  The infamous Lady Bunny performs Friday at Red Cap
Sugar Town queer soul night – Rotture’s soul night has become a staple in Portland nightlife both gay and straight. But as with many popular nights the douchebags inevitably catch on, and it can be even worse at a “straight” night. I’m not sure if this happened to the beloved soul night, but it was time for us to have our own anyway (Pansy Soul is great but Sloan’s is more for hanging out than dancing). Anyway, all of this to say I’m more than a little excited that one of the best dressed butchies I have ever seen, DJ Action Slacks, will lead us all in a little soulful 70s love starting this Thursday, and hopefully forever more. It’s free but donations for Q Patrol are welcomed.
Cafeteria turns 1 – Oh my god Freshman year is over! Now we can give swirlies to all the new queer club nights in town. And guest DJ Girlfriends will be spinnin’ in your parents’ back yard (i.e. the Vendetta patio) ’til 11, just like at the popular kids’ parties. We’ve made it folks. Sophomore year is gonna rule.
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  ElleMC is way better than Ke$ha and she'll be here Friday night at JunKtion
Seems to me if you’re not one of the many going to either San Francisco or Seattle Prides this weekend you might still be in recovery, but there are some decent options if you gotta keep the party going
JunKtion! – Rapper, singer, songwriter, skateboarder and dually named ElleMC aka Swagatha Christie will make the Local Lounge pop with her dope rhymes before the dance party begins. Maybe an all-female skateboard dance troupe ala the Sprockettes will bust it out?
Heavy Metal Ladies Night – Iron Man ain’t got nothin’ on us. Sloans is the most badass bar in Portland. You know, the one with the semi-truck pokin’ out the front? Perfect venue to celebrate the female headbangers.
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  Double Duchess perform Saturday at Blow Pony
Not Enough! benefit dance party – Last Thursday becoming a bit too tame and straight and bridge and tunnel for you? It’s our chance to queer it back up while raising some funds for Not Enough! and having a gay ol’ time.
AIDS Walk kickoff party and Swimwear fashion show –
Prom Night at the Cafeteria – Creator DJ Lunch Lady promises to a spiked punch bowl and a pregnancy scare at this wonderful reimagining of the high school night you never had (even if you did go, was it really all you dreamed?). Double bonus for not fearing expulsion and for me to use one of my favorite phrases, “I’m off like a prom dress.”
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  Katz, aka Athens Boys Choir looking dapper
Katastrophe with Athens Boys Choir –It can be tough to find good all-ages happenings but SMYRC has got what you want in awesome ass-kickin’ transguy hip hop visiting for the second time this year. And it’s even free for your younguns under 24. Some hip hoppers to our north may be getting a lot of noise lately but Rocco and Katz have been at it for awhile now, paving the road for other homo hop. They’re talented, they’re irreverent, they’re hot, and apparently old school now…
Cafeteria – Wish my high school had had $150 PBRs all night…Relive the adolescence you wish you’d had with DJs Lunch Lady, Ill Camino and TransFat.
Don’t forget the PSU Queer Resource Center’s QSoC conference goin’ on all weekend long.
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  Blow Pony's 4th anniversary this weekend
Sweet Basil‘s Grand re-opening – Would you like some drag with your Pad Thai? I’m excited for them, because I want this to be more than a restaurant. Their food is pretty delicious, but can be hit or miss. Everything tastes fresh, but inconsistent (just like top 40’s pop).
Being told, that this is a gay establishment, I was expecting to feel at home right when I walked through the doors. You know, a queen in full glory, handing you menus and a shot. I don’t want Hamburger Mary’s to have the market on “out and proud”. I think Beaverton moms should be exposed to the haircuts they should have had. I also think that your food should taste as good as the fun you’re having. Really, I wanted more gay. I like when VERY straight people feel a little uncomfortable. It isn’t exclusion… it’s gossipy community.
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 Saturday's 'Blow Pony' features Serendipity Jones
Forgive Me Father at Pivot – I have no trouble reconciling my hedontistic, panganisitc spiritual desires with my homosexual ones, but many of those who hold more subdued beliefs do. This night is for them. There’s quite a movement incorporating faith with gay liberation and this is just the function to explore that.
The Cafeteria – Vendetta is a small venue but this school themed night has it bursting at the seems. And don’t think you’ll be safe by showing up at 9. The door gods take station at the early work time of, like, 8 or something. Thank god it’s worth it.
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  Catherine Opie,'s portrait of model/actress Jenny Shimizu - Jenny (Bed), 2009. Courtesy Gladstone Gallery
Catherine Opie talks about her current exhibition Girlfriends – Everyone loves a portrait they can relate to. For the queer community Opie’s work is the perfect synthesis of artistry and familiarity. Our very on heartfelt Annie Leibovits-style gaylebrity photographer. She pushes the envelope while making us queerdos feel uniquely at home.
Cafeteria – Hot lunch is back on the dance floor with this tiny bar crowded school daze celebrating gay night. Really great gender mix. You know this one.
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  ChiChi and Chonga at Cafeteria's Jocks and Nerds Edition
If there’s one thing we do well here at qPDX it’s partying. And 2010 has just blown us all away, and damaged our livers beyond repair, with its bursting-at-the-seams burgeoning club scene. Dancing isn’t just for downtown anymore. Nopo has emerged as a queer nightlife hotspot alongside the already club-friendly inner Eastside. There’s something for nearly everybody, and I did my best to make an appearance, at least once, and each of them.
5 – Do the Dark/JunKtion tie
Both laid back underground neighborhood parties both Do the Dark and JunKtion had welcome breathing room in contrast to the packed parties elsewhere. But the music was excellent and the venues, Tonic and Local Lounge, were friendly and comfortable with good dance floors and chat areas alike. Oh yeah, and they always had good cheap drink specials.
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  Have a gay ol' New Years Eve!
Whew! That little snafu this weekend threw me off, but this little procrastinator always comes through in the end. I need enough time to peruse the New Years Eve celebration choices myself at least to prepare for next weekend. So let’s take this trip of queer New Years Eve in Portland:
Tag-a-Fag New Years Edition – For the traditionalists among you, Red Box (what my roommate adorably dubbed the Red Cap/Boxxess complex 1035 SW Stark) TAF will be two rooms full of boys waiting to have their bodies written on. And, in an oddly 2005 style, free trucker hats to the first 100 people in the door. I’d be more stoked about $2.50 wells but that’s just me.
Crave‘ presents a GagaDonna New Years – Quintessential where the girls are usually gets packed early on and stays that way until close. It can be tough fighting the crowds but how do you blame them when the space is night, the jams are pumping, and the drinks are stiff? Plus this is the only place I know of to get real lezzie lap dances from hot ladies. They may be popular, but don’t dare the Crave ladies mainstream…after all they advertise moi, and Lord knows I’m a mouthy queer.
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  Milk-n-Hunny Saturday at Red Cap
Whether you are with your biological family or a chosen one, I hope all have a day full of food to be thankful for. I know I’m certainly thankful to live in a city with so much to do, even on a holiday weekend. So use those extra days off!
Lez Stand Up with Kupp! – One of the funniest ladies I know is Kirsten Kuppenbender, with just enough energy to be entertaining without seeming like many ADD-addled comedians. And when do you need a little humor more than the eve before a day of family gathering with wine-induced arguments and narcoleptic tryptophan napping. With 7 or 8 performers including Nicole Georges and Whitney Streed along with the smooth stylings of DJ Party Martyr this is a night of jokes and stories that will be way better than Grandpa’s.
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