  Leslie and the Lys play at Blow Pony's 5 year anniversary Saturday at Rotture.
Slutty Hearts cassette release party – I’m not totally convinced of the hipster merits of producing an album on cassette and the only place to play them for me, and most people, is that one roommate’s car that still has a tape deck. But then they get an iPod converter and the party’s over. I recommend snapping a little USB drive in there with digi versions of the songs instead (and, update, it does actually come with a digital download, so there Alley!). But then, I may just not be hip enough. But the Slutty Hearts are. And you can’t complain about the format when you get a free copy with show entrance. And their brand of rock will bring you back to pure PDX 90s style with all those fond memories and sweaty show spots. And that’s a good thing.
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  The three minds of The Awesomazing Show episode 1: Melody Awesomazing, Anthony Hudson, Nana Awesomazing
We’ve been excited for the premier of the new Awesomazing Show by Anthony Hudson and Melody Awesomazing since we covered their first teaser trailer back in August. The show, centered around Awesomazing’s obsession with Facebook is finally here. The pilot, “Tagging,” first screened at last weekend’s Shorty Shorts film festival but in case you missed that it is also available online right below.
“Tagging” also features guest star Nana Awesomazing. It’s the holiday season so we can all sympathize with the nosy family member trying to get up in our biz on Facebook.
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  Carla Rossi hosts the Thanksgiving edition of Peep Show this Friday
Lucinda Williams – Singer songwriter loved by the lesbos takes the stage at the Crystal Ballroom.
Del Shores‘ Sordid Confessions – Del tries to make up for standing us up last time he was in town. The creator of the cult favorite TV series Sordid Lives (starring Olivia Newton-John, Rue McClanahan, Leslie Jordan and Caroline Rhea) is touring his hilarious new standup show. Raunchy, gay and not for the feint of heart, this seems like a delightfully small venue to catch the outrageous one man show.
Peep Show Thanksgiving with Carla Rossi – Little Tommy may be on vacay but there is no lack of talent in this Turkey day celebration of drag and performance. Hosted by wino Carla Rossi you’ll get to see favorites such as Fannie Mae Darling, Georgia Ray Babycakes and Melody Awesomazing while being introduced to some newcomers with fabulous names like Dionysus, ShpongledHoops and Austin Tatious. (Dammit why did I think of that drag name? I ever have an Austin necklace) Also, make sure you fight the tryptophan and wine induced coma to dance afterword with some of your favorite DJs.
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  Carmen Carrera from RuPaul's Drag Race makes an appearance Friday at Peep Show
Don’t forget the biggest fest of the weekend, Not Enough!, preview in this interview with organizers Sheana Corbridge and Edgar Frias.
Love Crimes: Faguette Disco – Haven’t seen DJ Girlfriends around in awhile so I’m glad to see him back and teaming up with another of Portland’s great lesbian loving and adorable gay DJs LunchLady. Advertising a cross of pulp fiction and Tom of Finland means a welcome infusion of irreverence to perk up a scene that hasn’t seen a new night in awhile. (Because we have so many good ones currently I know. Just sayin’…)
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  I totally got this picture of Melody Awesomazing off Facebook.
OMG, I am so ready. The video below is just the preview and I’m already laughing my ass off. You know me, I tend to be verbose and want to comment on everything but this pretty much takes my speech breath (and, um, typing I guess?) away. I mean I don’t really know what to say about the new Melody Awesomazing Facebook talk show except, it’s awesome…awesomazing. SO thanks to Melody and co-producer Anthony Hudson.
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  Slutwalk Portland 2011
For a minute let’s not think about the Canadian police officer who prompted this whole Slut walking protests by implying slutty women deserve to be raped. Let’s gloss over the back and forth bickering between self-proclaimed sluts and their blogging detractors. Instead, it’s time to see the photos from Portland’s first Slutwalk and revel in everyone’s gloriously skimpy and sexy attire. Because we do this as much for joy as for justice.
So I’ve, once again, recruited some snapshots from the fabulous Melody Awesomazing, who, whether or not she knows it, has been quasi-recruited as qPDX photographer. But, readers, I aim to recruit you as well, so hopefully these 11 pics are just the beginning of what you will see. We want you to contribute your Slutwalk photos and photos of any other PDX queers bein’ queer. So send ’em to alley@qpdx.com and we’ll get them up on the site post haste!
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  Gaycation's Mr Charming performing at Booty back in the day...i comes full circle in the inner SE gay strip...
Don’t forget to keep your eyes in Latino Gay Pride all weekend long!
Poison Waters & friends happy hour show – Good ol’ fashioned drag divaliciousness in the relaxed atmosphere of Al’s Den at the new Crystal Hotel.
Jelly Roll – This is billed as a party for fat folkes and allies but I think it’s going to be much more than that. I hear that one of the best dressed backup dancers I’ve ever seen, Melody Awesomazing, will be performing. I can’t think of a better way to start of a weekend of chub empowerment than with her glitter facial hair and neon stockings.
Chicka–Boom–Boom – Records by ladies, spun by ladies. More info from Lyska earlier in the week.
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