
Oh Oscar! Being 30, I have been able to witness our generation of queers and queer friendly people evolve and accomplish. It is amazing how far Hollywood has come. Trans America and Brokeback Mountain seems to have only been the beginning. I never thought that I would see the day where gender-bending roles and other homo-centric roles would be up for an Oscar.
Welcome to the other side of the closet!
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 Outstanding Film – Wide Release
  Weekend took home a good bulk of the awards/nominations including Best Picture
Sometimes I get swept up in the excitement of award shows such as the Oscars, sometimes I find them a bore. But there is something fun about making lists of the things we love. And though the Academy Awards might make you roll your eyes, like when Brokeback Mountain lost out to the retch-inducing Crash in 2006, it’s much more fun to roll your eyes at an award show that’s predicated on LGBT content. It may be better, it may be worse, but I have a feeling the ceremony (or at least the after parties) are way more fun.
These winners were announced last Monday January 16th and the winners are listed below. Go ahead and check out how they compare to our own lists of Best Gay Film and Television of 2011.
The group’s Dorian Award winners this time include two big victories for the bold gay romance Weekend (for Film of the Year as well as LGBT Film of the Year). Meryl Streep earned Film Performance of the Year for her uncanny turn as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the biopic The Iron Lady, while Michael Fassbender nabbed the We’re Wilde About You Rising Star of the Year honor for his daring performance as a sex addict in Shame. In the more unusual film categories, the comic drama 50/50, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a young man diagnosed with cancer, was named Unsung Film of the Year, and The Muppets took Campy (Intentional or Not) Film of the Year.
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  Creepy Stumped award statues. Though I suppose the faceless Oscar is pretty creepy too.
This past Friday saw the first in what I hope is a long line of Razzie style awards for the best/worst in various drag and queer performance categories (and yes, I think Facebook posts do count as performance. Think about it). In a very unscientific survey that was released to the wilds of queer PDX internetlandia that encourage “ballot stuffing” and various shenanigans and chicanery, you the viewer chose the winners. So in case you missed the red carpet antics and just want the rundown here are the winners.
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 Portland is clearly tired of playing second fiddle to that other west coast city known for award shows and culture. So we’re having more of our own red carpets and cheeky Portland-wood glamour. It is this vein, I’m sure, that some of the folks from Genderf***ing Takeover and Peep Show have put together our own award show to highlight the best and worst drag of 2011 in Stumptown, the 2011 Stumped Awards.
Unlike the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences you actually get to weigh in on the nominees. Voting is already underway at the Stumped Awards survey page and will go until December 8th. I’m sure you’ll see their categories are just a bit more irreverent then the traditional awards show such as “Hottest Mess” and “Most Epic Facebook.” Cuz that’s just how we do it here.
Here’s some more info in a press release from the Stumpers:
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Last week, Logo (LGBTQ cable network) announced Portland as “Sexiest Spot” for its third annual New Now Next travel awards. The panel of global travel experts determines the best up and coming destinations and hotels. Added this year, were writers from Lonely Planet, New York Magazine, Travel & Leisure, NY Dailey News and Town and Country Travel. There were two new categories of the awards also added this year; […]
  The Red Dress Party float. Photo by Anna M Campbell
The Board of Pride Northwest is pleased to announce its first-ever Pride Parade awardees.
In an effort to promote community spirit the Board of Pride Northwest for the first time offered cash awards in five different categories at its annual Portland Pride Parade. Our esteemed panel of judges was asked to review all parade entrants and designated the following participants to best represent their respective categories. And the winners are!:
Most Creative Implementation of Theme, “Make It Happen,” $500: Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
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  Pride in Action award winners Belinda Carroll (L) and Joe LeBlanc
Each year Pride NW gives out 3 awards just prior to Pride season, “Spirit of Pride” Award, Youth Award (22 years old or younger) and the “Pride In Action” Award (for volunteer work in service to the community), in addition to the Grand Marshall honor, which this year goes to La Lucha: Portland Latino Gay Pride.
This year’s Spirit of Pride award goes to former Q Center board member Bob Speltz, for some largely unrecognized behind the scenes work. According to Pride NW President Debra Porta, “As one of the original founders of the Q Center, Portland’s LGBTQ community center, Bob has been instrumental in bringing Portland’s LGBTQ community together in ways that had not happened before, and giving us a home to call our own.”
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 Saturday's 'Blow Pony' features Serendipity Jones
Forgive Me Father at Pivot – I have no trouble reconciling my hedontistic, panganisitc spiritual desires with my homosexual ones, but many of those who hold more subdued beliefs do. This night is for them. There’s quite a movement incorporating faith with gay liberation and this is just the function to explore that.
The Cafeteria – Vendetta is a small venue but this school themed night has it bursting at the seems. And don’t think you’ll be safe by showing up at 9. The door gods take station at the early work time of, like, 8 or something. Thank god it’s worth it.
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 Here’s a chance to spotlight the queers in our community who you think deserve attention and praise. Think certain folks or organizations aren’t represented in the mainstream gay community. Here’s a small chance to change that as Pride Northwest is calling upon the community to submit nominations for Awards and Honorifics for Pride 2011.
They seek nominations for the following:
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