
CAUSA & Basic Rights Oregon team up for Spanish radio campaign promoting freedom to marry

(Mira pagina 2 para español)

New radio ads designed to reach out to Latino communities about the freedom to marry hit Oregon airwaves this week. The ad campaign also highlights the strong relationship between two statewide, grassroots organizations: Basic Rights Oregon, which advocates for gay and transgender rights, and CAUSA, which advocates for immigrant rights.

The ads, which will run on Spanish-language radio in the Portland region for four weeks, tell the stories of Latino families coming to terms with having a gay child, and underscore the importance of family supporting each other. You can listen to the ad (in Spanish) here: [display_podcast]

Excerpt from one ad (translated to English):

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A sex poll for the ladies in advance of ‘sex talk with 2 homos’

Only the classiest...

Earlier this week I came across a very brief and slightly bizarre little article on The Advocate’s website discussing female proclivities towards anal sex. It starts out with the ubiquitous stats on how women are more sexually fluid than men, yada yada yada. Nothing new there. But it goes on to say that:

Among lesbian and bisexual women, the study shows that 48% reported having anal sex with a man, compared to 33% of heterosexual women. Additionally, bisexual women report having more vaginal sex with men than women who say they are completely straight.

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Watch ‘Portlandia’s first episode and listen to Carrie Brownstein talk it on OPB’s Think Out Loud

The Dream of the 90s is alive in Portland

Those of us that missed the special Portlandia premiere that Portland’s Hollywood Theater got this weekend may be sad, but we have this coming weekend’s television premiere to look forward to. And besides, web savvy qPDXers can watch the first episode now on Hulu (and right here below!) for 3 more days.

The early leaked opening video, Dream of the 90s, did end up being the funniest part of the first episode but it was a great first start. The sketch with SNL‘s Jason Sudeikis as a polygamous organic chicken farmer was pretty hilarious. I have faith that it will grow as we get to know our mirror town and its inhabitants.

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Preacher calls for the government to regulate gay sex

I don’t even really know what to say about this so I’m just going to give you the transcripts and some of the copy via the Right Wing Watch, where I found this article.

Back in August, Ken Hutcherston wrote a column for WorldNetDaily in which he argued that the behavior of gays ought to be regulated by the government for health reasons:

Legislators around the country are considering banning sugar and fatty foods in schools, removing salt and butter from restaurants and want to control what temperature you can have in your own homes, because they fear the potential of health problems. Perhaps they should consider banning the promotion of a lifestyle that the Centers For Disease Control has determined actually causes HIV/AIDS. On the Day of Silence, an entire school day is set aside to ensure every young, impressionable student is exposed to homosexuality. Does this really make sense to you?

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Things to do this weekend: Booty Edition

Just some of the super hot go go dancers, Chase Bender, Chance McKinsey, & Storm Titley, appearing at Queer Cornucopia

Looks like we are all finally recovered from Pride, because the weekends are back. There’s more than enough to keep you busy but the most exciting reunion of this week (cuz, yeah, there’s more comin’ up) is the return of Puppet and Stormy‘s Booty: Queer as Ye Be. But the past ain’t all the weekend, or Friday for that matter, have to offer. There’s foam, punchy go go dancers, and bar hopping unicorns.


Queer CornucopiaThe trannies and chasers are out in full force to hock their sexy wares in benefit of Tuff Luck and Original Plumbing and yet the best part is that it’s low pressure donation. Savory Pink‘s Sophia St James wanted the community to be able to “support TL and OP in a matter that they are comfortable [with]…” But you’ll want to contribute to these hotties as they dole out either kisses or punches. That’s right, it’s a very naughty “kissing” booth they’ve got goin’ on here and I have got to figure out a way to get back and forth from the south to the north.

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Alley Hector and Perry Winkle's PDX.FM audio

Things I learned today include that it’s really tough to be funny that early in the morning even if you do have coffee and a vodka lemon drop in front of you, and you can be a gold star lesbian without knowing the word cunnilingus. I think that’s all I really gleaned from this morning’s antics. Well, at least I don’t come off as a pompous ass…oh wait…



qPDX on PDX.FM's Morning Submission Thursday 9am

Lez-host Emily Gibson

I’m kind of embarrassed to admit that I only discovered local online radio project PDX.FM after meeting resident lesbian Emily Gibson who, along with Sabrina Miller and Robert Wagner host Morning Submission (recently redubbed Morning Drunkmission).

So, in honor of Pride weekend, and of getting even less sleep by being at a downtown studio at 8 in the morning, yours truly, plus the lovely British/German accented Perry Winkle will be on the show around 9ish.

I’m really hoping they’ll have one of their infamous drink tastings, seeing as surely I won’t have had enough the night before, nor will I have any the rest of the weekend. Drunk at only my 4th day of the new jobby. Sweet!

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