  Lady Gaga points a lipstick gun at religious hotty Norman Reedus in her newly released music video for "Judas"
Does your Monday call for a little Lady Gaga pick me up? Well everyone’s buzzing about her new “Judas” video release. It features hot screen Irish-Catholic Norman Reedus, getting a lipstick gun to the face. The Boondock Saints actor is a perfect choice as he does the gritty religious sexy so well.
To add to both the discussion and laugh factor I’ve also given you a little Weird Al spoof of “Born This Way” called “Perform this Way.” Initially Gaga refused to let Al release the song, but apparently in the last few days is has finally been given the green light (not sure what the drama was there) with proceeds going to the HRC (meh…).
I’ve also included the acapella rendition of “Born This Way” which debuted this weekend as part of HBO’s concert event “Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour: At Madison Square Garden.”She may be a lot of hype but you really can’t say the dame can’t sing. Damn, belt it girl!
And finally, for good measure, the original “Born This Way” video, just in case you haven’t gone Gaga enough…
Update: Oh, and Gaga also just released a new single today, “Edge of Glory,” inspired by the death of Gaga’s grandfather in 2010. Upcoming album Born This Way drops May 23rd.
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 Everyone knows that Apple is pretty picky when it comes to allowing apps in their tightly controlled marketplace. But though you won’t be able to see any racy gay sightseeing recommendations you can be cured of “the gay.” This has some folks hopping mad, including Truth Wins Out founder Wayne Besen, who recently wrote a piece for the Huffington Post condemning the app.
Exodus International, the notorious “ex-gay” organization, recently released an iPhone app that, according to its website, is “designed to be a useful resource for men, women, parents, students, and ministry leaders.” The Exodus website further boasts that its app received a 4+ rating from Apple, meaning that it contains “no objectionable content.”
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  The original Bash Back protest November 2008 in front of Mt Hope Church in in Delta Township, Mich. (Photo courtesy of Bash back! Lansing)
I don’t know too much about this story but will expound as more details are revealed. In the meantime, this press release, which I accessed through Facebook, does a pretty good job of explaining the basics:
Portland, OR– On Wednesday, March 16th, Google will be forced to hand over the email accounts of two queer activists from Portland, Oliver Hayes and Kat Enyeart, to the evangelical Mt. Hope Church in Lansing, MI. This subpoena is a part of a civil suit against the queer organization Bash Back stemming from a non-violent protest and political theater action that disrupted a church service at Mt. Hope Church several years ago. Both Portlanders are subpoenaed because of their alleged ties to the organization. However no factual evidence has been produced to support such a relationship [emphasis mine] existing and both deny membership in the organization.
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 Saturday's 'Blow Pony' features Serendipity Jones
Forgive Me Father at Pivot – I have no trouble reconciling my hedontistic, panganisitc spiritual desires with my homosexual ones, but many of those who hold more subdued beliefs do. This night is for them. There’s quite a movement incorporating faith with gay liberation and this is just the function to explore that.
The Cafeteria – Vendetta is a small venue but this school themed night has it bursting at the seems. And don’t think you’ll be safe by showing up at 9. The door gods take station at the early work time of, like, 8 or something. Thank god it’s worth it.
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 The real faces of Blow Pony, Chelsea Starr and Blake Cedric. Photo courtesy Wesley Walton
I have only heard that the weekend started off right with Red Cap’s Bootie mashup party on Friday. Alas, these old bones needed at least one day of rest where I remained in my own neighborhood to attend a mellow house party. But I did make it out the following two nights starting with Portland’s reigning king of mixed queer nights Blow Pony on Saturday.
While I am plenty nostalgic, I have nothing but love for the success of my favorite events. Blo Po has clearly blown up. And while I am very happy for them, their new found fame may have some detrimental effects to my formerly favorite night.
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 Mary Glasspool, pictured, would be the first openly gay bishop to be consecrated since Gene Robinson Photo: AFP/GETTY
Today the second openly gay Bishop was appointed to the Anglican Church.
This time Los Angeles Episcopalian church elected 55-year-old lesbian Reverend Mary Douglas Glasspool as assistant bishop on the weekend. Despite the appointment, she still needs a majority of the National Episcopal Church to formally approve the position. If this does happen she will be the first lesbian Bishop.
The election of Gene Robinson five years ago as the first gay bishop in the US caused deep rifts in the Anglican Church and a split is feared now as well.
From ABC news:
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