  DJ Aurora
Every week (or so…) we introduce you to a local LGBTQ party DJ and ask them about their experiences in the scene and feature an audio mix they’ve made. If you’re interested in being featured contact alley@qpdx.com.
DJ Aurora is part of a DJ duo called What the F@*K Ever (with DJ Chubby Chaser) starting a new night at Crush Bar (1400 SE Morrison) this Friday aimed at the sexy side of queers (I mean, as if there’s another). It’s called Have a Heart on: Sexxy dance party, and it’s just in time for V Day with go go dancers, lap dances, Valentine candy and all that good stuff.
When and how did you get started DJing?
As a native of Portland OR, I started DJing about two years ago. With my love and passion for music, my good friend Owen (Queer Gothic DJ at Plan B’s night Hive) referred me to DJ Entropy for his night, Bad Music for Good People at Tiger Bar. It was a free range night so I played everything from psychedelic rock to punk to contemporary pop.
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 Merry Christmas all you beautiful queers
Did I mention you have, like, zero days left to get that holiday shopping done? Well, it’s too late for Amazon girl. Better check out the local options in our Holiday Gift Guide.
Queerlandia 2012 – I don’t know too much about how this party’s going to be but they’re only planning a total of 5 before the end of […]
  We don't need another hero, we just need Mrs. Beyond Thunderdome Saturday
There’s always lots to do on the weekend but only one weekend is bigger than the weeklong celebration of International LGBT film, PLGFF. We’ll have previews all week long so stay tuned.
Cafteria‘s Saved By the Bell edition – It’s time to bust out the cuffed acid wash jeans and use that aerosol to make those bangs into a wave. I’ll even lend you my scrunchie if you meet me at the Peach Pit. Ok, so it’s a special moment of fun nostalgia made right for my exact generation. So let’s all recreate the junior high experience we never had k?
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  John Cameron Mitchell (center) in the DJ booth at Mattachine in NYC with PJ DeBoy and Amber Martin. Here this Saturday at Mississippi Studios. Photo by Mark Tusk.
Monthly QPOC social – It’s hard being a person of color in Portland, Oregon, so much more even as a queer POC. I have my own inner-ish with the whole idea, but I’m down to meet others in a summer filled patio session. Perfect beginning to your evening and weekend.
I still haven’t been to the ST Johns queer monthly Sweet Tea at the Fixin’ To but I hear such good things about it. I haven’t been to one of my faves, Dirtbag!, either, and damn if I don’t have a gay ol’ time at that neighborhood party when I do. So if I manage to drag myself out, it’s gonna be a tough call.
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  DJ Freddie Fagula holds a feminist icon sculpture in support of Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood has been in the news a lot lately, fighting for there very existence. But even when PP is “completely” funded, there scope is technically limited to the prevention of baby-making. Lots of women take advantage of their medical services, contraceptives and other resources. But not every woman needs the meds or paps because she has sex with men, and while plenty of us fudge the truth in order to get services local PP workers knew that this policy was unfair and wanted to do something about it. That’s why they created the Equal Access Fund.
The Equal Access Fund, established by PPCW, gives low-income lesbians, bisexual women and trans people the same access to affordable annual exams and Pap tests as low-income heterosexual women, and increases access to health care to an underserved population. The fund removes the requirement of seeking contraception to access no-cost annual exams.
I a recent survey in three Portland health centers, front-line staff members estimated that in a single month, six lesbians decided not to access services because they could not afford them and were not eligible for CCare. We estimate that annually 150-175 women in our service area decide not to access services because they cannot afford it.
We also suspect that man more low-income lesbian, bisexual and trans patients at PPCW request and take home contraception they don’t require because they need help from FPEP to pay for their services This subterfuge puts up additional barriers between patients and their health care providers, making an honest discussion about relationships, sexual behavior and risk factors even more difficult for women who may be already hesitant to speak freely.
Consistently facing financial woes, the completely donor funded EAF is holding a trivia night benefit tomorrow night at Crush (1400 SE Morrison). We got a chance to sit down with some of the organizers on the eve of their big fundraiser to ask a little bit more about the program.
