  DJ Freddie Fagula at Do the Dark
Why are we constantly plagued with camera issues? A curse on both our houses? qPDX needs an equipment sugar daddy y’all…But for reals, I did at least get a few crappy shots from last night’s Gender Bender and Do the Dark. Even if I am more excited to see the portraits from Wednesday’s Gay Pizza, taken by the lovely Deya Card. Put ’em up girl!
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  Cazwell and Amanda Lepore will be at the Stark Street Block Party
So yeah, the 11:30 step off time for the Portland Pride Parade is pretty much a guesstimate, and we’ve all just been partying for 4 days, so Gay Standard Time is general operating procedure. But it’s the 40th anniversary of the first Gay Pride (Lordy lordy look who’s 40…) so you better be there with your fairy-ass bells on, even if there is a little sprinkling. If there is any rain I’m sure it’s just “God” telling us to wake up and parade already.
And yes, qPDX will be there, tweeting (twatting), parading, handing out stickers, buttons and flyers, in our best supergay outfits including newly fashioned qPDX “beater” tank tops courtesy Mike Burt. There’s a couple extra so if you march with us and/or are real lucky, you might get one too.
And of course once we reach the Waterfront I usually tool around for awhile and giggle at baby dykes purchasing their first set of Freedom Rings, fully expecting to head home. But oh no, it ain’t over yet folks…
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 Things I learned today include that it’s really tough to be funny that early in the morning even if you do have coffee and a vodka lemon drop in front of you, and you can be a gold star lesbian without knowing the word cunnilingus. I think that’s all I really gleaned from this morning’s antics. Well, at least I don’t come off as a pompous ass…oh wait…
  It's Kaj-Anne Peppar vs Blow Pony...who's gonna win?
I know yer tired…so am I…but we persevere…cuz it’s Saturday night y’all
The Dyke(ish?) March – Despite all the confusion and disorganization the Dyke March will trudge on in 2010. But be careful because it’s an hour earlier this year! Gathering at 5pm with a 6pm step off this parade of “dykes” is really more about celebrating Portland’s appreciation for and power of otherly gendered peoples, women, dykes, transpeople and other non-conformers. So what if it’s run into your ex-girlfriend march. You live in Portland. Get over it.
SMYRC’s Gayest Day of the Year Bike Ride – We get so wrapped up in our alcohol-fueled debauchery that we sometimes forget that wholesome activities that include youngsters can be just as amazing and Prideful. Not that I’m always so innocent when astride my trust lavender Bridgestone roadie Lola, but at least I can pretend.
Pride Pet parade – I’ve never been a good lesbian, as I have never owned by own dog or cat, (I mean, I’ve walked a dog so that cute girls will talk to me) but a queer lubba puppy and a cuddly kitteh so you know the folks will be out. Even if my favorite happen to be the Prideful goats, one of whom won the Just Out Pet’s category that I helped judge (oops! Is the cat out of the bag?)
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  Lez-host Emily Gibson
I’m kind of embarrassed to admit that I only discovered local online radio project PDX.FM after meeting resident lesbian Emily Gibson who, along with Sabrina Miller and Robert Wagner host Morning Submission (recently redubbed Morning Drunkmission).
So, in honor of Pride weekend, and of getting even less sleep by being at a downtown studio at 8 in the morning, yours truly, plus the lovely British/German accented Perry Winkle will be on the show around 9ish.
I’m really hoping they’ll have one of their infamous drink tastings, seeing as surely I won’t have had enough the night before, nor will I have any the rest of the weekend. Drunk at only my 4th day of the new jobby. Sweet!
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  Bearracuda at Branx/Rotture
Yeah, what’s up with Friday night this Pride? It is a doozy. I mean, I’ve had to work really hard to pare down my nightlife route and even so I’m still attempting 4 parties. Here’s to hoping someone has a special on Red Bull…
One Night Stand with Robo/Bogo – This one is going to be epic folks. Two promoters doing two kick ass parties for one tiny 5 dolla bill. Basically this one will have everything. It’ll have boys, girls and everything in between. It’ll have 4×4 DJ decks featuring DJ Automaton back in town from LA and DJ Equestrian in town from Pittsburgh in a Robo Pony reunion. Also the Gottesdiener “twins” Girlfriends plus Goddessfinger aka Bogo as Kaki Marshall’s final Portland party. Not to be outdone, Freddie Fagula brings (aside from himself) the soul queen of hipster PDX DJ Beyonda, femme fatale Chelsea Starr and Party Martyr. It’s going to be pure madness. Oh and did I mention it’s a benefit for Trans-Active and Gender (Free) For All? I’ll drink(special) to that!
Bearracuda – Found in both the forest and the club those fuzzy beasts so at home in the Pacific Northwest know how to bring the party. A roving bear and cub party Bearracuda has been tempted back to Portland more than they expected. And it’s the first night of outdoor partying at Branx/Rotture so all that hairy-ness might stand a chance of cooling down.
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 Don't you want someone to tell you where to see things as cool as Rainbow Rick?
Unless we are trapped indoors due to sickness or work schedules we should all be out and about Pride weekend trying to figure out how many events we can get to before we all turn into pumpkins at 2am. Because Portland is officially a big city and it’ll be challenging to […]
  Last year's Dyke March
Confused by the various information circulating about the Portland Dyke March. Did you hit up their official Dyke March site only to notice that the information is from 2008?
So here’s the deal, yo.The Portland Dyke March will be happening again this year, after a change and leadership and the sort-of split from the Trans March that (mostly) became the Gender (Free) For All March last year. Last year, many of the organizers of the Trans March decided that a march was needed that celebrated gender freedom as opposed to strictly trans rights, and even though there are many trans dykes, the march felt “tacked on” to the Dyke March.
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  Rai Villanueva will help kick off Pride with Thursday's gay ass Diesel party
Recently added events starred like so*
Truthfully, I think I’ve been putting off the Pride 2010 calendar because there’s do damn much to do that I’m overwhelmed. So let’s take this piece by piece. First, there’s plenty to do before we even get to the weekend. Workin’ stiffs, of which I now be one, gird your loins and take one for the team. It’s gonna be a busy week.
Pride Pub quiz – Did you know that it’s the 40th anniversary of the first Pride parade commemorating the June 1969 Stonewall riots? That’s why June is Pride month kids. Do you know about Harvey Milk day and Anita Bryant, Lon Mabon and the OCA? Have you ever been to the Lesbian Herstory Archives? Well, gear up your uber gay trivia because this pub quiz is gonna be both fun and educational. I’m putting on my hot librarian glasses cuz the competition is gonna be stiff…
*Gay Pride Kickoff Gay Skate!
Strap on some rollerskates and go kick it with the gays at Oak’s Park. A great way to roll into pride.$6. all ages, bring food donations for Esther’s Pantry. More
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  Lo Nuestro, Ballet Folklorico from Forest Grove performing at Sunday's La Lucha Festival, photo by Marty Davis
Portland Latino Gay Pride 2010: La Lucha wrapped up its fifth consecutive year this past Sunday with an exuberant festival hosted by the Jupiter Hotel. The celebration was preceded by several well-attended events including an evening of poetry, music, and dance at the Miracle Theatre as well as a literary event drawing on the talents of special guests from NYC: Charles Rice-González and Charlie Vázquez at Aura Nightclub.
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