  Hot gay leprechauns...
Happy St Patty’s Day y’all. I know many of you will protest that the “snakes” Patrick was driving out were peace-loving pagans, and yet others of you may be flashing the Protestant orange. Either way I’m not a huge St Pat celebrator but I’m down to drink a green beer and and get pinched with the best of ’em. It is not political for me (easy to say from my comfortable west coast seat eh?). So that’s the spirit of this Irish tinged weekend picks. But feel free to discuss more important matters below.
No cover St Paddy’s at Flipside – Salem’s hottest q party is offering to let you get down sans door cash. More to spend on Irish whiskey. But sure if I’d trust the dollar wells though…who am I kidding, of course I would.
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  Coco is kickin' it off this Saturday. Woot!
Depending on which 90s you want to remember most this weekend you can start it off right with either the RuPaul inspired Work! featuring synth pop, new wave, cold wave, dark wave, goth, post punk, pulse music, italo (whatever that is) or the riot grrl listening party Rebel Grrrl at Sloans. Choose wisely.
Dining with the Divas ChiChi Chonga edition – Current it girls of the irreverent drag scene ChiChi and Chonga will guide you through a munchy-fulfilling escapade at Hamburger Mary’s.
The Envelope Project: An Astrological Art and Music Show – Release your inner woo with art inspired by planetary alignments of the last several months. Can’t think of a reason you were in such a funk last Friday? Blame it on the moon. Plus there’s music by TraumaDom, a queer astrological metal band, which is a genre so new I’ve never even heard it. New new new! Excitement.
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  Last year's Homo's Got Talent winners Nicolette and Pony, aka, Art School Dropouts
The Cafeteria at Vendetta – The inaugural lunch lady themed new gay night at my new local bar mere blocks from my new gay house! It should also be the perfect cool down from Last Thursday, and it’s, you guessed it, within walking distance. Lunch trays and crunk gays (and $1.50 Pabst) within stumbling distance? I’m there.
Purple Rhinestone Eagle’s tour kick off – Awesome queer punk tour kickoff with STLS, Forever, and DJ Permanent Wave in between sets at Backspace (125 NW 5th). Um, have you ever heard a band with two drummers? Now is your chance dude. It’s time to rock out with whatever you got out.
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