  Zombie cheerleaders are a perfect outfit for 'Haunted Cafeteria' and more proof that Halloween is the gayest holiday
Haunted Cafeteria – School daze goes spooky so have your dead cheerleader costumes and Carrie style pigs blood ready for this party that has it’s little neighborhood venue bursting at the seems every month. And the man behind it all? Well, that would be our DJ of the Week, your adorable LunchLady.
Wicked Awesome cover bands party – This half dance party half cover band show is truly going to be epic. You can read all about it in yesterday’s interview with creator Freddie Fagula.
Q Center & Crush present Mas-Q-Rade – Perhaps more of a gentile or at least community feel to Halloween in the oh-so-swanky-dark tomb of Crush. They always have interesting drink specials so it will be interesting to see what they come up with for Halloween. I’m expecting smoke.
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  Wicked Awesome's Freddie Fagula
There’s plenty of gay Halloween happenings this weekend but one of the most different and fun is Friday’s Wicked Awesome. This 2 level party features costumed dancing upstairs and a host of amazing cover bands downstairs. Even the music is in the spirit of dressing in disguise! But it’s still awesome, wicked awesome, because it mixes the skills of our local talent with the fun of past pop songs, and brings together those who like to dance with those who just like to listen. So basically, it’s the Halloween party for everybody. I had an amazing time last year as well as at it’s similar predecessor All Homo’s Eve. So read the interview with organizer Freddie Fagula below to find out what all the fuss is about and I’ll see you Friday. Because you’ll regret it if you don’t go.
qPDX: What gave you the idea of a Halloween party centered around cover bands?
Freddie Fagula: Olympia! Halloween cover bands show every year at the Capital Theater. So fun. All the punks and the queers and hipsters together. I moved here and had some lack-luster Halloweens in Portland and decided that was what was missing. Wicked Awesome is gay-er, but has a lot of the same spirit.
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  June and Jean Milligton, from the iconic girl band Fanny, play Saturday as part of their "Play Like a Girl" tour
Don’t forget that it’s the last days of the Portland Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, and previews should all be out. You can check that plus any reviews thus far in our complete 15th Annual PLGFF coverage.
In Other Words 18th birthday party – One of the last remaining feminist bookstores in the country is still going. I hesitate to say strong, although metaphorically they’re as strong as ever, because in this economy they are in constant need of our love and help. So don’t let the $12 price tag deter you because IOW is not a whole community center and the party’s bound to be hoppin’ with a lineup of performers and DJs. There will also be a raffle, food, beer and wine. The raffle prizes will feature fabulous items from local businesses, restaurants, the Portland Timbers, food carts, bicycle shops, Bitch Media and more
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  Preview Kaj-Anne Pepper's GenderFantasy this Friday at Bent
DJ Challenge and Gaga look alike contest for AIDSwalk – A benefit for the upcoming walk to bring attention to AIDS (cuz the fight is not over my friends) this Gaga look alike contest can also win you tickets to Ke$ha. Gay cliché as it may be I bet there will be many good costumes provoking laughter and gasps alike. And though I don’t know what the DJ challenge entails I’m excited to see Mr. Charming (Gaycation) participate in it. If it was DJ Hero on the Wii I might even give them a run for their money…
Big Eyes, Tacocat, Forever, & Guantanamo BayWatch – Punk rock at the Fleetwood Shac.
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 DJ Freddie Fagula will be spinning at the Common Ground on Wednesday, July 13th
DJ Freddie Fagula (Do The Dark, Fruitcake, Dirtbag, and about a trillion more, busy boy) is adding a fabulous new opportunity to their DJ roster. Trans Night at Common Ground is the new venture, with Freddie spinning Hip Hop, Rn’B, underground disco and soul as part of Trans & Allies night.
Gyms and […]
  Everyone but me, Mr. Blue, in our 2007 rainbow TeamAwesome parade contingent with teenager girl roller skating banner bearers
I was looking for some pictures of Portland Pride of yesteryear and realized that I haven’t been doing this for 4 years but 6! And I’m talking about covering Pride, not just attending it. That’s been an even longer road…shoot…17 years. Sweet Jesus. It must be the nostalgic Cancer in me but in the spirit of more psyching up for this weekend I thought it might be fun to revisit some qPDX recaps while you’re still stuck at your weekday desk. (Or I could just be indulging my own vanity…whatever).
