  Gaycation's Mr Charming performing at Booty back in the day...i comes full circle in the inner SE gay strip...
Don’t forget to keep your eyes in Latino Gay Pride all weekend long!
Poison Waters & friends happy hour show – Good ol’ fashioned drag divaliciousness in the relaxed atmosphere of Al’s Den at the new Crystal Hotel.
Jelly Roll – This is billed as a party for fat folkes and allies but I think it’s going to be much more than that. I hear that one of the best dressed backup dancers I’ve ever seen, Melody Awesomazing, will be performing. I can’t think of a better way to start of a weekend of chub empowerment than with her glitter facial hair and neon stockings.
Chicka–Boom–Boom – Records by ladies, spun by ladies. More info from Lyska earlier in the week.
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 DJ Freddie Fagula will be spinning at the Common Ground on Wednesday, July 13th
DJ Freddie Fagula (Do The Dark, Fruitcake, Dirtbag, and about a trillion more, busy boy) is adding a fabulous new opportunity to their DJ roster. Trans Night at Common Ground is the new venture, with Freddie spinning Hip Hop, Rn’B, underground disco and soul as part of Trans & Allies night.
Gyms and […]
  Seattle's LA Kendall will make a PDX appearance Friday at Bent
Sweet Tea – Sounds like the perfect summer refresher for those St Johns gays.
Dirtbag! – Your stellar dance party with the Smiths happy ending (is that an oxymoron?) takes up residence at my favorite Alberta dive once again.
Bent with special guests – Lifepartner will be at the decks along with Seattle superstar LA Kendall who rocks not just the dance floor but the business end, booking successful parties and performers alike. She’s also a producer/performer in her own right as one half of electro-pop-raptresses Luxury A.K. Bent is always a good time but this one will be a night to remember (or, perhaps, forget…).
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 Our little neighbor to the north really isn’t so little anymore, and it’s a pretty decent place to be a gay person, even if they did recently lose their only gay bar (hey, we lost our only lesbian bar). This weekend Vancouver, Washington celebrates their Gay Pride with Saturday in the Park.
A decidedly different approach than the debaucherous Prides of most cities, VanWa’s celebration begins with “Lyle’s Miles” 5k run and bills itself as the only family friendly Gay Pride celebration in existence. The annual charity walk/run goes through downtown Vancouver to raise money for Cascade AIDS Project, Martha’s Pantry and Global Partners for Development. The non-competitive walk/run event starts at 8:30am and is open to all.
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  The Red Dress Party float. Photo by Anna M Campbell
The Board of Pride Northwest is pleased to announce its first-ever Pride Parade awardees.
In an effort to promote community spirit the Board of Pride Northwest for the first time offered cash awards in five different categories at its annual Portland Pride Parade. Our esteemed panel of judges was asked to review all parade entrants and designated the following participants to best represent their respective categories. And the winners are!:
Most Creative Implementation of Theme, “Make It Happen,” $500: Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
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  ElleMC is way better than Ke$ha and she'll be here Friday night at JunKtion
Seems to me if you’re not one of the many going to either San Francisco or Seattle Prides this weekend you might still be in recovery, but there are some decent options if you gotta keep the party going
JunKtion! – Rapper, singer, songwriter, skateboarder and dually named ElleMC aka Swagatha Christie will make the Local Lounge pop with her dope rhymes before the dance party begins. Maybe an all-female skateboard dance troupe ala the Sprockettes will bust it out?
Heavy Metal Ladies Night – Iron Man ain’t got nothin’ on us. Sloans is the most badass bar in Portland. You know, the one with the semi-truck pokin’ out the front? Perfect venue to celebrate the female headbangers.
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Last Sunday SMYRC and others kicked off Portland Pride Week with a big gay bicycle ride featuring female bike dancing troupe the Sprockettes. Thanks to qPDX user Rhienna for contributing the photos.
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  The 2008 qPDX Pride Guide ad
This Wednesday the Willamette Week, the alternative newsweekly that was given the rights to publish the Pride Guide this year, released the 2011 official Portland Pride Guide. Unfortunately, you won’t see us in it.
qPDX has had an ad in the Pride Guide for the last 4 years so it feels a little sad to be left out this year, but it just had to be. Ultimately, it was about cost, but there are a few things that gave us pause, including the implication that Willamette Week wouldn’t necessarily run articles concerning the LGBT community without striking a business deal.
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  Portland Black Pride - June 15th to June 19th
Portland Black Pride is back! After a hiatus of sorts Portland Black Pride is back – and collaborating with the PFLAG Portland Black Chapter.
“We are planning a series of events to take place during the dates of 6/15-6/19. We have combined a variety of youth, adult, and events for all ages during the black pride celebration week to ensure we are including and recognizing all of our community” writes Khalil Edwards, one of the organizers of the events.
More info and a full listing of events underneath the cut.
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  What are some sex positive words for women? (I couldn't think of any either)
How do you feel about the term slut? Don’t like it? (why?) Whore? Bitch? Ho? Loose woman, even? When was the last time you heard the statement “he had it coming” or “she was dressed like a slut” in response to another person getting raped? When was the last time you considered a man who was sexually assaulted less of a victim because he’s not a woman?
SlutWalk is a loud and proud FUCK YOU to all of those who support pro-shame, anti-healthy-sex, pro-rape. And we need you. You’re monogamous, in a long term relationship? You have a couple of lovers? You do sex work? You’re male-indentified? You’;re shy? You’re a gay man who doesn’t interact much with women? Doesn’t matter. If you believe sex is fun and pleasure is good for you, and that rape won’t end until rapists stop raping, you need to come to SlutWalk. July 31st. 1pm. Park Blocks. Be there.
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