  Celebrate our nationalism in any way you choose. For instance, use an American flag postage stamp as a sexy loincloth to barely cover your naughty bits!
Rice, Beans, & Collard Greens – Pride’s not over according to Basic Rights Oregon, API Pride, Black Pride and Latino Gay Pride as they round out the month with a dance party for queer and trans people of color. And a great way to usher in our fireworks-crazed American Pride celebration weekend. (I’m already hearing the firecrackers going off in my neighborhood as I write).
RnRCFG benefit with Portlandia stars Brownstein and Armisen – So many great things in one: comedy, philanthropy, helping girls rock out, movies, music, TV and a VIP room with two talented comedians/musicians who’ve made our city the Pride of liberal-loving America and the butt of its jokes at the same time. What’s not to love?
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  play/start celebrates the release of their new album 'The Alibi' Saturday at Saratoga
Don’t forget about PSU Pride. You can also prepare yourself for the weekend by making sure everyone’s safe at the Q Patrol training. And of course don’t forget the weekly Portland Idol and Drop Shop afterword (which I think is still happening?)
Q Center’s “Senior” Prom -Think pink and shake off the gray at this gay and lesbian community center re-imagining of that special adolescent night. Kickoff to the GG expo features dancing, entertainment and lite snacks for the 50+ set.
Feminist Film Society presents Temple Grandin – Claire Danes in sensible shoes in this early exploration of autism.
Twinks show premier party – RapidFire Productions premiers the show they’ve been filming at Scandals for the past month, but because it has the worst website implementation I’ve really ever seen, so I can’t tell you much about it.
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  Katz, aka Athens Boys Choir looking dapper
Katastrophe with Athens Boys Choir –It can be tough to find good all-ages happenings but SMYRC has got what you want in awesome ass-kickin’ transguy hip hop visiting for the second time this year. And it’s even free for your younguns under 24. Some hip hoppers to our north may be getting a lot of noise lately but Rocco and Katz have been at it for awhile now, paving the road for other homo hop. They’re talented, they’re irreverent, they’re hot, and apparently old school now…
Cafeteria – Wish my high school had had $150 PBRs all night…Relive the adolescence you wish you’d had with DJs Lunch Lady, Ill Camino and TransFat.
Don’t forget the PSU Queer Resource Center’s QSoC conference goin’ on all weekend long.
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  Can you be this tough for In Other Words?
Hump day in PDX is happenin’! So yeah, the actual cause for this Wednesday’s Ladies Arm Wrestling tourney is to raise funds for one of the country’s only remaining feminist bookstores, In Other Words, but it’s really a benefit for all of us that like to show of and/or swoon over some nice guns. The event is open for anyone who is woman-identified. Everyone is invited to watch. But I can’t decide whether I’m more excited to watch or perform. Story of our queer lives right?
Competitors are encouraged to issue “personal challenges” to one another. It’s a great way to get that beef taken care of before it erupts on Facebook right? Adoring fans can also place “bets” on their faves.
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 Editor: Abby Jackson
Publisher: Push Press
Deadline for Submissions: June 1, 2011
They say “Third time’s a charm,” but the first time is always the most memorable! Abby Jackson is looking for your true, sexy, sweet, explicit, and down-right dirty stories for the anthology Passionate Kisses: Intimate Stories of First-Time Lesbian Love, forthcoming from Push Press.
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  Project Mayor-Man winner "SamDroid"
Mayor Sam Adams is a good sport. Portland is irreverent and expects its mayor to match our weirdness step for step. So when Stumptown Comics hosted a contest to dress up the Mayor as a superhero he was all about it. He’s just thankful to be fully clothed, even if it does mean several layers of spanks. Not sure that’s something I need to know about our city-leader-in-chief but there you have it.
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  Ask the meat man
I was inspired to write about Berlin Reed aka the Ethical Butcher because of his BCN/PDX Spring Slabs deals, but Berlin is a busy guy and I just had to take this opportunity to ask him a whole host of queries. Luckily, he was amenable to answering all my questions ranging from butchery to blogging.
Scroll down to the bottom and hit up page 2 for full information on how to order your spring slabs and descriptions of their mouthwatering flavors. Act soon because ordering ends Thursday!
qPDX: What made you decide to bring Slabs and Slices back to Portland? Where else have you brought it?
Berlin: Well, I do these bacon cures and bacon events as part of one of my projects, The Bacon Gospel. I have been doing installments of the project for over 2 years now, this is just the latest one. I did the Winter Slabs & Slices back in December and now it’s time for Spring Slabs! I am really liking the seasonal aspect of it, it sort of gives it a little more structure to BCN/PDX, the Portland leg of the project, and lets me time events through the year a little more predictably. I did Bacon Gospel events in Brooklyn, Seattle, Portland, Cincinnati in the first year, and returned to Brooklyn in February.
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We, the editors, are three trans artists who believe art and literature are two of the most vital parts to our world today. At this moment, there is no magazine which brings all transgender, transsexual and gender variant writers and artists to the forefront. We believe it is time to publish such a magazine!
The purpose of Bodies of Work is to publish and promote literature and art that celebrates the diverse visions and understandings of the transsexual, transgender and gender-variant international community through language and image. We want to inspire and be inspired by the innovative output of our communities and come together with trans artists of all genres in creative discourse. We want to engage and support our creative processes and learn how trans artists and writers create.
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  Katastrophe performs Saturday with Athens Boys choir at Gaycation
Whew! So one small weekend of only a few events and we’re back to the melee of 20 million dueling events. Here’s what you got to choose from.
Triskaidekaphilia (Just My Luck) – Former Just Out arts writer Jimmy Radosta hasn’t had the best of luck. But his loss is our comedic gain with his one man show that highlights his growing up in Salem and other gay misfortunes. Billed as blending the dry wit of David Sedaris with the political humor of Jon Stewart and the cheeky musical stylings of “Weird Al” Yankovic, this love of 13 is surely a good luck charm for the rest of us.
Radical Act at the Reel Music Festival –Radical Act may have been made in 1995 but women in rock still have a glass ceiling. The film screened at Outfest in Los Angeles and appeared in 1999 as part of Miranda July’s “Break My Chainletter” collection, and now it’s being revived at the Reel Music Festival.
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  'Coal to Diamonds' book jacket
Dynamic and always on the move, southern chanteuse Beth Ditto has a lot more to her story than just music — as if that wasn’t enough. So the buzz has begun over her much-anticipated memoir, Coal to Diamonds, even though a release date has still not been set.
Hipster dyke novelist Michelle Tea, author of occasionally shocking but sincere stories such Rent Girl, or the seminal San Francisco dyke manifesto Valencia, is helping her craft the tome. This should be an interesting mix. Gregarious but very down to earth, Ditto is usually pretty straightforward in the way she communicates, using her southern drawl to tell it like it is. Tea, on the other hand, is free and frisky as any fiction writer with her adjectives, describing details in a way that the boisterous Ditto might merely proclaim.
It is also going to solidify its readers as queer bohemian feminists with just an edge of cool. Successful in targeting an audience, it remains to be seen if reviewers will take a sort of grown up riot grrl aesthetic seriously. My hope is that they will. The rambunctious ’90s teenagers have grown into sophisticated artists with a keen third wave feminist perspective that definitely could use a little more notice and critical acclaim.
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