  Ricky Martin is gay?!
Celebrities, as powerful and rich as they are, still tend to remain in the closet. Here are the top 5 folks this year that had the courage to publicly declare their homo-love.
5 – Amber Heard
Actress from The Stepfather, The Joneses, Pineapple Express, spoke openly with AfterEllen.com about being a lesbian pioneer in Hollywood, during the GLAAD media awards.
4 – Chely Wright
There was a lot of hype leading up to this announcement which was largely met by a big “who?” when the information was finally released. We were all expecting someone really famous to come out, but Chely Wright is a country singer who has quite the following in the South. Oh yeah, and that Christian singer Jennifer Knapp came out too.
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  Perez Hilton was the most Googled gay this year. A blogger? Really? There's hope for me yet
Ah, it’s that time of the year when we stop writing about real news and just rehash everything that happened over the past year as if we weren’t there the first time. My own versions of the year in review and the best of 2010 won’t begin until next week, but that doesn’t mean we can start with remembering 2010 through the company that became an everyday verb. That’s right, I’m talking about Google, the ubiquitous search engine where all internet life begins and ends. And here’s a list of the most searched gays in 2010, according to the People’s Republic of Google.
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  Andrea Gibson performs Saturday at the Q Center (my bad)
The good news is that you haven’t missed her, but hopefully no one trudged over to the Q Center last night to see Andrea Gibson on my bad advice. She performs Saturday the 20th. Description below.
Primal Cuts a raucous book release – PDX gays might be known for veganism but I’ve also met a damn lot of folks who have been lured away by the smell of bacon (or, like me, were too hedonistic to ever give up meat in the first place). But just because one is a foodie doesn’t mean one is heartless, so there has also been an upsurge in the discussion of where our animal products come from and how they get to our plates.
This party is in celebration of Marissa Guggiana’s Primal Cuts but I suspect the bigger draw will be the 16 whole animals coming from 3 different farms (all heritage meats), hors d’oeuvres from Salt, Fire & Time and The Ethical Butcher and a Hario Pour-Over Station from Intelligentsia Coffee. Plus all your favorite photobooths and DJs who will then move to the afterparty down the street at Homo-Deluxe.
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  Queer acrobatics from the Collective-of-Geniuses
Events, gatherings and celebrations are already underway for Trans Empowerment Week leading up to this Saturday’s Trangender Day of Remembrance. Today at 6pm on KBOO’s Outloud (90.7FM) Tobi Hill-Meyer and Smitty Buckler will be talking with Sasha about TDR, a day dedicated to day primarily memorializes those lost to hate crimes, it also serves as a forum for transgender communities and allies to raise awareness around the threat of violence faced by gender variant people and the persistence of prejudice felt by the transgender community, trans justice and intersecting oppressions and the connections between violence and the mainstream adult film industry.
Though the TDR may have somber overtones, there are also plenty fun and affirming activities and performances.
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  Fannie Mae Darling in 'Trannysnatchers'
This is the weekend that all the gay ghouls come out of the woodwork for All Hallow’s Eve mayhem. So whether your pleasure is tricks or treats there’s bound to be a party, or 2, for you.
Cafeteria, HomoDeluxe and Drop Shop – Thursday isn’t particularly spooky, although I have no doubts there will be some excellent costumes at “lunch trays and ghoulish gays” themed Cafeteria. Dead lunch ladies? Zombie assistant principals? Vampire cheerleaders?
Crave‘s Halloween Bash – Sexy undead go go dancers and the chance to show your own go go off with costume prizes in several categories like originality, scariest, sexiest, nerdiest and cutest couple. The featured drink of the night is ‘Monster Punch,’ sweet/sour and strong, and it’s only 2 bucks before 10. Plus VIP passes and incentives for friends makes this the it party for girls.
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  Gus Van Sant's 'Restless'
Quirky but cute weirdos have been all the rage in Portland for decades but they’re appeal is becoming more widespread. Local director Gus Van Sant has been introducing the world to loveable freaks for decades as well but has also hot the mainstream.
