  Boy Funk makes his Portland debut at Blow Pony
Note: The previously listed SistaFist/Magic Mouth show was listed incorrectly as this Thursday. It’s actually next Thursday, which we didn’t find out until this week. qPDX regrets the error.
Feminist Agenda launch party – Feminist Agenda has quietly been creeping onto the scene for about 3 or 4 months now but they’ve finally decided this is the time for their coming out party. A site dedicated to being a directory and resource of feminist activism and organization, FA is helmed by former In Other Words staffers Katie Carter and Amber Rowland. You can read an interview with the dynamic duo from earlier in the week, and stay tuned to hear them on next week’s podcast.
“Ethical Sluthood” a Q&A with Janet Hardy – Portland (well Eugene in this case) queers are more used to polyamory than most but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a lot to learn. Whether people have been calling Gingrich’s indiscretions an open marriage or polyamory you’d be wrong. That was just plain cheating. So how do we know we’re being fair in a non-monogamous relationship? Some of it is common sense, a lot of it is communication, but many of the “rules” are unfamiliar territory. Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy’s Ethical Slut, has been the go-to guide for polyamory with a conscience since its release in 1997. Now you can actually ask questions about the finer points and maybe even some “what ifs” thanks to new sex toy store As You Like It.
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  Claw vs. Claw plays Saturday at the 1 year anniversary of Rebel Girl
Don’t forget Electrogals, which continues all week. And check out an interview with founder Heather Perkins from earlier in the week.
Fist: Electro queer night – New dance night at a new venue. And we like new and different don’t we? Jams from DJ Hookerface so be prepared. This is an electro night and Hooker and I used to rave a decade ago so shit’s gonna be real, and hella danceable.
Smutty Clown open mic – Here in P-Town we like to make everything dirty. So naturally, we already had dirty poetry, now we need dirty comedy. I’m a huge fan of the innuendo myself, as anyone who has spent time with me after 5 o’clock can tell you. I also appreciate sexy comedians. So who knows what to expect from those signing up but it’s hosted by Whitney Streed and Sterling Clark (basically the template they used for Portlandia‘s “…all the hot girls wear glasses… line) so you know it’ll be off to a good start.
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  DJ Mr Charming. Ginger Girl Photography / Amy LaBree Ferrell
Every week we introduce you to a local LGBTQ party DJ and ask them about their experiences in the scene and feature an audio mix they’ve made. If you’re interested in being featured contact alley@qpdx.com.
Gaycation is one of the longest running queer nights. It happens this Saturday at Holocene, and has been, for the past 5 and a half years. It’s a damn good night at one of the most interesting music clubs and still as fresh and fun as it always was. At it’s helm is Mr Charming aka Mary McAllister, who knows how to throw a good party, as most of my 20s can attest to. And this Saturday is her birthday, so you know she’s gonna bring it.
She has also come to be a friend of mine, the beginning of which I will mark with a special random video ending for those of you who stick it out through the post. It has nothing to do with anything, other than it’s October and therefore Haunted House time. So let’s view it as something of an outtake circa 2008.
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  Little Tommy with one of this weekend's hosts ChiChi
In case you haven’t heard former Tuesday show, Peep Show, outgrew it’s weekday shortpants and has moved to a coveted Friday slot because it’s so damn good. qPDX took a minute to sit down with one of the show’s producers Little Tommy Bang Bang so find out some of the dirt behind the move and catch a glimpse of what might be in store for us this Friday.
qpdx: So what prompted the move to Fridays? I assume it has gotten quite popular. Were there other reasons?
LTBB: The reason for the move to Fridays is simply that we outgrew Tuesdays. After over a year of successful “first Tuesday” shows, the Red Cap agreed to let us have a better night for our show. Keeping in the Portland tradition of monthly events, we are now officially booked for “third Fridays”.
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  2010 Homo's Got Talent winner Kaj-Anne Pepper
These Clothes have Baggage art opening – Q Center hosts a photographic show by Geoff Watland examining the role that clothing and personal keepsakes have on our memories of love, gender identity and expression and more.
