The weekend is dominated by dance parties, Homomentum’s Singin’ in the Rain, new glasses at Sword and Fern, a comedy benefit and the laid back vibe of Sunday’s Bridge Club. […]
The weekend is dominated by dance parties, Homomentum’s Singin’ in the Rain, new glasses at Sword and Fern, a comedy benefit and the laid back vibe of Sunday’s Bridge Club. […] ![]() ![]() Dan Ostergren's portraiture exhibit, 'Queers, Queens and Everything In-Between' opns Thursday at the East End Thursday Portland Drag Race – Our local version of the popular drag star competition returns to Red Cap for its 4th 12 week run. The format will be a bit different. Each week a cash prize to the winner instead of one big prize at the end. So be prepared for some great new talent that was much to busy to commit to the long haul in past seasons. Queers, Queens and Everything In Between art opening – Gender blending art photographer Dan Ostergren has taken some of the most loved queer portraits in town and this is the night to show them off. To help him celebrate the drag stars, local celesbians and other PDX characters he’s shot is a great 3 set show my up and comers directly below. Continue reading » ![]() Thursday Start your weekend right with 2 great neighborhood favs Dirtbag and Sweet Tea. Just a heads up for the newbies cuz the rest of you all should know this. Friday Homomentum presents Myths & Legends – That gayest of vaudeville drag revivals (I think that was redundant but, really, it’s that gay) returns fora 3rd year running to give you some of the weirdest, wildest, and hottest dance and performance art in queer Portland (yeah, pretty gay). Opening month will feature epic tales and fantastic journeys re-imagined through drag and debacuherous storytelling. And who better to tell this story than one of the featured performers, Gillicorn Blessing (did you know that a group of unicorns is called a blessing?), who I hear will also be debuting a new member. Continue reading » ![]() Thursday Opening night for GenderFantasy should be off the chain. For a full preview of what to expect check out our interview with creator Kaj-Anne Pepper. Size Queen fashion show at Fat Fancy – Our favorite QPOC and locally owned plus size clothing store is having another one of their fabulous events. This time it is a fashion show featuring another local big girls and boys clothing shop, Size Queen, in honor of their lines coming to FF. These events often include a DJ and/or lovely nibbly things so it’s the perfect place to shop and schmooze with folks that are both fashionable and personable. And don’t forget to check out their new Indie Go Go video to raise money to open an online store. It’s both adorable and informative. Growing Up Policed: Surveiling Racialized Sexualities – If you’re a grad who misses the academic speak from time to time this conference will quench your thirst in a queer way. The daylong conference uses a recent legal case that occurred in Portland, Oregon to highlight how young people marginalized through sexuality and race are targeted. It’s extremely relevant and a great place to start dialogue with other academics, activists and interested community. Continue reading » ![]() ![]() June and Jean Milligton, from the iconic girl band Fanny, play Saturday as part of their "Play Like a Girl" tour Don’t forget that it’s the last days of the Portland Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, and previews should all be out. You can check that plus any reviews thus far in our complete 15th Annual PLGFF coverage. Thursday In Other Words 18th birthday party – One of the last remaining feminist bookstores in the country is still going. I hesitate to say strong, although metaphorically they’re as strong as ever, because in this economy they are in constant need of our love and help. So don’t let the $12 price tag deter you because IOW is not a whole community center and the party’s bound to be hoppin’ with a lineup of performers and DJs. There will also be a raffle, food, beer and wine. The raffle prizes will feature fabulous items from local businesses, restaurants, the Portland Timbers, food carts, bicycle shops, Bitch Media and more Continue reading » ![]() qPDX is starting a new feature! Every week we will introduce you to a local LGBTQ party DJ and ask them about their experiences in the scene and feature an audio mix they’ve made. If you’re interested in being featured contact This week features DJ Bruce laBruiser, formerly known as Gutter Glamour, Jenny Bruso. You can catch her party Dirtbag! this Thursday (tomorrow) September 1st and again at Saturday September 10th at a great outdoor end of summer party called Some are Sparkles with Beyondadoubt and Chelsea Starr. When and how did you get started DJing? It’s kinda funny because I never actually planned on djing. It came to me. My partner and a good friend of our’s wanted to throw a benefit and for some reason they had this idea that I should dj it. Without even thinking about it I told them, “no.” I hate a lot of attention and being on the spot, but over the following next few days I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I found myself thinking about what kind of dj I would want to be and I was hearing all of my music in this new way. Suddenly, I was dying to do it! And after that first time, I was hooked, though I shudder to think about those early days. Eek. It’s actually the perfect gig for me, because I get to be this big part of the party, but i’m tucked away from the crowd and it’s totally weird, but I often find that folks really aren’t even paying that much attention to the dj. Depends on the party. Continue reading » ![]() What else do you really need to do this weekend but ensconce yourself in QDoc? OK, fine. Here’s a bunch of other cool stuff, but I’m tired, so commentary is short. Thursday Dirtbag! – No less a fabulous femme kickass DJ than she ever was, Gutter Glamour has reemerged from the chrysalis as Bruce la Bruiser. Joined by guest Freddie Fagula the DJ duo will get you on the floor and make you weep all in one. It’s a free party in the heart of Alberta that will slyly introduce new wave to the pop laden queer scene and I, for one, embrace the infiltration. Sweet Tea at the Fixin’ To – I think it’s awesome that there’s a neighborhood queer night up in St Johns. And really I’ve been meaning to go. But when there’s so much awesome Thursday action in inner NoPo it’s hard to truck out to the 8000 block. Still, I hear it’s awesome. Let me know? Continue reading » ![]() Thursday These Clothes have Baggage art opening – Q Center hosts a photographic show by Geoff Watland examining the role that clothing and personal keepsakes have on our memories of love, gender identity and expression and more. Cindo de Mayo party at the Flipside – Salem seems to take advantage of all the right drinkers holidays at their pop gay club the Flipside. So get Latin/American and celebrate this weird holiday that doesn’t really mean anything in Mexico. But here it means latin pride and drink specials so hey… Dirtbag! A stellar dance party – The only night that culminated with a 1AM Smiths dance climax. And besides this is how last month’s free party was described “…kinda totally awesome and dreamy and everyone was making out and feeling fucking free and stuff…” Continue reading » |
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