more teachers, dirty looks. But colleges and universities love a queer too, so they start the season off early. And PSU’s week of LGBT Pride starts tomorrow with Dawn of the Day of the Living Queer. It has quite the lineup, (including li’l ol’ me with a tiny pile of last year’s stickers). It’s supposed to be a sunny and beautiful day in the park blocks from 4-9p as Tender Forever, play/start, NO/HO/MO and more take the stage.

I just recently saw Tender Forever, aka Melanie Valera, kill it at Saratoga. With a new album and all over her emo-electro charisma, Valera is sincere and swoon-worthy. Even I was charmed by her slight French accent as she convinced the audience to catch her crowd surfing. And I did see someone filming my favorite performance trick of hers, controlling the beats with a pair of WiiMotes, but they disappeared before I could commandeer the recording for the site. (But I have another chance, and with better light!)

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Weekend full of Rae Spoon, a CJ & the Dolls Bent, FOC Fest, Queer Youth Summit, Notorious Neon, and a ‘Divine’ Mrs.

Rae Spoon plays tonight at Saratoga

Rae Spoon with Tender Forever – I don’t know too much about Rae Spoon but this musician from Montreal produces dance-able electro-pop with a deep sense of longing. And he’s apparently a big deal as excitement for this show has reached a fever pitch. I mean, he is real cute in a pink sailor hat. He’s be joined by the equally longing filled local (well, now) Tender Forever. Her beats range from dark and melancholy to nearly pop electronic and always include something interesting like video background or controlling a virtual drum snare with Wiimotes. Ok, I have to admit I’m pretty damn excited too.


Bent features CJ & the Dolls – In a very special pre-tour event, CJ & the Dolls, will be performing at and generally fluffing the crowd at this weekend’s Bent. It’ll be just a taste of what’s to come from the band, as we’ve got a project in the works. And if you thought there was excitement for Thursday night, it ain’t got nothin’ on FriGay the 13th (thanks for that one Mr Charming). The crowd will be filled with intense sexy doll makeup and fierce nails courtesy pre-party nail-fest from Nailed by Ally.

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Cinco de Mayo, Dirtbag and clothes with baggage, Homo’s Got Talent, Bulimianne’s last Butt Plug Klub & 8 1/2 DJs

2010 Homo's Got Talent winner Kaj-Anne Pepper


These Clothes have Baggage art opening – Q Center hosts a photographic show by Geoff Watland examining the role that clothing and personal keepsakes have on our memories of love, gender identity and expression and more.

Cindo de Mayo party at the Flipside – Salem seems to take advantage of all the right drinkers holidays at their pop gay club the Flipside. So get Latin/American and celebrate this weird holiday that doesn’t really mean anything in Mexico. But here it means latin pride and drink specials so hey…

Dirtbag! A stellar dance party – The only night that culminated with a 1AM Smiths dance climax. And besides this is how last month’s free party was described “…kinda totally awesome and dreamy and everyone was making out and feeling fucking free and stuff…”

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Peep show anniversary and KnowHomo gay trivia tonight!

Dirty drag diva Fannie Mae Darling will perform at tonight's Peep Show 1st anniversary

I’m lame and don’t have time for my usual witty posting but I didn’t want you to forget about these 2 awesome events tonight:

KnowHomo queer trivia at Sloans (Williams and Russell)

Join us for our inaugural queer trivia night at sloans! gather your local homoknow-it-alls in teams of 5 or less. $1/person to play.
Top teams will be rewarded with CASH PRIZES! Prizes also to best team name & team with lowest points!

Peep Show One Year Anniversary at Red Cap (The Stark Triangle)

Make sure not to miss our very special Peep Show One Year Anniversary Show!!! We are bringing back many of our all time favorite performers from the past year and it is going to be AMAAAAZING!

NO COVER!!! $2.50 well drinks!!! Amazing entertainment!!!

With performances by…

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Poison Waters helps usher in the new Crystal Hotel

Poison Waters

The Stark Street triangle may not wholly belong to us gays anymore, but we’re at least invited to the grand opening celebration of the newest gentrification venture, the new McMenamins Crystal Hotel.

The three days of celebration, starting today, features musical performances by the Corin Tucker Band tonight and ends daily with headliner M. Ward at the Crystal Ballroom.

Local drag legend Poison Waters also hosts a daily free performance at 5:30 at Al’s Den in the basement of the new hotel.

Check out the full schedule below:

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Fat Fancy sale, ‘Adults’ film screening, Blow Pony and live music from Tender Hooves this weekend

Happy Easter, Vernal Equinox, holidaze...


Q Center film series presents The Adults in the Room – Edgy and engaging, independent filmmaker Andy Blubaugh tells the tale of his affair with a man nearly twice his age, as a 15-year-old in the mid 90s. The hyrbid documentary/narrative film combines re-enactments of their troubled romance and Andy and interviews relationship columnist Dan Savage, educators and social workers to explore this thorny issue of adolescent sexuality and the relationships that make us who we are.

Discos! Discos! A Tropical Dance Party Spring edition – DJ Zac Eno leads this celebration of global bass musics including Cumbia, Baile Funk, Reggaeton, and electro African styles.  This month also features a live baile funk/Moombahton set by Chaach.

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A week of Burlesque with ‘Dangerous Curves” & the ‘Rosehip Revue’

Dangerous Curves

Portland is good at a few things: brewing beer and coffee, paving the way for bicyclists, and performative sex. By that I mean that we have some of the highest per capita strip clubs in the nation, as many would put it. But we’re way better than that even. Because we have nuanced and artsy, but no less sexy, burlesque performances that go way beyond any mere striptease. And this week we’ve got 2 big ‘uns.

Dangerous Curves this Wednesday at Red Cap (12th and Stark) is bringing the nation’s premier touring burlesque troupe to our fair city featuring the likes of Anita Cookie, Clams Casino, Darlinda Just Darlinda, GiGi La Femme & Minnie Tonka, who have been called everything from “mastermidn fo bizarre extravaganza” to “charmingly inebriated, hilarious and sizzling hot.” Their Brooklyn flavor will be a lovely balance to our Northwest palettes, represented by Baby Le’Strange, Hai Fleisch and ChiChi and Chonga.

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Photos from last night’s ‘Peep Show’

Yours truly was too lazy to make it out into the rain on a school night but luckily Melody Awesomazing and Myriah J. Day were there to not only catch all the action on “film” (um, SD card?) but took up room on the stage and in brilliant flashy costumery. I’m sad I missed the show, but happy I get to see evidence in the photo gallery below.

And […]

Learn about the ‘Birds & the Bees’ and ‘feel like you did when you were 16’ in the Cafeteria with Homomentum, Kaia Wilson, STLS, the Butt Plug Klub

Teenage dream Kaia wilson sings songs from her 90s rock roots Friday at Mississippi Pizza


Neal Morgan, Hungry Ghost, STLS & New-Dadz DJ AssociationGet in the drum line for this booming early show at The Know (2026 NE Alberta). Percussion punk is alive and well in Northeast.

The Cafeteria with guest DJ Mr Charming – Lunch trays and crunk gays is the perfect neighborhood dance spot for the almost weekend. In case you’ve missed Mr Charming at any of her other super successful parties and appearances lately you get another chance. She and DJ Lunch Lady made it rain downstairs at Blow Pony last weekend and this will be the same, except smaller and more elite.

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