Cindo de Mayo party at the Flipside – Salem seems to take advantage of all the right drinkers holidays at their pop gay club the Flipside. So get Latin/American and celebrate this weird holiday that doesn’t really mean anything in Mexico. But here it means latin pride and drink specials so hey…
Dirtbag! A stellar dance party – The only night that culminated with a 1AM Smiths dance climax. And besides this is how last month’s free party was described “…kinda totally awesome and dreamy and everyone was making out and feeling fucking free and stuff…”
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  Teenage dream Kaia wilson sings songs from her 90s rock roots Friday at Mississippi Pizza
Neal Morgan, Hungry Ghost, STLS & New-Dadz DJ Association – Get in the drum line for this booming early show at The Know (2026 NE Alberta). Percussion punk is alive and well in Northeast.
The Cafeteria with guest DJ Mr Charming – Lunch trays and crunk gays is the perfect neighborhood dance spot for the almost weekend. In case you’ve missed Mr Charming at any of her other super successful parties and appearances lately you get another chance. She and DJ Lunch Lady made it rain downstairs at Blow Pony last weekend and this will be the same, except smaller and more elite.
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  This isn't the Portland show but it is MEN live
Remind me not to stop drinking, because when I fall off the wagon, I fall hard. It was a tough hump day anyway, beginning with a dentist appointment and a long work day…oh, and the death of Elizabeth Taylor. Luckily, I had two of my favorite bands to save me at the end. Lovers and MEN‘s latest albums are both on repeat on my iPod to get me through.
In the vein of an already marginally successful day at best I neglected to check the battery on my camera (and I also left my credit card at the bar) so was unable to get any pictures. But even if I had a day full of FAIL I was soothed by the sweet crooning of Lovers’ Cubbie Berk and energized by the political dance energy of MEN. As for the pre-funk and in between set turntable stylings of DJ Mr. Charming? Just right.
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  Michael, JD, Ginger of MEN
To see some truly great bands you’ve got to be willing to party mid-week. And for the likes of electro-politico-indie-dance-rockers MEN it’s work any Thursday morning hangover. Headed by frontqueer JD Samson (Le Tigre), the trio are touring with their triumphant freshman album release Talk About Body, bringing it to Rotture (315 SE 3rd) tomorrow night.
Joined by local DJ hero Mr Charming, Silver Interior (featuring Jenny Hoyston of Erase Eratta), the Aussie MC Macromantics, and indie-darlings, queer or otherwise, Portland or not, Lovers it’s going to be a show of epic proportions.
As the DJ and the MC spice up the beginning, Lovers will begin the show’s upward surge to climax but eerily tugging on your heartstrings, though you may not even know why. Intertwining in a way that makes you feel both ecstatic and sad, I compared their newest album to doing drugs with your lover when I named it album of the year.
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  Have a gay ol' New Years Eve!
Whew! That little snafu this weekend threw me off, but this little procrastinator always comes through in the end. I need enough time to peruse the New Years Eve celebration choices myself at least to prepare for next weekend. So let’s take this trip of queer New Years Eve in Portland:
Tag-a-Fag New Years Edition – For the traditionalists among you, Red Box (what my roommate adorably dubbed the Red Cap/Boxxess complex 1035 SW Stark) TAF will be two rooms full of boys waiting to have their bodies written on. And, in an oddly 2005 style, free trucker hats to the first 100 people in the door. I’d be more stoked about $2.50 wells but that’s just me.
Crave‘ presents a GagaDonna New Years – Quintessential where the girls are usually gets packed early on and stays that way until close. It can be tough fighting the crowds but how do you blame them when the space is night, the jams are pumping, and the drinks are stiff? Plus this is the only place I know of to get real lezzie lap dances from hot ladies. They may be popular, but don’t dare the Crave ladies mainstream…after all they advertise moi, and Lord knows I’m a mouthy queer.
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  Big Freedia will make sure the azz is ever'where on Friday
Claudia Meza presents New Musics: A Night of Modern Classical and Avant Garde Exploration – Explode Into Color’s Claudia Meza helms this foray into experimental musical hipsterdom. Can queer drummer extraordinaire usher in Portland’s own version of a John Cage era? Tomorrow’s first night of acts including bearded electro-knight Copy, internationally renowned and absurdly prolific sound artist Daniel Menche, and Classical Revolution PDX, who will tackle Philip Glass’ dizzying String Quartet No.5 suggests so.
Cabin Project CD release party – Two experimental music happenings in one night? We are a blessed city. The yearlong “cabin project” comes together this night to showcase the amazing congregation of cello, synth, drums, banjo, violin, and lots of voices.
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