  Size Queen clothing comes to the catwalk and to Fat Fancy, just in time for holiday shopping
Opening night for GenderFantasy should be off the chain. For a full preview of what to expect check out our interview with creator Kaj-Anne Pepper.
Size Queen fashion show at Fat Fancy – Our favorite QPOC and locally owned plus size clothing store is having another one of their fabulous events. This time it is a fashion show featuring another local big girls and boys clothing shop, Size Queen, in honor of their lines coming to FF. These events often include a DJ and/or lovely nibbly things so it’s the perfect place to shop and schmooze with folks that are both fashionable and personable. And don’t forget to check out their new Indie Go Go video to raise money to open an online store. It’s both adorable and informative.
Growing Up Policed: Surveiling Racialized Sexualities – If you’re a grad who misses the academic speak from time to time this conference will quench your thirst in a queer way. The daylong conference uses a recent legal case that occurred in Portland, Oregon to highlight how young people marginalized through sexuality and race are targeted. It’s extremely relevant and a great place to start dialogue with other academics, activists and interested community.
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  Bear Bear Bust ! Photo by Wayne Bund for JustOut
BearTown 16 is here! June 9th to 12th Portland will be packed with bears and beary events. While not a bear myself (but as a follically powerful individual I do sympathize with feeling empowered about hairyness) I was excited to hear that Beartown this year will feature massage therapists! Well damn. If that isn’t the best idea I’ve heard in a while, as big time gay social events can be a bit tension inducing.
Apparently, however, you gotta be smart and reserve a massage slot in order to make the best of this great offer – at $1 a minute with a 15 minute minimum, it sounds like a fairly affordable treat (and probably more satisfying than other pay-by-the-minute services i can think of). BearTown this year has a packed schedule full of events such as the Meet and Greet on Thursday, June 9th, from 7-11 pm at the Eagle Portland, and a full day of events from 10-2:00 am at various locations around town. Friday’s highlights include an UnderBear dance party, a cigar social, and Cheers, Cheese and Chocolates event at the Local Lounge.
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  Riley and Flo sport matching denim onsies at Dirtbag
Weekly or monthly, neighborhood or downtown Thursday is a night for favorites Dirtbag! and Drop Shop. I’ll be swillin’ at the perfect little party that could in one of my favorite just big enough locations on Alberta St. Of course, don’t forget the first night of artsy schmoozing at the exciting and all ages Siren Nation festival, which continues all weekend.
Homomentum: Rebels & Outlaws – The monthly variety show of thematic queer fabulousness is back from summer break with more mayhem and a new location. Downtown’s Fez Ballroom (SW 13th and Stark) should be a much better venue with more room for watching than last year’s now defunct E Room. I have been especially devoid of Catitude in my life lately and I can’t wait to see what they do with such a rebellious theme. Little Tommy Bang Bang & Slim Pickins, Swagger and the long missed All of the Above, should also have some hilarity mixed with hotness that I just can’t wait for.
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  Last year's Beartown 14. Photo by Stephen Cassell
Can you believe that Portland has been celebrating fuzzy, round, gay men for more than half my life now? That’s right, 2010 ushers in the 15th Annual Beartown from this Thursday the 10th through Sunday the 13th at the Jupiter Hotel (800 E Burnside).
Once again, the schedule is ridiculously exhausting. Whether you’re hot tubbing, cigar smoking, or dancing in your underwear, you’ll be doing it with other friendly beasts. And boy howdy, how exciting will be be to see a bunch if hairy dudes descend on Hawthorne’s shopping district?
Of course one of the biggest events will be the Release the Beast Dance Party with tag-team DJ’s Sam Storicks (of Bearracuda Portland) and DJ BradPDX (Crush Bar, “Tilt-A-Whirl” 2009) as well as returning host(ess) Foxxy Bernadette. And if you’ve still got growl in your soul left for Pride weekend, absolutely head over to Branx for Bearracuda.
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 Wrestlers duke it out at La Lucha: Latino Gay Pride
Firstly, just in time for Pride, qPDX would like to welcome a new team member, the illustrious Stephen Cassell, who jumped right into the fray this weekend. The busy man about town managed to get to both Latino Gay Pride and BearTown 14. And to share with you his whirlwind of a weekend are 3 very special photo galleries.
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 BearTown 2007. Photo by Steve L.
Your Pride schedule is already filling up, I know. But for the furries and and belly-lovers among us you really don’t want to miss this weekend’s BearTown 14: Carnival of Bears put on by the Oregon Bears.
Indeed this celebration, amazingly in its 14th year, has much to much to completely profile but luckily the bears have cooked up some great highlights. (Oh yeah, and to hint yet again at the new qPDXer, and man about town, who will be covering several of these events as well…Is anticipation building yet?)
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