 Support the Sisters of the Road by eating at gay-friendly Hamburger Marys
Well, maybe street rights isn’t quite the right way to phrase it, but do hop on down to gay friendly Hamburger Mary’s in Old Town this Wednesday for a good cause that helps some of the city’s most disadvantaged citizens.
The venue, host to lesbian/queer dance nights such as Dollhouse, are donating a portion of […]
  Leslie and the Lys will perform at Blow Pony
Full schedule of Saturday events: https://archive.qpdx.com/events-this-week/2011-06-18/
Dyke March 2011 – Don’t get confused or show up late, this adventure of “how many exes does it take to screw in a lightbulb and organize a dyke march” may be ridiculous in its ever-changing lineup of organizers but its worth it to keep it going. We had grand ideas last year to take it over and make it as big and great as San Fran’s but my compatriot up and ran away to said city by the Bay. So instead I’ll just be another marching lezzie. But that’s quite a force in P-Town, even if we are running to catch up an hour late…
Doll House Pride Edition – I may not usually be into chains but Hamburger Mary’s is a fun implementation of a great idea gay/drag laid back restaurant franchise. The atmosphere is friendly and they’ve given the prime Pride real estate of Saturday night over to the ladies.
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  Happy Easter, Vernal Equinox, holidaze...
Q Center film series presents The Adults in the Room – Edgy and engaging, independent filmmaker Andy Blubaugh tells the tale of his affair with a man nearly twice his age, as a 15-year-old in the mid 90s. The hyrbid documentary/narrative film combines re-enactments of their troubled romance and Andy and interviews relationship columnist Dan Savage, educators and social workers to explore this thorny issue of adolescent sexuality and the relationships that make us who we are.
Discos! Discos! A Tropical Dance Party Spring edition – DJ Zac Eno leads this celebration of global bass musics including Cumbia, Baile Funk, Reggaeton, and electro African styles. This month also features a live baile funk/Moombahton set by Chaach.
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 “Cooking for Charity and Fame”
Hamburger Mary’s Bar & Grille Portland is proud to introduce to you our premiere annual competition called “Iron Mary” where competitors get the opportunity to cook for charity and fame. Hamburger Mary’s Portland has teamed up with the Cascade AIDS Project (CAP) to create this competition with various challenges meant to raise awareness of the AIDS epidemic which affects us all.
This competition has several weekly challenges that are meant to test one’s capacity to turn ordinary food into something legendary while reaching out to the community. “Iron Mary” is set to begin on Tuesday, May 3rd and its winner will be selected on Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011.
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 Special thanks go to Comcast this week. Technical difficulties made it impossible for this post to get done last night and this weekend is front loaded with goodness. So as soon as you’re done reading this, go out and get the party started!
Summing at the Parts – new works by Gia Goodrich – Installation art provocateur Gia Goodrich is back. This time she explorers the self-creation of gender as it relates to queer identity using a very (pseudo?) intellectual scale she designed herself called the Gender Perceptivity Scale. I’m sure there will also just be plenty of hotness to perceive.
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  All new works from Rai Villanueva
CAP Archives Grand Opening and Exhibit – AIDS has been a part of our culture for 30 years now but CAP has been with us for almost as long. Celebrating its 25th anniversary CAP presents an exhibit of activist art and ephemera that will tug on your heartstrings at the same time as making you laugh at past marketing campaigns and images. It is a night of community remembering that will survive the ages long after our hangovers have left us forgetful.
Dirtbag and Drop Shop – Two of the dirtiest, funnest parties in town. Make Thursday dive night to start your weekend right.
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  Catherine Opie,'s portrait of model/actress Jenny Shimizu - Jenny (Bed), 2009. Courtesy Gladstone Gallery
Catherine Opie talks about her current exhibition Girlfriends – Everyone loves a portrait they can relate to. For the queer community Opie’s work is the perfect synthesis of artistry and familiarity. Our very on heartfelt Annie Leibovits-style gaylebrity photographer. She pushes the envelope while making us queerdos feel uniquely at home.
Cafeteria – Hot lunch is back on the dance floor with this tiny bar crowded school daze celebrating gay night. Really great gender mix. You know this one.
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  Have a gay ol' New Years Eve!
Whew! That little snafu this weekend threw me off, but this little procrastinator always comes through in the end. I need enough time to peruse the New Years Eve celebration choices myself at least to prepare for next weekend. So let’s take this trip of queer New Years Eve in Portland:
Tag-a-Fag New Years Edition – For the traditionalists among you, Red Box (what my roommate adorably dubbed the Red Cap/Boxxess complex 1035 SW Stark) TAF will be two rooms full of boys waiting to have their bodies written on. And, in an oddly 2005 style, free trucker hats to the first 100 people in the door. I’d be more stoked about $2.50 wells but that’s just me.
Crave‘ presents a GagaDonna New Years – Quintessential where the girls are usually gets packed early on and stays that way until close. It can be tough fighting the crowds but how do you blame them when the space is night, the jams are pumping, and the drinks are stiff? Plus this is the only place I know of to get real lezzie lap dances from hot ladies. They may be popular, but don’t dare the Crave ladies mainstream…after all they advertise moi, and Lord knows I’m a mouthy queer.
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  Celestial creatures performs at last year's Snowpocalypse
Dirtbag! – My favorite neighborhood party. If you haven’t checked it out by now you must be soooo 2000-late.
Also don’t forget about weeklies like stripper hip hop Drop Shop and Thursdays are Gay at Beauty Bar.
Mary-oke at Hamburger Mary’s – Every Monday and Thursday until the 20th you have the chance to belt your little hearts out in competition for 2 Swarovski martini glasses valued at nearly $400 that will be raffled off. 1 ticket entry for every song you sing means the the brash among us will have the odds. Plus they promise an extensive song collection and $3 call vodka from Pearl.
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  Milk-n-Hunny Saturday at Red Cap
Whether you are with your biological family or a chosen one, I hope all have a day full of food to be thankful for. I know I’m certainly thankful to live in a city with so much to do, even on a holiday weekend. So use those extra days off!
Lez Stand Up with Kupp! – One of the funniest ladies I know is Kirsten Kuppenbender, with just enough energy to be entertaining without seeming like many ADD-addled comedians. And when do you need a little humor more than the eve before a day of family gathering with wine-induced arguments and narcoleptic tryptophan napping. With 7 or 8 performers including Nicole Georges and Whitney Streed along with the smooth stylings of DJ Party Martyr this is a night of jokes and stories that will be way better than Grandpa’s.
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