 PORTLAND QUEERS! I would like to invite you and all of your friends to the first of potentially many installments of a women-centric DJ night called LUNA LUNES. As the name suggests, the party will fall on Monday nights, the first just so happens to be tonight at Sloans Tavern (36 N Russell St. at Williams)
The evening will start early, before 9, giving y’all a chance to make sure […]
 what […]
  DJ Permanent Wave, aka Jenny Hoyston at last month's Art Party
Newly launched artfag club night Art Party is back for the third time this Friday the 2nd at Branx (315 SE 3rd). Hosts DJ Gottesfinger and Permanent Wave aim to bring a combination of experimental music and performance art to an often pop music focused club scene. Their solution is to bring their artrock sensibilities to the dancefloor and Friday’s will be a soiree not to be missed.
Noted experimental musicians Tunnels (Nick Bindeman, he of Jackie O Motherfucker and Eternal Tapestral),
and White Rainbow (local stalwart Adam Forkner, he of too many experimental projects to name) will be
performing alongside Sexual Champions, an all improv, all female brass ensemble headed by Jenny Hoyston
(she of Erase Errata, and too many other musical projects to name).
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 DJ Nolita is leaving us!
We all knew that Fruitcake was struggling when it lost its Northeast Portland venue to the lures of medical marijuana, but the final death throes came when founder DJ Nolita announced she was leaving Portland for the wide open sea of San Fran. Not only will she be missed, but so will the insiders night that quickly became a Nopo favorite. Our only consolation? A grand farewell tonight at Portsmouth Pizza (5264 N Lombard).
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So we’re all still sad that the holidays are over and, more importantly, that Fruitcake is breathing its last breaths. And to top it off, its Monday. Lame. Still, we have the chance to gaily celebrate once again the emergence of a new weekly (that’s right not monthly when the full moon hits or some other bs) queer dance night, Manic Mondays.
From the quixotic minds of DJs […]
 Get into some tight spaces at SPelUNK Friday the 13th
As usual there is no lack of queer parties for the weekend and this Friday the 13th, so soon after Halloween, should certainly be auspicious. My recommendations are SPelUNK at Red Cap (1035 SW Stark) and Fruitcake at Rumpspankers (700 NE Dekum).
In honor of being scared of (and excited by) the dark, Red Cap intends to plunge its patrons into total, cave-like darkness with only your instincts and some LED lights to guide you.
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By now you already know that hump day is a lot more happenin’ than it used to be. Whether drinking and dancing will help you make it through the week or hinder your productivity, enjoying the midweek pleasures has become a queer necessity.
Guest DJ Yo’Malley will be spinnin’ 80’s, new wave and pop, uptown with some gay pizza slices at Fame (5262 N Lombard), but the bigger bash will be downtown at Invasion’s (412 SW 4th) Gloss.
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 DJ Automaton at the decks
Wednesdays are often quite a full hump day with the weekly Fame/Gay Pizza/Slice, and monthlies Lube Job and Gloss. But tonight also features a special mix of 2 of Holocene’s (1001 SE Morrison) dykiest nights. Tonight’s Tartdown is a celebration of Double Down and Tart as well as a going away party of sorts.
From the organizers:
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Today’s Just Out has a a mini-feature for Saturday’s In Other Words fundraiser Verb written by yours truly. Might as well move your feet for a good cause no?
There are a plethora of popular Portland Pride parties happening Saturday June 13, the night before the big parade. But only one hosted by and benefiting a women’s and feminist bookstore would appreciate such overuse of alliteration.
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