Sam Adams' bike contingent at Pride 2009
Now that we are all finally recovered from our hangovers it’s time to reflect on the weekend. It was a wild success that saw the gorgeous Miss Sabel Scities win Portland’s Drag Race, 115 floats, thousands of attendees, very few protesters and about a million parties.
Below are my weekend highlights but we really want to hear yours, so comment below!
Thursday night began with some fabulous performances during the 14th Annual Gender Bender at the E Room. The reality that many folks had no idea it had been going on so long just goes to show that Portland’s queer community, as big and amazing as it is, can also be quite divided. This event showed that we shouldn’t remain insular in our distinct quadrants of town, because it’s so much better to come together! But, that also made plenty of room for drama, and I even heard that a fight broke out. Ouch.
Friday night was probably my busiest. I pre-functioned in 2 locations before shaking it on stage at Gaycation.
Then I surrupticiously slipped out to head up to the not quite public but still incredibly packed Pink Party. I ran into lots of folks at fabulously gender-mixed soiree including new qPDX blogger Stephen Cassell. Apparently, my drunken “Hey!” carries, as my sweetie was able to hear it at the other end of the crowded back yard.
By the time to got to Fruitcake, I was pretty much out of luck. DJ Nolita told me I missed everything and then consoled me with a Jell-O shot as the 2 o’clock hour approached. Luckily my friend DJ Freddie Fagula was there like a knight in shining armor to take me home. But first we went to the food carts at SE 12th with the Gossip’s Beth Ditto (a great combination of idol and acquantance of mine), where the party contionued sans alcohol. The fried foods heaven also featured folks that had come from nearby Gaycation such as DJs Mr. Charming and Dreamcatcher.
Speaking of celebs I heard the L Word‘s Leisha Hailey was also seen about town at a dyke party. First I heard that she was supposed to go to the E Room but ditched for Gaycation. But then during her band’s set on Saturday I thought I heard her say Rumpspankers, which would have been Fruitcake. Alas, I never met the gal.
I did, however, see her band Uh Huh Her, perform the next night (here are photos) after just barely catching the incredibly fast moving Dyke March. I’m tired of running people…really.
I had big plans the rest of the night for Get Out, Verb, etc etc but only made it to Blow Pony, which was ridiculously packed but seemed normal to me.

Borg Bjorn underwear model at the Under U 4 Men tent
By the time the big day rolled around I was a wreck, existing on Vitamin Water and donuts. But after a successful parade with Super Gay and a fabulous pink vespa driven by Squid I still didn’t go home.
Waterfront performances by burlesque from far and wide kept me glued to the stage. Kentucky Fried Woman tore of the crowd with her Colonel Sanders debauchery and the Rose City Sirens made us all wanted to get arrested so we could go to the “Queer County Jail.”
Another hit was the live model at the Under U 4 Men tent, where everything was half off. Even I succumbed to the new Borg Bjorn beauties…
And though I promised myself I wouldn’t drink on Sunday I was lured to new bar, Invasion (412 SW 4th Ave), by dollar mimosas and bloody marys. And I wasn’t disappointed. The atomic ranch style furnishings were both stylish and comfortable and the mixed crowd, as well as bartenders were incredibly friendly despite the swanky surroundings. The spaces nooks and crannies also made for lots of exploring, and a great way to meet new people. Just sayin’…
im STILL tired from this weekend!!! Uh Huh Her did make a brief appearance at Gaycation, but it was crazy packed so they didnt stay long & yeah i head they went to Rumpspankers after as well. its cool that they went out on the town!
Still recovering from the parade = leading the marching band is an exhausting task!