
Pride 2009: Sunday & SuperGay!

Its Portland Gay Pride - Parade Time!

It's Portland Gay Pride - Parade Time!

We’re nearing the end now folks! But there are still a few opportunities to get down and dirty and maybe even shake your tailfeather…

Sunday is of course the day of the Pride Parade, which starts *around* 11:15 – Sunday corner of Broadway and Davis and goes down to the waterfront/Tom McCall Park. Watch  for float no #94, that’s us, yours truly! And we have some amazing, stunning news for you- the elusive SuperGay has contacted us via a sekrit communication channel and announced that they will be supporting us by being part of our Pride Float!! We’re super excited for SuperGay – I, Perry, have to go see a man about a dog on Sunday, so I’m very glad SuperGay will sup-port us, geddit? OK, enough puns, y’all know the parade and afterparty at the park are the highlights of Sunday…stay hydrated!

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Who is SuperGay?

Who is SuperGay?

SuperGay was spotted in Portland, OR - who is this queer superhero?

It has come to’s attention that a mysterious character known only as SuperGay has been spotted flying around town (and in the bean aisle at Fred Meyer) sporting a rainbow cape and a spandextastic outfit, and campaigning for the rights of queer people everywhere. I caught up with SuperGay on a local rooftop, where zhe was polishing their silver mirrored goggles with their rainbow cape, but before I could ask SuperGay how we can contact them, they just said “Same gay time, same gay channel” (I assume that means logo, but i don’t have cable) and flew off into the sunset with a barbie doll, a GI Joe, and a My Little Pony Unicorn clutched tightly to their chest. (the modern equivalent of riding off into the sunset, with the guy/girl i suppose)

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qPDX on indefinite hiatus marching crew!

qPDX is taking a break but we’re moving on to new projects that should be equally exciting! A big thanks to everyone who has read or participated over the years. […]

We want you to weigh in on the best of 2011!

SuperGay and Diana at Pride 2010

SuperGay and Diana are ready to see the best of 2011

It’s that time of year to start thinking about year in review and best of lists. So before we move on to the green pastures of 2012 (perhaps our last year on earth?) let’s reflect on the hills and valleys of 2011. I have plenty of opinions myself, and you can check out all of 2010’s […]

Portland Pride – A How-To-Guide (sorta)

SuperGay and Diana at Pride 2010
2010 Pride NW Pride Crew

Best Pride 2010 backup crew! Photo by Diana Edwards

So many (tiny) dogs. FryBrickLineFight v.s So-So-Burger line. What will you wear? Why do dykes on bikes always wear black? When is the Dyke March (Hint: either at 5pm or 6pm, depending on who you ask.) Official Weather. UnderU for Men sale. Why it’s not OK to be sexist, racist, or aggressive during Pride. Lovetribe snuggle tent skepticism. Splendora Gabor’s candyfloss hair.  It’s not over until the drag queen sings. And: If you find a bar that does dollar mimosas (like the fabulous Invasion did a few years ago!) you tell us by tweeting something @qpdx.

Some random musings on the nature of Portland Pride. All you need to know will be revealed, but don’t quote me. I said don’t.

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Perry's Plethoric Pride Pantheon Redux - Portland Pride Weekend in Review

Gay Cat
Gay Cat

Gay Cat

Wow – what a weekend. I don’t know about you, but I’m still recovering, and finding glitter in unexpected places. This year’s Pride was an amazing experience for me. Five nights, ten parties, two marches, and zero gay bashings or homophobic incidents (as far as we know). A vibrant, powerful and peaceful pride despite a lot of changes this year – to the Pride route, to step-off times…and weather that wasn’t quite what we’ve been hoping for. This also marked a change for us here @ as we slowly grow from a little website that could into the bigger, badder, and more powerful queer community media hub that we want to become.

We do what we do for you, our community, and we want to thank everyone who has supported us over the past year and a half in so many ways: Holding banners, running errands, making connections, t-shirts, costumes, stealing copies, blogging/photographing…all of it. Thank you for inspiring us to do more and do better, every day. Thank you for giving us hella gay stuff to write about.

Alright, enuff wishywashing. Let’s get down to the dirt!

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Pride Sunday's the day...parade and all

Cazwell and Amanda Lepore will be at the Stark Street Block Party

So yeah, the 11:30 step off time for the Portland Pride Parade is pretty much a guesstimate, and we’ve all just been partying for 4 days, so Gay Standard Time is general operating procedure. But it’s the 40th anniversary of the first Gay Pride (Lordy lordy look who’s 40…) so you better be there with your fairy-ass bells on, even if there is a little sprinkling. If there is any rain I’m sure it’s just “God” telling us to wake up and parade already.

And yes, qPDX will be there, tweeting (twatting), parading, handing out stickers, buttons and flyers, in our best supergay outfits including newly fashioned qPDX “beater” tank tops courtesy Mike Burt. There’s a couple extra so if you march with us and/or are real lucky, you might get one too.

And of course once we reach the Waterfront I usually tool around for awhile and giggle at baby dykes purchasing their first set of Freedom Rings, fully expecting to head home. But oh no, it ain’t over yet folks

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ADIDAS bans lesbians and gays from reclaiming their shoes

No shoes for you
No shoes for you

No shoes for you, Supergay! Click for full screenshot

Shoe giant and Portland/Beaverton local ADIDAS,  who currently hold a market share of 33% for athletic shoes, have banned gay terminology from their mi ADIDAS shoe customization service that allows shoe junkies such Alley Hector and myself to customize their latest kicks.
Words like “gay”, “lesbian”, “faggot” and “dyke” are banned – along with “homo”,  and ethnic slurs.

While playing around with the mi ADIDAS website today, I noticed it’s embroidery feature that allows users to add custom text to different parts of the shoe. Thinking that my buddy Supergay has been talking about getting some new boots, I tried entering the term “Supergay” – only to be informed that “profanity” had been detected and my embroidery was not allowed.

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Homo’s Got Talent

homo-talentWe all know Oregon queers have got it going on, but we also have a sense of humor. So this Saturday will see us putting our hip swaying to the test with a spoof of reality television dance shows.

Homo’s Got Talent, perfectly situated in the E Room‘s dark tomb (3701 SE Division), gives local performers a chance to compete to win prizes from local businesses as well as the prestigious title of “Portland’s Top Homo Dancer.” It will be hosted by Pant’s Off Productions‘ flashy gender bender Max Voltage who has promised that the evening will be,

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Stuf 4 tonight, CRAVE @ CRUSH, birthdays, it’s a grab bag…

your chance for a quiet night in..

your chance for a quiet night in..

A grab bag of important/not so important stuff…first, a brief afternoon update on the happenings tonight. Just so you know it is NOT doubledown tonight @ holocene (we had it on the calendar and it were wrong, so, apologies, holocene is closed for a private party tonight. I want to have a private party at holocene, damnit!) I also have family in town all the way from Planet Urop, so i’m not getting as much blogging in as I usually do.

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