So follow me back in time….
Re-Pride – This was the first year of qPDX as well as my first year at OregonLive. I was fresh-faced and unsullied by cynicism. I’d only started qPDX a month or so before and I was just excited to have a venue. I also remember by boss trying to be fatherly but really just being condescending by making sure I felt safe enough to start a blog about queer topics and use my real name. Weird.
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  Butt Plug Klub welcomes Kaj-Anne Pepper back to PDSex
What else do you really need to do this weekend but ensconce yourself in QDoc? OK, fine. Here’s a bunch of other cool stuff, but I’m tired, so commentary is short.
Dirtbag! – No less a fabulous femme kickass DJ than she ever was, Gutter Glamour has reemerged from the chrysalis as Bruce la Bruiser. Joined by guest Freddie Fagula the DJ duo will get you on the floor and make you weep all in one. It’s a free party in the heart of Alberta that will slyly introduce new wave to the pop laden queer scene and I, for one, embrace the infiltration.
Sweet Tea at the Fixin’ To – I think it’s awesome that there’s a neighborhood queer night up in St Johns. And really I’ve been meaning to go. But when there’s so much awesome Thursday action in inner NoPo it’s hard to truck out to the 8000 block. Still, I hear it’s awesome. Let me know?
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  Can you be this tough for In Other Words?
Hump day in PDX is happenin’! So yeah, the actual cause for this Wednesday’s Ladies Arm Wrestling tourney is to raise funds for one of the country’s only remaining feminist bookstores, In Other Words, but it’s really a benefit for all of us that like to show of and/or swoon over some nice guns. The event is open for anyone who is woman-identified. Everyone is invited to watch. But I can’t decide whether I’m more excited to watch or perform. Story of our queer lives right?
Competitors are encouraged to issue “personal challenges” to one another. It’s a great way to get that beef taken care of before it erupts on Facebook right? Adoring fans can also place “bets” on their faves.
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  Big Freedia plays Friday at Buck & Bounce 5 and his DJ and backup dancer join fellow DJ Beyonda at Mrs. Seattle '94 on Saturday
DirtBag! – Thursday night fav with a penchant for late night Smiths jams. A promise and a warning. Special guest DJ Freddie Fagula this week is sure to make it a class act.
Big Freedia at Buck & Bounce 5 – We ain’t got nothin’ on New Orleans when it comes to boo-tays, but luckily Queen of the Nola sissy bounce scene Big Freedia loves li’l old white and nerdy PDX. She can get our asses on the dancefloor. Awkward hipsterdom be damned!
Feelin’ Alright pre-tour jam sesh – Miss classic rock and folk but not the douchey-ness that can sometimes go along with it? Instead listen to the greats, including Dylan, Marley, Seger, Janis, Grace, Joni in this all night goodbye fest featuring Kaia Wilson (Team Dresch, The Butchies), Jenny Hoyston (Erase Eratta) and Katy Davidson (Dear Nora).
Bent! – One of my all time favs (really, I named it number #1 of 2010). How could I forget ye?
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  Fannie Mae Darling in 'Trannysnatchers'
This is the weekend that all the gay ghouls come out of the woodwork for All Hallow’s Eve mayhem. So whether your pleasure is tricks or treats there’s bound to be a party, or 2, for you.
Cafeteria, HomoDeluxe and Drop Shop – Thursday isn’t particularly spooky, although I have no doubts there will be some excellent costumes at “lunch trays and ghoulish gays” themed Cafeteria. Dead lunch ladies? Zombie assistant principals? Vampire cheerleaders?
Crave‘s Halloween Bash – Sexy undead go go dancers and the chance to show your own go go off with costume prizes in several categories like originality, scariest, sexiest, nerdiest and cutest couple. The featured drink of the night is ‘Monster Punch,’ sweet/sour and strong, and it’s only 2 bucks before 10. Plus VIP passes and incentives for friends makes this the it party for girls.
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