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 Saturday's 'Blow Pony' features Serendipity Jones
Forgive Me Father at Pivot – I have no trouble reconciling my hedontistic, panganisitc spiritual desires with my homosexual ones, but many of those who hold more subdued beliefs do. This night is for them. There’s quite a movement incorporating faith with gay liberation and this is just the function to explore that.
The Cafeteria – Vendetta is a small venue but this school themed night has it bursting at the seems. And don’t think you’ll be safe by showing up at 9. The door gods take station at the early work time of, like, 8 or something. Thank god it’s worth it.
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  Have a gay ol' New Years Eve!
Whew! That little snafu this weekend threw me off, but this little procrastinator always comes through in the end. I need enough time to peruse the New Years Eve celebration choices myself at least to prepare for next weekend. So let’s take this trip of queer New Years Eve in Portland:
Tag-a-Fag New Years Edition – For the traditionalists among you, Red Box (what my roommate adorably dubbed the Red Cap/Boxxess complex 1035 SW Stark) TAF will be two rooms full of boys waiting to have their bodies written on. And, in an oddly 2005 style, free trucker hats to the first 100 people in the door. I’d be more stoked about $2.50 wells but that’s just me.
Crave‘ presents a GagaDonna New Years – Quintessential where the girls are usually gets packed early on and stays that way until close. It can be tough fighting the crowds but how do you blame them when the space is night, the jams are pumping, and the drinks are stiff? Plus this is the only place I know of to get real lezzie lap dances from hot ladies. They may be popular, but don’t dare the Crave ladies mainstream…after all they advertise moi, and Lord knows I’m a mouthy queer.
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  Little Tommy Bang Bang host Mrs Sloppy Seconds
Culture Machine @ Disjecta – That oh-so-hip warehouse art space by the Dancin’ Bare and the Paul Bunyon actually is as cool as it seems. It certainly doesn’t hurt that one of our head homos, Kaj-Anne Pepper, will be part of the invading troupe. Culture Machine is a dance performance (and research tank) that is performed and created by Tahni Holt along with Kaj-Anne Pepper, Robert Tyree, Sallie Garrido-Spencer, Thomas Thorson, Suzanne Chi, and Dicky Dahl. It’s like a big queer DJ combined with a Reed thesis expressed through dance.
Drop Shop – Sultry new queer/stripper love hip hop night goes around for its second week. Was there any booty bouncing last week? Cuz I’m in the mood to shake my laffy taffy.
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  THEESatisfaction plays Friday at Rotture as part of Menz Room. Photo courtesy of Maceo Paisley
sPLURt! episode 2 – I’m starting this weekend off tonight because how could I not highlight a bukakke-themed 90?s rave revival party? Really, I kinda think the 90s are back with a vengeance and I did always have a hard time letting go of the Peace, Love, Unity, Respect mantra. Plus with a photo like theirs and a promise to go home covered in something it’s likely we’ll all be pre-squirtin’ before the real weekend even begins.
Drag Queen Bingo wine and food tasting – Hosted by eminent drag queen MC Poison Waters how can you go wrong with tiny tasty hors d’oeuvres and some fancy sips?
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  Tahoe Jackson will perform Saturday at the Red Dress fundraiser. Photo by Wayne Bund
This beautiful spring day has all the local queers riled up and ready to mingle. And we have many opportunities to do so. The weekend kicks off tomorrow not only with the Tranny Roadshow but with Crave for the ladies Menz Room and Red Cap’s official Red Dress Pre-Party for the dudes, and Cuda Cabaret for the artfags.
The qPDX sponsored Crave brings the ladybeat back to Crush (1400 SE Morrison) with a Purple Rain theme that will have your doves crying and your feet dancing. DJs Alicious and Boy return to the decks with some 1999 love for your dripping purple heart. Oh and did I mention that Go Go Girls will bring out squirt guns to get the sweaty crowd into the wet, rainy spirit?
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