 A Red Dress Party of the past
In Vancouver WA (Alley Hector’s hometown!) the YWCA has received a generous donation of $15,000 from this years Red Dress party, (a yearly event in Portland and across the U.S that attracts thousands of attendees, mostly gay men and some women, all wearing red dresses). The YWCA will use the funds to go towards programs that support LGBTQ youth who […]
  What are some sex positive words for women? (I couldn't think of any either)
How do you feel about the term slut? Don’t like it? (why?) Whore? Bitch? Ho? Loose woman, even? When was the last time you heard the statement “he had it coming” or “she was dressed like a slut” in response to another person getting raped? When was the last time you considered a man who was sexually assaulted less of a victim because he’s not a woman?
SlutWalk is a loud and proud FUCK YOU to all of those who support pro-shame, anti-healthy-sex, pro-rape. And we need you. You’re monogamous, in a long term relationship? You have a couple of lovers? You do sex work? You’re male-indentified? You’;re shy? You’re a gay man who doesn’t interact much with women? Doesn’t matter. If you believe sex is fun and pleasure is good for you, and that rape won’t end until rapists stop raping, you need to come to SlutWalk. July 31st. 1pm. Park Blocks. Be there.
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  Bear Bear Bust ! Photo by Wayne Bund for JustOut
BearTown 16 is here! June 9th to 12th Portland will be packed with bears and beary events. While not a bear myself (but as a follically powerful individual I do sympathize with feeling empowered about hairyness) I was excited to hear that Beartown this year will feature massage therapists! Well damn. If that isn’t the best idea I’ve heard in a while, as big time gay social events can be a bit tension inducing.
Apparently, however, you gotta be smart and reserve a massage slot in order to make the best of this great offer – at $1 a minute with a 15 minute minimum, it sounds like a fairly affordable treat (and probably more satisfying than other pay-by-the-minute services i can think of). BearTown this year has a packed schedule full of events such as the Meet and Greet on Thursday, June 9th, from 7-11 pm at the Eagle Portland, and a full day of events from 10-2:00 am at various locations around town. Friday’s highlights include an UnderBear dance party, a cigar social, and Cheers, Cheese and Chocolates event at the Local Lounge.
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Thousands of people turned out for this year's AIDS Walk to support the efforts of Cascade AIDS Project.
Yesterday morning crowds gathered in Pioneer Square to walk in solidarity for Cascade AIDS Project’s annual AIDS Walk. Teams and individuals raised enough funds to meet CAP’s financial goal for the event (total funds are still being tallied and will be available here by Oct. 13th).
Click here to […]
Lady Gaga Concert: A supernova of faggitude
To say Lady Gaga rocked Portland is an understatement.
She exploded into a supernova of faggitude. Her pro-gay, pro-freak, pro-throw-your-tampon-at-high-school-bullies shook the very foundations that upholds Portland as the “keep-it-weird” center of the world.

Playing to over 20,000 adoring fans at the Rose Garden, Lady Gaga shot her Monster Ball tour like hot liquid into the laps of all the weirdoes and lovers last night. Her high-octane, multi-media, electronic heavy performance charmed the audience at every set movement and dance move. Averaging a costume-change about every three songs, there was an endless supply of spectacle and wonderment. To see photos of last night’s concert, look here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/38163303@N04/sets/72157624768788628/
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 Q Patrol Portland
Q Patrol, a local initiative started in the wake of recent attacks on LGBTQ Portlanders has announced that they will be holding their first training session at the Q Center. According to the founders, the first training session will focus on” responsibilities, duties, and organization–and there will be a brief question and answer session following the training presentation”.
The organization is queer-run and affiliated […]
 We are still working on processing the last, epic Pride weekend. We had so much fun! Thank you for everyone who came out and supported us. In the meantime, while we get our act together, here is a little summary of what you missed while you were out. Have other news you’d like to share? Post it!
 BUTT Magazine Towels!
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  Homophobia Sucks
Breaking news: LGBTQ Community Forum to be held TOMORROW (June 2nd) in wake of recent Memorial Weekend violence @ The Q Center, 7pm.
The press release reads:
“Because of the attacks over Memorial Day weekend that targeted LGBTQ members, our friends and loved ones, we have come together to host a forum that focuses on gay bashing in our community and how we can prevent and respond to it.
PLEASE do not take this issue lightly – we encourage you to come out, participate and get involved. Tell your friends, loved ones, family members – get the word out and we will see you tomorrow!”
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 Did collapsing homos cause the PDXboom?
Was the loud boom heard around 8 PM last night caused by Portland area gays and lesbians simultaneously collapsing after a long weekend of partying? Or is it because we’re such sinners or something? (There was a lot of sinning going on at BP. Apparently it was fun to watch, somehow I missed it. I was too busy dancing)
I’m not sure, but if you heard the boom, (I did down at Reed College, it was loud, and stuff rattled), but we have a handy-dandy PDX Boom map link where you can add your boomspot. (look, i’m creating new lingo)
Anyway, the weekend…
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The general consensus is that 2009 has been a tough year. No one knows that better than the sex scandal embroiled Mayor of Portland Sam Adams. But unlike cynics like Just Out and I, Adams exits the year on a positive video note. Oh, you bouncy bicycling optimists…is it teenage sex that makes you cheery?
2009 Video Highlights from Mayor Sam Adams on […]