His upcoming film Restless fits this bill perfectly. It features an oddly symmetrical boy-girl couple, one of whom is sick, or dying or mentally ill while the other sees a teenage ghost and attends random funerals. It looks happy, sad and heart-warming…a chick flick for the Stumptown set.
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  'The Secret Diaries of Anne Lister'
If you missed the big Howl premiere last week, fear not. Howl begins a week run at Cinema 21 this Friday.That same day at 7 pm, executive producer, Gus Van Sant, will intro the film, show a short he made of Ginsberg and chat live with James Franco via Skype. As for the rest of the fest, it continues at the Hollywood Theater (4122 NE Sandy Blvd).
9:30pm @ Hollywood Theater Friday Oct 8 – Role/Play
From five time writer/director Rob Williams (Make The Yuletide Gay, 3-Day Weekend, Back Soon and Long-Term Relationship) comes a story of the A-list gays and all their troubles. Video editor Mike Justice will be on hand to answer questions after the screening.
While hiding out from the paprazzi at a secluded Palm Springs resort, recently outed Soap opera star, Graham Winsdor (Steve Callahan), and a recently divorced gay marriage activist Trey Reed (Matthew Montgomery) find themselves kindred spirits. These hard workin’ men find passion in expressing their professional pitfalls and compel one another to confront the firestorm that their relative scandals have wrought.
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  Mindy Cohn in 'Violet Tendencies'
6:30pm @ Living Room Theaters – Brotherhood
See earlier preview
7pm @ Cinema 21 – The Four Faced Liar
In what seems like a queer version of the hipster hailed Medicine for Melancholy, The Four Faced Liar follows “womanizing” Bridget and her BFF and flatmate Greg. One night hanging out at their local, the Four Faced Liar, they meet prim and proper NYC newbies Trip and Molly. The boys bond over sports and the girls over…well…K-I-S-S-I-N-G…against Molly’s better straight-laced judgement. Drama-rama!
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  Burlesquire performs monthly at Burlesque in Boyland
Burlesque in Boyland with Burlesquire – The weekend just keeps getting earlier! Forget that I’m currently missing out on both Peep Show and Gay Survivor at the moment, tomorrow ushers in the inaugural boylicious burlesque show with Burlesquire. Though there may be male strippers aplenty no one has the sexy shakin’ it skills like these boys. They are loved by lesbians even. Which is why it is so appropriate that they bejoined by Rose City Siren Delilah Sinn and a host of varied sexy-as-hell genders.
Welfare AIDS film premiere from ChiChi and Chonga – These amazing drag queens have exploded onto the scene in a mere few weeks. I’m already overwhelmed by their amazing performances and hotness. And they’ve already got a film premiere! Shit! It’s also a benefit for AIDS Walk Portland and oh so many drink specials…
Drop Shop afterparty – Don’t worry if the drink specials have you blazed already, just keep on keeping on at Red Cap for Drop Shop right after the film premiere. A combination of Portland favorites strippers and queer DS is helmed by DJ Mani who drops the booty shakin’, ass bouncin’ beats of Nola and the dirty dirty south. Or as close as you can get in this town. Plus pole dancing lead by DQ extraordinaire Exstacy Inferno. Hot.
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  'Contracorriente ' or 'Undertow'
6:30pm @ Living Room Theaters – I Killed My Mother
See earlier preview
7pm @ Cinema 21 – Elena Undone
The tale of two unlikely women, one of whom is married and reticent is not a new one. With stories such as Aimee and Jaguar which chronicles a story such as this set against the backdrop of a war torn Nazi Germany it seems like Elena Undone has some pretty big shoes to fill. And yet, a story about a housewife seduced by a lesbian writer could be quite interesting, especially in a world where even Oprah recognizes how often straight women leave their boring heterosexual lives for a woman later in life.
Oh yeah, and there’s an extended kiss scene so that might be worth watching.
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