 Sam Adams' bike contingent at Pride 2009
Now that we are all finally recovered from our hangovers it’s time to reflect on the weekend. It was a wild success that saw the gorgeous Miss Sabel Scities win Portland’s Drag Race, 115 floats, thousands of attendees, very few protesters and about a million parties.
Below are my weekend highlights but we really want to hear yours, so comment below!
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Sara Ray and friends hold op a rainbow flag to shield themselves from the rain at the Pride waterfront village
It was a wild ride my friends but pictures from this weekend’s Dyke March, headlining Uh Huh Her performance at the waterfront and Sunday’s big Pride Parade itself are ready for perusal. We will be adding a few throughout the day and if you would like to […]
 It's Portland Gay Pride - Parade Time!
We’re nearing the end now folks! But there are still a few opportunities to get down and dirty and maybe even shake your tailfeather…
Sunday is of course the day of the Pride Parade, which starts *around* 11:15 – Sunday corner of Broadway and Davis and goes down to the waterfront/Tom McCall Park. Watch for float no #94, that’s us, yours truly! And we have some amazing, stunning news for you- the elusive SuperGay has contacted us via a sekrit communication channel and announced that they will be supporting us by being part of our Pride Float!! We’re super excited for SuperGay – I, Perry, have to go see a man about a dog on Sunday, so I’m very glad SuperGay will sup-port us, geddit? OK, enough puns, y’all know the parade and afterparty at the park are the highlights of Sunday…stay hydrated!
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 Dyke March 2007
If you have successfully made it through both Thursday and Friday then congratulations! You are now ready for Pride’s biggest night, and the reason Sunday’s parade always kicks off just a little late.
Dyke March
The night starts early with the traditional Dyke March beginning in the North Park blocks at 6pm with a march step-off at 7. A veritable meet and greet of all your exes (if you’re part of the dyke/trans community) it is most certainly the see and be scene pre-function of the night.
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Today’s Just Out has a a mini-feature for Saturday’s In Other Words fundraiser Verb written by yours truly. Might as well move your feet for a good cause no?
There are a plethora of popular Portland Pride parties happening Saturday June 13, the night before the big parade. But only one hosted by and benefiting a women’s and feminist bookstore would appreciate such overuse of alliteration.
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 Uh Huh Her
There’s a million and 1 Pride related parties and events but the Waterfront Village celebration itself sports some talented performers, and all at donation prices. And now that you can carry your beer throughout the booths in the lovely lighthearted PDX sunshine, it might be hard to pull yourself away.
Here are a few acts that make our hit list followed by a complete lineup:
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The largest lezzie party of the year gets a writeup in Just Out:
Being more a fan of the intimate, cramped party than big blowouts, I almost didn’t attend the inaugural Out Like That Productions Pride celebration last year. That would have been a mistake. And though I’m disappointed the sophomore bash won’t be in the balmy confines of the Jupiter Hotel courtyard, the Mt. Tabor Theater’s antique charms are sure to win me over when Get Out! Pride 2009 happens Saturday, June 13.
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 RuPaul Drag Race winner Bebe, will make a special guest appearance at the Portland Edition finale
Take a deep breath my friends, because Pride weekend is here…You might want to take this evening to relax and prepare. I’m sure I’m gonna wreck the closet tonight. Because the fun starts tomorrow and it just ain’t gonna stop for days. And each day qPDX will preview the night’s happenings, making sure to highlight our picks. So get your Red Bull and vodka together and try not to spill on that party dress, because it’s gonna be a doozy.
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 Wrestlers duke it out at La Lucha: Latino Gay Pride
Firstly, just in time for Pride, qPDX would like to welcome a new team member, the illustrious Stephen Cassell, who jumped right into the fray this weekend. The busy man about town managed to get to both Latino Gay Pride and BearTown 14. And to share with you his whirlwind of a weekend are 3 very special photo galleries.
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 Black OUT marches in Portland Pride 2006
Though the wrestlers, dancers and Latin hunks were out in full force this weekend, making for an incredibly successful Latino Gay Pride in Portland, our Black Pride, put on by the Unity Project (formerly Brother to Brother) seems to be having more of a struggle.
Amid the scandal of Executive Director Alisa Simmons’ abrupt resignation, and questions about the need for Unity Project to exist, the events scheduled for this year seem a bit pale in comparison to the popular block party of last year.
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