
We want you to weigh in on the best of 2011!

SuperGay and Diana at Pride 2010

SuperGay and Diana are ready to see the best of 2011

It’s that time of year to start thinking about year in review and best of lists. So before we move on to the green pastures of 2012 (perhaps our last year on earth?) let’s reflect on the hills and valleys of 2011. I have plenty of opinions myself, and you can check out all of 2010’s year in review to read last year’s, but we also want your input. What did you think was special or awful about 2011? We want your suggestions for categories to cover as well as what fits into those categories. Let me explain what I mean by that.

We will certainly cover our favorite albums, movies and TV shows. We’ll also want to touch on the top local news stories, national issues and moments in sports. But last year we also had some new and interesting categories such as the “Best Public Outings” or the surprisingly controversial “Best New Club Nights.” What do you want to see a best of list about? It can be silly, serious or scintillating. Hopefully it’ll be all 3. But if you’re more opinionated than creative you can certainly make suggestions for best of lists already mentioned.

Plus, I got a suggestion to add a performance/stage category but I don’t feel well enough versed in the queerities of the theater, dance etc scenes to really craft this category. So any suggestions are welcome. Comment below or email


1 comment to We want you to weigh in on the best of 2011!

  • Some reader submitted category suggestions that I want your nominations for!

    Best local queer writer or pros and poetry (there is a pretty large scene for that here)

    Best local queer art show of 2011

    Best local queer owned business and/or store and/or restaurant

    Best queer event flyer of the 2011 (I’m a fan of flyer art, what can I say?)

    Best local queer band of 2011

    Most inspirational local queer community member of 2011

    Something about fashion (best dressed?)