Rabbit Rabbit with Lisa Schonberg & Heather Treadway – Remember when you used to get excited about new bands? Well be prepared to feel that way again with 2 new projects taking the intimate stage at Mississippi Pizza (across the street from Mississippi Studios). Two of the ladies from Explode into Colors are exploding into another musical venture so new it doesn’t even have a name. Be prepared to swoon over Lisa’s skills on the drum set. Yeow!
Indie–Cent – Local Lounge is trying to make main drag MLK Blvd the place to be for queers and I think it might be working. I haven’t seen the busy strip so fun as lively as I have this year. As part of this effort the Local is adding regular dance nights that are small enough to feel neighborhoody and big enough to be a party. One of the first was JunKtion but they’re expanding a a twice a month (1st & 3rd Fridays) soiree which might have a slightly more masculine flavor with organizers Nathaniel Knows and Danny Merkury. But don’t worry, boys and girls alike rule this school!
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  All new works from Rai Villanueva
CAP Archives Grand Opening and Exhibit – AIDS has been a part of our culture for 30 years now but CAP has been with us for almost as long. Celebrating its 25th anniversary CAP presents an exhibit of activist art and ephemera that will tug on your heartstrings at the same time as making you laugh at past marketing campaigns and images. It is a night of community remembering that will survive the ages long after our hangovers have left us forgetful.
Dirtbag and Drop Shop – Two of the dirtiest, funnest parties in town. Make Thursday dive night to start your weekend right.
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  Catherine Opie,'s portrait of model/actress Jenny Shimizu - Jenny (Bed), 2009. Courtesy Gladstone Gallery
Catherine Opie talks about her current exhibition Girlfriends – Everyone loves a portrait they can relate to. For the queer community Opie’s work is the perfect synthesis of artistry and familiarity. Our very on heartfelt Annie Leibovits-style gaylebrity photographer. She pushes the envelope while making us queerdos feel uniquely at home.
Cafeteria – Hot lunch is back on the dance floor with this tiny bar crowded school daze celebrating gay night. Really great gender mix. You know this one.
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  Joan Rivers is in town Saturday and she is indeed a piece of work!
Most of us are likely tired (and perhaps a little wounded) by a night out ringing in the New Year but there’s no rest for the wicked. This weekend might be a tad slower than usual but there’s plenty of not to be missed gay weekend events.
Dirtbag! – Just recently revealed as one of the best new club nights of the year catch DB while it’s at its peak.
Drop Shop with Exstasy – Hot, hip hop, dancing sweating boys and girls. The perfect party for the breadth of your pals.
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  Fannie Mae Darling hosts. Photo by Marty Davis / Just Out
In Portland’s world of on-the-fly and occasionally inebriated performance world, Fannie Mae Darling managed to keep the local theme alive while providing a quality holiday drag, theater and music extravaganza. In constantly rotating dresses Darling kept the crowd engaged and giggling through over two and a half hours of stage antics. Yes, while drunken.
Just Out’s Marty Davis has all the photos to prove it was a spectacularly successful Quitsmas blend of talent on her Facebook page.
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  Coco is kickin' it off this Saturday. Woot!
Depending on which 90s you want to remember most this weekend you can start it off right with either the RuPaul inspired Work! featuring synth pop, new wave, cold wave, dark wave, goth, post punk, pulse music, italo (whatever that is) or the riot grrl listening party Rebel Grrrl at Sloans. Choose wisely.
Dining with the Divas ChiChi Chonga edition – Current it girls of the irreverent drag scene ChiChi and Chonga will guide you through a munchy-fulfilling escapade at Hamburger Mary’s.
The Envelope Project: An Astrological Art and Music Show – Release your inner woo with art inspired by planetary alignments of the last several months. Can’t think of a reason you were in such a funk last Friday? Blame it on the moon. Plus there’s music by TraumaDom, a queer astrological metal band, which is a genre so new I’ve never even heard it. New new new! Excitement.
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  Milk-n-Hunny Saturday at Red Cap
Whether you are with your biological family or a chosen one, I hope all have a day full of food to be thankful for. I know I’m certainly thankful to live in a city with so much to do, even on a holiday weekend. So use those extra days off!
Lez Stand Up with Kupp! – One of the funniest ladies I know is Kirsten Kuppenbender, with just enough energy to be entertaining without seeming like many ADD-addled comedians. And when do you need a little humor more than the eve before a day of family gathering with wine-induced arguments and narcoleptic tryptophan napping. With 7 or 8 performers including Nicole Georges and Whitney Streed along with the smooth stylings of DJ Party Martyr this is a night of jokes and stories that will be way better than Grandpa’s.
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  Host Heklina presents the cash prize to winner Sally Ingus Wilder. Photo by Marty Davis
This Friday saw bunches of queers lined up in front of the Fez Ballroom to see the final drag smackdown at Miss Thing wondering if it was already sold out. Actually it wasn’t, and the hype and attitude was a little intense for an event that ended up having plenty of elbow room. But then again, it was called Miss Thing so I guess I can’t be too surprised.
I also wasn’t surprised by the level of weirdness and amazingness that all the Misses brought to the show. Although the 1st place winner was newbie Sally Ingus Wilder I wasn’t disappointed by any of the competing acts. Second and third places belonged to ChiChi and Chonga and Kaj-Anne Pepper respectively, but I’ve heard more than one grumble that either of these two fierce competitors should have taken the title. Personally, I think Bulimianne Rhapsody had one of the most original pieces.
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  Chi Chi and Chonga at September's Disco Miss Thing. Photos courtesy Just Out
Emerging from an occasionally painful adolescence Portland is finally enjoying the freedom of young adulthood (and college parties, whew!) and there’s no better example of this than our catty but loving drag scene. This year saw one the introduction of a truly well crafted drag competition called Miss Thing and this Friday brings its outrageous finale.
“I think drag has gotten somewhat of a bad name in Portland because there is so much sameness and traditional drag going on,” Co-creator Heklina Heklina has said. “Audiences and performers want to be challenged by ideas—another great thing about Miss Thing. There are no rules—no rules as to gender, what you need to look like or how you dress. All that matters is what you do onstage.”
Not that we’ve ever cared about a bad reputation, but we’re happy that now it’s a thematic, originally bad rep. And it’s all coming to a climax when the year’s best of the best take the stage to win 500 dollars and a trip to San Fran to perform with Trannyshack. And competition is fierce.
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  Bulimianne Rhapsody and Melody Awesomeazing host Mrs. this Saturday
If you’re not too busy fighting the crowds at the newly opened international budget fashion boutique H&M there’s still plenty of good nightlife to catch out this wintery weekend.
Bent – Nopo favorite Bent is back for to squeeze your ass into that tiny dancefloor and do it queer underground style. With guest DJ Il Camino, Jodi Bon Jodi and Roy-G-Biv on the decks turning the Foggy Notion (3416 N Lombard) into the Faggy Nation I swear it will only hurt a little bit. Besides what else will you talk about of Craigslist the nest morning?
Babe Cave – For those more inclined to stay in the southeast DJs Lifepartner and Chelsea Starr are bringing the hotties to Holocene (1001 SE Morrison) and when Ms. Star says “crawl back into my cave” you don’t say no. For a hint of the music you can expect check out LP’s mix below.
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