 When Rachel Kramer Bussel was in Portland last year, she had a serendipitous experience at Powell’s Book Store.
She was at the end of putting together the book Best Sex Writing 2012: The State of Today’s Sexual Culture [Cleis Press], which she edits, and most of the pieces were already finalized. But as she was walking around she saw and bought a copy of Ms. Magazine, because of the article, Sex, Lies and Hush Moneyby Katherine Spillar. Bussel ended up getting the rights to the article, which for her was perfect since she was looking for a piece that touched on politics to round out the book.
 Rachel Kramer Bussel
“I try to read a lot, but I don’t always see everything,” Bussel said. “So this was a great opportunity for me. I don’t think it’s something you can do when you are just shopping online because you don’t browse a newsstand in that way. It was only because I was standing in front of this magazine. So I’m extra excited to go back to Powell’s.”
Bussel, who is a New York-based author, editor, blogger and event organizer, will be back in Pdx to kick off her West Coast book tour for Best Sex Writing 2012 at Powell’s April 6 at 7:30PM. The event will include a reading and discussion with contributors Tim Elhajj (author of Dopefiend, contributor to Guernica), Kevin Sampsell (author of A Common Pornography) and Lidia Yuknavitch (author of The Chronology of Water). And there will be free cupcakes.
The book is a collection of nonfiction spanning from journalistic pieces such as Camille Dodero’s Village Voice article “Guys Who Like Fat Chicks” to Amber Dawn’s personal essay, “To All the Butches I Loved Between 1995 and 2005: An Open Letter about Selling Sex, Selling Out and Soldiering On.”
What it isn’t, though, is erotica. And a lot of Bussel’s readers are surprised that the anthology isn’t necessarily getting them off.
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 Mrs takes on Lisa Frank Saturday at Mississippi Studios
Thursday and all weekend
POW (Portland Oregon Women) Film Fest – POW Fest, now in its third year, aims to highlight women directors (unlike the Academy, who has never awarded a female Best Director) and has a great and eclectic assortment of films in its 4 day run. On Friday can catch 80s classic Fast Times at Ridgemont […]
  Boy Funk makes his Portland debut at Blow Pony
Note: The previously listed SistaFist/Magic Mouth show was listed incorrectly as this Thursday. It’s actually next Thursday, which we didn’t find out until this week. qPDX regrets the error.
Feminist Agenda launch party – Feminist Agenda has quietly been creeping onto the scene for about 3 or 4 months now but they’ve finally decided this is the time for their coming out party. A site dedicated to being a directory and resource of feminist activism and organization, FA is helmed by former In Other Words staffers Katie Carter and Amber Rowland. You can read an interview with the dynamic duo from earlier in the week, and stay tuned to hear them on next week’s podcast.
“Ethical Sluthood” a Q&A with Janet Hardy – Portland (well Eugene in this case) queers are more used to polyamory than most but that doesn’t mean we don’t have a lot to learn. Whether people have been calling Gingrich’s indiscretions an open marriage or polyamory you’d be wrong. That was just plain cheating. So how do we know we’re being fair in a non-monogamous relationship? Some of it is common sense, a lot of it is communication, but many of the “rules” are unfamiliar territory. Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy’s Ethical Slut, has been the go-to guide for polyamory with a conscience since its release in 1997. Now you can actually ask questions about the finer points and maybe even some “what ifs” thanks to new sex toy store As You Like It.
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The “Green” Approach
Who says sex toys can’t be environmentally friendly? Portland’s local website, As You Like It: The Pleasure Shop just launched! As You Like It provides a safe and green friendly environment for its customers. Locally owned and operated, the LGBTQ business supports a body positive and sex positive image.
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 When you mix queer drama and local politics what do you get? Some pretty interesting news for a city that keeps it weird. […]
  Have a gay Thanksgiving with this rainbow turkey and be thankful I didn't choose the image of the naked bear as meaty centerpiece
Riot Wednesdays present Riot: Rewind – DJ Rhienna keeps it real with cross colors early 90s hip hop style so you can go into the holiday season with a fond memories of Christmas music and fashion wishes past.
Portland’s young crowd from across the country often doesn’t have family in town or needs a break from family on holidays so nightlife goes on. But this year it seems everyone decided to stay in with wine and tryptophan induced coma. I’m totally ok with that…Happy Thanksgiving!
And for those of you who don’t have plans and are at a loss as to what to do our friends over at Dave Knows Portland put together a list of things to do on Thanksgiving (and Christmas day) every year!
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  Peaches clearly wins the sex creativity contest but Cazwell's pretty hot too
The reigning king and queen of dirty sexy pop, Cazwell and Peaches, have finally teamed up for a music video and you can hear both the hip hop and club vibes in “Unzip Me” directed by Bec Stupak, who worked as an editor and motion graphics artist on Lady Gaga’s “Alejandro” vid.
“Unzip Me” will be featured on Cazwell’s upcoming album Hard To Be Fresh, due out next year. It’s been a long time coming and though I just saw him put on another excellent performance recently at Palm Springs Pride it’s definitely time for some new material…because thinking about ice cream trucks in the winter in Portland is just depressing. But this sexy track should lift your spirits, and maybe some other things as well, especially with a special cameo of Justin Bond noshing on a banana.
Of the collaboration Cazwell says, “It was an honor to work with the queen of electro. She’s someone I’ve admired and wanted to emulate because of her punk rock, no limits spirit.” Peaches adds that she “loved trashing the drum kit.”
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  Carla Rossi hosts the Thanksgiving edition of Peep Show this Friday
Lucinda Williams – Singer songwriter loved by the lesbos takes the stage at the Crystal Ballroom.
Del Shores‘ Sordid Confessions – Del tries to make up for standing us up last time he was in town. The creator of the cult favorite TV series Sordid Lives (starring Olivia Newton-John, Rue McClanahan, Leslie Jordan and Caroline Rhea) is touring his hilarious new standup show. Raunchy, gay and not for the feint of heart, this seems like a delightfully small venue to catch the outrageous one man show.
Peep Show Thanksgiving with Carla Rossi – Little Tommy may be on vacay but there is no lack of talent in this Turkey day celebration of drag and performance. Hosted by wino Carla Rossi you’ll get to see favorites such as Fannie Mae Darling, Georgia Ray Babycakes and Melody Awesomazing while being introduced to some newcomers with fabulous names like Dionysus, ShpongledHoops and Austin Tatious. (Dammit why did I think of that drag name? I ever have an Austin necklace) Also, make sure you fight the tryptophan and wine induced coma to dance afterword with some of your favorite DJs.
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Last week, Logo (LGBTQ cable network) announced Portland as “Sexiest Spot” for its third annual New Now Next travel awards. The panel of global travel experts determines the best up and coming destinations and hotels. Added this year, were writers from Lonely Planet, New York Magazine, Travel & Leisure, NY Dailey News and Town and Country Travel. There were two new categories of the awards also added this year; […]
  Portlandia: sexy, geeky, gay. Promiscuity was a dream of the 90s wasn't it?
Ok Cupid is a dating site that has love for not only the gays, lesbians and tragically hip but also for the stats and geekery (see: tragically hip) and they have just named Portland, a lover of all those things as well, the most promiscuous city in the USA. So I guess we “love” each other a lot as well with Time magazine calling us “Oversexed Oregon.” In general the “liberal media” was more congratulatory than chastising and the Huffington Post has some great cityscapes of the winners as well as sex-related infographics (talk about hipster geekdom), and the Village Voice was just jealous.
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