  Preview Kaj-Anne Pepper's GenderFantasy this Friday at Bent
DJ Challenge and Gaga look alike contest for AIDSwalk – A benefit for the upcoming walk to bring attention to AIDS (cuz the fight is not over my friends) this Gaga look alike contest can also win you tickets to Ke$ha. Gay cliché as it may be I bet there will be many good costumes provoking laughter and gasps alike. And though I don’t know what the DJ challenge entails I’m excited to see Mr. Charming (Gaycation) participate in it. If it was DJ Hero on the Wii I might even give them a run for their money…
Big Eyes, Tacocat, Forever, & Guantanamo BayWatch – Punk rock at the Fleetwood Shac.
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  Del Shores shares all his 'Sordid Confessions' Sunday at Red Cap
Hot mess talent contest – The first week of the up-and-coming local talent competition. Can we beat Tyra in snarkiness or Simon Cowell in cruelty? Well it’s time to find out.
Streateaters, Mishaps, Fucking Lesbian Bitches – Goddamn dyke punk ok?
The Cafeteria – Summer school’s in session so it’ll be all the bad girls and boys in class this week…
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  Crave producers MJ (L) and DJ Alicious at last year's Glow party. Photo by OSI Photography.
SugarTown Ice Cream Soul-cial – Last month’s very first ST was a sweet sweet success. Despite the sound trouble early on this celebration of sweetness and soul left a pleasant taste on everyone’s tongue. The music was fun and a nice respite from the usual club fare, the sweet treats for sale were cheap and delicious and there were just enough people to create plenty of opportunities mingle and dance without that claustrophobic and intense heat sometimes generated by popular nights. Sweet Thursday perfection. *
Crave presents “Glow” – Crave’s annual black light party is always a messy success. And as the creators are moving on to that bigger glow stick coast city Los Angeles, it might also be your last chance to feel the dark light love. This is your chance to relive your raver days or revel in what you missed for those of you in your 20s. But get there early cuz this tiny space fills up fast with females, and besides, they have killer drink specials before 10. *
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  Little Tommy with one of this weekend's hosts ChiChi
In case you haven’t heard former Tuesday show, Peep Show, outgrew it’s weekday shortpants and has moved to a coveted Friday slot because it’s so damn good. qPDX took a minute to sit down with one of the show’s producers Little Tommy Bang Bang so find out some of the dirt behind the move and catch a glimpse of what might be in store for us this Friday.
qpdx: So what prompted the move to Fridays? I assume it has gotten quite popular. Were there other reasons?
LTBB: The reason for the move to Fridays is simply that we outgrew Tuesdays. After over a year of successful “first Tuesday” shows, the Red Cap agreed to let us have a better night for our show. Keeping in the Portland tradition of monthly events, we are now officially booked for “third Fridays”.
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  Bacon Salt man at last year's Portland Baconfest. 2011 version takes place this Saturday on E Burnside
Q center open house – Come say hi to the new Executive Director, Barbara McCullough-Jones while you check out featured art on the history of Portland drag from photographer Greg Pitts.
Kerry Hallet @ Alberta Pub – The pub may be eclipsed by its newer hipster neighbors across the street but it’s still got amazing fries and damn good acoustic music sets, like this one by local Kerry Hallet.
Bent featuring Jeau Breedlove – This months gay ass dance party up north features the homo hop stylings of Jeau Breedlove. The name will probably get old quickly but I heard the cat at the Queer Music Fest the rhymes are pretty dope.
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  Zora Phoenix: "What, me, the best of Portland?"
Just wanted to give a quick shout out to prolific and hard-workin’ performance queen Zora Phoenix, for making Willamette Week’s annual “Best of Portland” issue, an irreverent take on the wonderful characters and quirks of our city (think, a journalistic version of Portlandia). The founder and administrator of BurlesquePDX.com and a new event planning business called Redhead Productions accepted the honor, detailed below, graciously.
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  The infamous Lady Bunny performs Friday at Red Cap
Sugar Town queer soul night – Rotture’s soul night has become a staple in Portland nightlife both gay and straight. But as with many popular nights the douchebags inevitably catch on, and it can be even worse at a “straight” night. I’m not sure if this happened to the beloved soul night, but it was time for us to have our own anyway (Pansy Soul is great but Sloan’s is more for hanging out than dancing). Anyway, all of this to say I’m more than a little excited that one of the best dressed butchies I have ever seen, DJ Action Slacks, will lead us all in a little soulful 70s love starting this Thursday, and hopefully forever more. It’s free but donations for Q Patrol are welcomed.
Cafeteria turns 1 – Oh my god Freshman year is over! Now we can give swirlies to all the new queer club nights in town. And guest DJ Girlfriends will be spinnin’ in your parents’ back yard (i.e. the Vendetta patio) ’til 11, just like at the popular kids’ parties. We’ve made it folks. Sophomore year is gonna rule.
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  Cat Fancy performs Saturday at Fat Fancy
Reclaiming Pink a short performance by Max Voltage – The co-creator of Homomentum and Homo’s Got Talent hasn’t been heard from all summer (oh my god so long!), but Max is back with a free performance that is part of the JAW Playwrights Festival. This journey through gender and back again is sure to be the colorful and expressive performance we’ve come to expect from Voltage and I’m particularly excited to see how the Men’s restroom plays out as a stage for the piece. It continues throughout the weekend so make sure you spare a half hour somewhere along the way.
Mantrap@RedCap – Fridays at Red Cap just got a lot better with the introduction of current It Boys DJ Lunchlady and photographer Wayne Bund. Surprise performances round out the part. This week it’s Sweat/Shine and Devan McGrath, making any guy’s dream team.
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  Gaycation's Mr Charming performing at Booty back in the day...i comes full circle in the inner SE gay strip...
Don’t forget to keep your eyes in Latino Gay Pride all weekend long!
Poison Waters & friends happy hour show – Good ol’ fashioned drag divaliciousness in the relaxed atmosphere of Al’s Den at the new Crystal Hotel.
Jelly Roll – This is billed as a party for fat folkes and allies but I think it’s going to be much more than that. I hear that one of the best dressed backup dancers I’ve ever seen, Melody Awesomazing, will be performing. I can’t think of a better way to start of a weekend of chub empowerment than with her glitter facial hair and neon stockings.
Chicka–Boom–Boom – Records by ladies, spun by ladies. More info from Lyska earlier in the week.
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 Another weekend, another reason to be proud in the PacNW. Portland Pride may have been nearly a month ago now but the breakout celebrations continue. This weekend, La Lucha‘s Latino Gay Pride takes over the town with a culmination on Sunday at the Eastbank Esplanade Waterfront.
The fun starts tonight with an Voz Alta: Amor Indocumentado (Undocumented Love), an evening of music and poetry with Edna Vazquez and Joaquin Lopez (details below) and continues with dance parties both Friday and Saturday night. TGIF is the official La Lucha dance party and opener at Boxxes, while Saturday is dedicated to the chicas with a dance party across the river at Crush.
But the main event is Sunday’s epic fiesta, which lasts from noon to 9pm. There’s a host of fabulous DJs and performers such as ChiChi and Chonga the latina stoner satire duo that has has risen to drag stardom in an instant this year at 4. At 6 Under U 4 Men takes the stage and the thought of cholos in chonies makes me weak in the knees.
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