  Last year's Homo's Got Talent winners Nicolette and Pony, aka, Art School Dropouts
The Cafeteria at Vendetta – The inaugural lunch lady themed new gay night at my new local bar mere blocks from my new gay house! It should also be the perfect cool down from Last Thursday, and it’s, you guessed it, within walking distance. Lunch trays and crunk gays (and $1.50 Pabst) within stumbling distance? I’m there.
Purple Rhinestone Eagle’s tour kick off – Awesome queer punk tour kickoff with STLS, Forever, and DJ Permanent Wave in between sets at Backspace (125 NW 5th). Um, have you ever heard a band with two drummers? Now is your chance dude. It’s time to rock out with whatever you got out.
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  DJ Freddie Fagula at Do the Dark
Why are we constantly plagued with camera issues? A curse on both our houses? qPDX needs an equipment sugar daddy y’all…But for reals, I did at least get a few crappy shots from last night’s Gender Bender and Do the Dark. Even if I am more excited to see the portraits from Wednesday’s Gay Pizza, taken by the lovely Deya Card. Put ’em up girl!
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  Posh socialites Prue and Dilley characters
Story of our lives: it seems that qPDX is plagued with camera problems. Mike’s equipment broke at the colorful La Lucha event leaving us photo-less and my ancient borrowed digi has a missing cord that makes it impossible for me to get pictures of the Topp Twins‘ Portland performance off the machine and onto this blog. Don’t even get me started on all the camera borrowing, mishaps, and jerry-rigging we’ve done before.
But I was in attendance at last night’s sold out Mission Theater show and it was worth it, camera or no. Every bit as hilarious as I expected them to be, the twins are also extremely talented musicians and endearingly sincere. It was also refreshing to be in a diverse audience of gay and straight, west and east-siders, hippies and yuppies. Though I have to say, the intimate venue made walk-ups, most of whom I would guess would be a lot younger than the bulk of the crowd, impossible.
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  Friday is going to be ridiculous, including Dolly Parton Hoot Night...
Holy goddess-mother it’s Pride season and there’s going to be a helluv a lot of ways to have fun this summer from here on out. I’ll do my best to highlight with I think sounds best but, you know, feel free to school me…
QDoc – Um yeah, this is actually all weekend. Get it while the gettin’s good. Opening party tonight with the hottest old drag queen and director Michelle Lawler. Hell yeah!
First Thursday – You already know about it if you’re artsy, and a lotta us gays are. But you should definitely check out Brent Pruitt’s Commie Pinko Fag exhibit at the Men’s Wellness Center and Audrey Lawson’s Queer Sex senior thesis show at PNCA.
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 Sally Ingus Wilder
Variety shows, drag and performance art in Portland can be hit or miss. For as many mind-blowing acts, there are long drawn out talent shows featuring more talking than artistry. But local (and NICE) drag diva Artemis Chase has hit on something fabulous with this year’s Miss Thing so I have no doubts that tomorrow’s Peep Show will be equally worth seeing.
I was […]
  QDoc is happening! June 3rd-6th
Everybody knows I’m a huge film fan. The Incredibly True Adventure of 2 Girls In Love gave me my first pseudo-butch role model, while the Celluloid Closet taught me to see film and culture differently. There was no way I would have ever become the fabulous queer you see showboating around nightclubs, street corners and dark alleyways without the profoundly formative films I consumed in my youth. I even came out to my mother after spending the day watching Jeffrey and The Birdcage back in 1996. (She didn’t take it so well. I wish she were a bit more like Nathan Lane!) Things also really changed when I discovered Bruce LaBruce, Fatih Akin, Todd Haynes, John Waters…
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  Winning contestant Kaj-anne Pepper with backup dancer Robert Tyree
Monthly drag competition Miss Thing at the Fez has quickly become the show to experience the breadth of Portland drag as well as a who’s who of almost every queer circle. And indeed, that night competition was just as fierce as we have come to expect.
Nonetheless, no one was surprised when the incorrigible and amazing Kaj-anne Pepper took first place with his ironic, satirical and beautiful medley of both Gaga and Madonna. With live vocals and backup dancers perfectly exemplifying the Gaga aesthetic it was a no-brainer, despite the quality of all the acts.
The ultra-gay theme, Lady Gaga vs. Madonna, produced a host of great performances starting with judges, including winner of last month, Bulimianne Rhapsody, who performed her own rendition of Paparrazzi instead praising the joys of wino-loving Carlo-Rossi.
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 Bolivia, Nefertiti, and co. pose for an eager passer-by.
I happen to be around Pioneer Square an hour ago to see Bolivia and others dragging it up; they were waving, posing for and with on-lookers, as well as answering questions.
You can catch the spectacle every other Wednesday (starting at 7:00 or you can ride the MAX with them from C.C. Slaughters at 6:30) now through summer […]
  Darcelle will Grand Marshall this year's Portland Pride Parade
Pride season is quickly marching upon us and Pride NW has just announced its 2010 honorees. Grand Marshall this year is the fabulous heart of the Portland drag scene, 78-year-old Darcelle, a performer and fixture for over 35 years.
Just Out staffer and former qPDX contributor Erin Rook does a great job of announcing the 3 places of honor, Grand Marshall, Spirit of Pride Award, and newly implemented Pride in Action Award, so I’m going to let her take it from here:
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 Who says feminists are no fun? Combining the talents of one of the last lady-centric bookstores with the superpower that is The Deli, In Other Words (8 N Killingsworth) hosts the Fag Drag this Friday at 8pm.
A show that promises neither the straight up king or queen, the gender wild flags are sure to be flying high with the encouragement to BYOD: Bring your own…
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