  Big Freedia plays Friday at Buck & Bounce 5 and his DJ and backup dancer join fellow DJ Beyonda at Mrs. Seattle '94 on Saturday
DirtBag! – Thursday night fav with a penchant for late night Smiths jams. A promise and a warning. Special guest DJ Freddie Fagula this week is sure to make it a class act.
Big Freedia at Buck & Bounce 5 – We ain’t got nothin’ on New Orleans when it comes to boo-tays, but luckily Queen of the Nola sissy bounce scene Big Freedia loves li’l old white and nerdy PDX. She can get our asses on the dancefloor. Awkward hipsterdom be damned!
Feelin’ Alright pre-tour jam sesh – Miss classic rock and folk but not the douchey-ness that can sometimes go along with it? Instead listen to the greats, including Dylan, Marley, Seger, Janis, Grace, Joni in this all night goodbye fest featuring Kaia Wilson (Team Dresch, The Butchies), Jenny Hoyston (Erase Eratta) and Katy Davidson (Dear Nora).
Bent! – One of my all time favs (really, I named it number #1 of 2010). How could I forget ye?
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 Special thanks go to Comcast this week. Technical difficulties made it impossible for this post to get done last night and this weekend is front loaded with goodness. So as soon as you’re done reading this, go out and get the party started!
Summing at the Parts – new works by Gia Goodrich – Installation art provocateur Gia Goodrich is back. This time she explorers the self-creation of gender as it relates to queer identity using a very (pseudo?) intellectual scale she designed herself called the Gender Perceptivity Scale. I’m sure there will also just be plenty of hotness to perceive.
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  All new works from Rai Villanueva
CAP Archives Grand Opening and Exhibit – AIDS has been a part of our culture for 30 years now but CAP has been with us for almost as long. Celebrating its 25th anniversary CAP presents an exhibit of activist art and ephemera that will tug on your heartstrings at the same time as making you laugh at past marketing campaigns and images. It is a night of community remembering that will survive the ages long after our hangovers have left us forgetful.
Dirtbag and Drop Shop – Two of the dirtiest, funnest parties in town. Make Thursday dive night to start your weekend right.
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  Joan Rivers is in town Saturday and she is indeed a piece of work!
Most of us are likely tired (and perhaps a little wounded) by a night out ringing in the New Year but there’s no rest for the wicked. This weekend might be a tad slower than usual but there’s plenty of not to be missed gay weekend events.
Dirtbag! – Just recently revealed as one of the best new club nights of the year catch DB while it’s at its peak.
Drop Shop with Exstasy – Hot, hip hop, dancing sweating boys and girls. The perfect party for the breadth of your pals.
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  ChiChi and Chonga at Cafeteria's Jocks and Nerds Edition
If there’s one thing we do well here at qPDX it’s partying. And 2010 has just blown us all away, and damaged our livers beyond repair, with its bursting-at-the-seams burgeoning club scene. Dancing isn’t just for downtown anymore. Nopo has emerged as a queer nightlife hotspot alongside the already club-friendly inner Eastside. There’s something for nearly everybody, and I did my best to make an appearance, at least once, and each of them.
5 – Do the Dark/JunKtion tie
Both laid back underground neighborhood parties both Do the Dark and JunKtion had welcome breathing room in contrast to the packed parties elsewhere. But the music was excellent and the venues, Tonic and Local Lounge, were friendly and comfortable with good dance floors and chat areas alike. Oh yeah, and they always had good cheap drink specials.
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  Celestial creatures performs at last year's Snowpocalypse
Dirtbag! – My favorite neighborhood party. If you haven’t checked it out by now you must be soooo 2000-late.
Also don’t forget about weeklies like stripper hip hop Drop Shop and Thursdays are Gay at Beauty Bar.
Mary-oke at Hamburger Mary’s – Every Monday and Thursday until the 20th you have the chance to belt your little hearts out in competition for 2 Swarovski martini glasses valued at nearly $400 that will be raffled off. 1 ticket entry for every song you sing means the the brash among us will have the odds. Plus they promise an extensive song collection and $3 call vodka from Pearl.
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  Riley and Flo sport matching denim onsies at Dirtbag
Weekly or monthly, neighborhood or downtown Thursday is a night for favorites Dirtbag! and Drop Shop. I’ll be swillin’ at the perfect little party that could in one of my favorite just big enough locations on Alberta St. Of course, don’t forget the first night of artsy schmoozing at the exciting and all ages Siren Nation festival, which continues all weekend.
Homomentum: Rebels & Outlaws – The monthly variety show of thematic queer fabulousness is back from summer break with more mayhem and a new location. Downtown’s Fez Ballroom (SW 13th and Stark) should be a much better venue with more room for watching than last year’s now defunct E Room. I have been especially devoid of Catitude in my life lately and I can’t wait to see what they do with such a rebellious theme. Little Tommy Bang Bang & Slim Pickins, Swagger and the long missed All of the Above, should also have some hilarity mixed with hotness that I just can’t wait for.
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 It was this much fun at Thursday's Dirtbag
Someone had a little too much fun this week at my current favorite Thursday night party, Dirtbag. And Guttor Glamour graciously let me steal some really great DB snapshots for the qPDX photo gallery. The red lipstick is probably my favorite.
  Burlesquire performs monthly at Burlesque in Boyland
Burlesque in Boyland with Burlesquire – The weekend just keeps getting earlier! Forget that I’m currently missing out on both Peep Show and Gay Survivor at the moment, tomorrow ushers in the inaugural boylicious burlesque show with Burlesquire. Though there may be male strippers aplenty no one has the sexy shakin’ it skills like these boys. They are loved by lesbians even. Which is why it is so appropriate that they bejoined by Rose City Siren Delilah Sinn and a host of varied sexy-as-hell genders.
Welfare AIDS film premiere from ChiChi and Chonga – These amazing drag queens have exploded onto the scene in a mere few weeks. I’m already overwhelmed by their amazing performances and hotness. And they’ve already got a film premiere! Shit! It’s also a benefit for AIDS Walk Portland and oh so many drink specials…
Drop Shop afterparty – Don’t worry if the drink specials have you blazed already, just keep on keeping on at Red Cap for Drop Shop right after the film premiere. A combination of Portland favorites strippers and queer DS is helmed by DJ Mani who drops the booty shakin’, ass bouncin’ beats of Nola and the dirty dirty south. Or as close as you can get in this town. Plus pole dancing lead by DQ extraordinaire Exstacy Inferno. Hot.
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  Rufus Wainwright plays tonight as part of the TBA Festival
Rufus Wainwright with the Oregon Symphony – Portland’s yearly Time Based Art festival is pretty epic and pretty gay in and of itself. But tonight’s opening act is sure to be one of the more memorable musical collaborations. This celebrated male vocalist has had immense success as a pop star but easily scored an entire opera, Prima Donna, as well. On the last stop in his North American tour Wainwright will entries from his latest opera, performed by local soprano Janis Kelly as well as some “classical” Rufus that will showcase the composer’s own vocal range when he sings two concert pieces by French composer Hector Berlioz.
Dirtbag – Jenny Bruso’s Alberta queer non-poppy sweat dance party this week with guest DJ Lick My Battery. It’s real. It’s raw. And it’s damn good.
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