
Lewis and Clark brings its Gender Studies Symposium for a 31st time around

For those of us no longer ensconced in the world of academia but who want the opportunity to have thought-provoking discussions on gender and sexuality the annual Lewis and Clark Gender Studies Symposium is the perfect opportunity. This three day exploration, now in its 31st year (whoa, that’s a long time, longer than I’ve been alive) takes place this Wednesday through Friday. (Complete schedule linked below)

The 2012 […]

ChatPDX’s Ernesto Dominguez receives Youth Leadership Award (video)

Task Force Deputy Executive Director of External Relations Russell Roybal presents Ernesto Dominguez with the Youth Leadership Award.

Local youth, HIV/AIDS and immigration activist Ernesto Dominguez isn’t new to winning awards. A year and a half ago Dominguez received the HRC’s student activist award and he just recently accepted the the Paul A. Anderson Youth Leadership Award for his work with ChatPDX, a collaboration between organizations and individuals working to curb HIV and AIDS transmission among young people through peer education and outreach, HIV testing, youth services and social media, and with Advocates for Youth, which also aims to help teens make informed decisions around sex.

You can see video of Dominguez’s acceptance speech, given at the Creating Change conference in Baltimore, MD, Tuesday January 31st, put on by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. In it he powerfully equates LGBT and immigration rights saying, “LGBT rights are immigrant rights, and immigrant rights are LGBT rights,” and basically gives us all hope for the future of our young people. (I can say that now that I am a solidly adult 30 year old right?)

The video, as well as a transcript of his acceptance speech, are below.

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Q Center announces merger with SMYRC

  There have been a lot of changes in the queer community recently.  This week, Q Center and SMYRC  announced that they will join forces. SMYRC is a non-profit Sexual Minority Youth Resource Center that provides counseling and other services for queer youth.

Previously, a  program of Cascadia Behavioral Health Care, SMYRC served between 700-1,000 youths a year. SMYRC’s current location will close down and all programs will continue through the Q Center. According the the Q Center’s website, this merger will strengthen the center’s youth and adult programs while still providing stability for SMYRC affairs. So far feedback has been positive although some have raised concerns.

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Ethos announces new queer Executive Director

 Ethos, a Portland non-profit organization, recently announced its new Executive Director. Jedidiah Chavez, who is also a known artist,has worked as the Ethos development director since 2008. Since then, Chavez has increased revenue by 30% and secured 1.5 million for capital improvements to the North Portland locations. Ethos currently operates three facilities in Portland. The after school program operates in 34 urban elementary and middle schools.  Being the largest community music school in Oregon, Ethos is able to reach out to both inner city and rural youth-providing quality music education.

Chavez, a gay Latino, has not only done an amazing job with Ethos, he is also known for his personal work with-in the community. Chavez coordinated the Safe Schools Inititave, which is a statewide effort to reduce bullying and harassment in Oregon Public schools as marketing and major gifts officer for Equity Foundation. He has also held leaderships positions with the YMCA’s Jack, Will and Rob Center, the University of Western States and also Gertrude Press.

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Best LGBT sports stories of 2011

We begin this year’s bests once again with the top 5 sports stories of 2011. Tune in every days for the first days of 2012 to wish 2011 farewell. […]

Spread Awareness! World AIDS Day NW

World AIDS Day 12/1/ 2011

Thursday, December 1rst, marks the 23rd annual World AIDS Day. This year will be the 30th anniversary of the first documented case of AIDS. World AIDS Day recognizes the 25 million people whom lost their lives due to the HIV and AIDS virus. Currently, there are about 33 million individuals living with the HIV virus. A recent landmark study showed that healthy people on antiretrovirals, can limit the transmission of the virus by 96%.

President Obama along with George W. Bush will be speaking at an event hosted by the ONE campaign, for a program called “The Beginning of the End of AIDS.” The LIVE broadcast (10am EST-Thursday) will also include a panel discussion with Bill Clinton, Alicia Keys, Bono and more. On a more local scale, The Equality Foundation and Pride Foundation are partnering up to support the Planned Parenthood of Southwest Oregon (PPSO) initiative- this will provide free HIV testing for low income LGBTQ youth. These tests will be administered by PPSO staff at the following health centers: Florence and Cottage Grove (Lane Co.), Ashland and Medford (Jackson Co.), and Grants Pass in Josephine county.

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Hosford Middle School GSA’s rendition of ‘Born This Way’

The kids are all right. And even tweens can be endearing when they’re dancing to Lady Gaga songs. This is from Hosford Middle School‘s Gay-Straight Alliance (it can be hard enough to get one of those in a high school, I had no idea they were in Junior Highs now, yeah!) in SE Portland. If you have the same level of patience that an 8th grader might have I […]

Queer youth attacked last weekend in gay bashing

Kayla Stone

In breaking news from Just Out, it is being reported that 21-year-old Kayla Stone, a musician and activist, was assaulted in downtown Portland in an apparent gay bashing last Sunday July 3rd, according to police.

The previous night a group of men had harassed her outside of Embers on NW Broadway and Burnside, calling her “dyke” and following her for several blocks as she left. She fended them off with strong words but when she returned Saturday night the same group recognized her and began beating her without provocation. The only person she remembers very clearly is the one who threw the first punch, a Latino man with a teardrop tattoo by his eye.

Stone also says that witnesses did nothing to assist her. Even when she made her way to The Escape, the all ages gay nightclub and a stop on the Q Patrol route, Stone says she was mostly ignored. Stone said two police cars circled the block, but neither stopped to help. Eventually she,

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QDoc Sunday film review: ‘Put This on the Map’

Put This on the Map is a documentary featuring 26 different LGBTQ youth living in East King County.  In the film the youth speak about what it means to be LGBTQ and discuss both gender expression and sexual orientation.  One of the things I enjoyed most about the film was that youth from across the LGBTQ spectrum were included.  We get to hear from youth that identify as trans, gender queer, bisexual, lesbian and gay.  They talk about their experiences with bullying, their families, coming out, school, friends, their relationships, and their hopes for the future.

The film offers good basic information but is a little too after school special-esque.  It doesn’t really delve into any specific topic as the experiences of so many youth are touched on.

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Weekend full of Rae Spoon, a CJ & the Dolls Bent, FOC Fest, Queer Youth Summit, Notorious Neon, and a ‘Divine’ Mrs.

Rae Spoon plays tonight at Saratoga

Rae Spoon with Tender Forever – I don’t know too much about Rae Spoon but this musician from Montreal produces dance-able electro-pop with a deep sense of longing. And he’s apparently a big deal as excitement for this show has reached a fever pitch. I mean, he is real cute in a pink sailor hat. He’s be joined by the equally longing filled local (well, now) Tender Forever. Her beats range from dark and melancholy to nearly pop electronic and always include something interesting like video background or controlling a virtual drum snare with Wiimotes. Ok, I have to admit I’m pretty damn excited too.


Bent features CJ & the Dolls – In a very special pre-tour event, CJ & the Dolls, will be performing at and generally fluffing the crowd at this weekend’s Bent. It’ll be just a taste of what’s to come from the band, as we’ve got a project in the works. And if you thought there was excitement for Thursday night, it ain’t got nothin’ on FriGay the 13th (thanks for that one Mr Charming). The crowd will be filled with intense sexy doll makeup and fierce nails courtesy pre-party nail-fest from Nailed by Ally.

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