 Another weekend, another reason to be proud in the PacNW. Portland Pride may have been nearly a month ago now but the breakout celebrations continue. This weekend, La Lucha‘s Latino Gay Pride takes over the town with a culmination on Sunday at the Eastbank Esplanade Waterfront.
The fun starts tonight with an Voz Alta: Amor Indocumentado (Undocumented Love), an evening of music and poetry with Edna Vazquez and Joaquin Lopez (details below) and continues with dance parties both Friday and Saturday night. TGIF is the official La Lucha dance party and opener at Boxxes, while Saturday is dedicated to the chicas with a dance party across the river at Crush.
But the main event is Sunday’s epic fiesta, which lasts from noon to 9pm. There’s a host of fabulous DJs and performers such as ChiChi and Chonga the latina stoner satire duo that has has risen to drag stardom in an instant this year at 4. At 6 Under U 4 Men takes the stage and the thought of cholos in chonies makes me weak in the knees.
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 Ever since Homo-a-Gogo left the PacNW for the shores of Cali, there’s been a little queer hole in our music festival scene (and not in any good way). Though it is only one day, the upcoming first of its kind Portland Queer Music Fesitval is chock full of gay goodness for your aural pleasure. The festival features a whopping 27 bands from 3pm to the wee hours and has just announced the official lineup, which I have included below.
In a ridiculously simple but smart and elegant move, the fest will feature 2 stages that will alternate so that each band has time to setup, but you can catch every act without any wait time in between. Brilliant.
With acts from far and wide, encompassing folk, hip hop, electronic and garage rock, there should be something for pretty much everyone. Some of my favorite locals include SistaFist, CJ & the Dolls, and Play/Start and I’ve heard great things about Mattachine Social and Kiss Kill, even if I haven’t made it out to see them. Then there are so many more to discover with names as enticing as I’m sure the performances will be.
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  Seattle's LA Kendall will make a PDX appearance Friday at Bent
Sweet Tea – Sounds like the perfect summer refresher for those St Johns gays.
Dirtbag! – Your stellar dance party with the Smiths happy ending (is that an oxymoron?) takes up residence at my favorite Alberta dive once again.
Bent with special guests – Lifepartner will be at the decks along with Seattle superstar LA Kendall who rocks not just the dance floor but the business end, booking successful parties and performers alike. She’s also a producer/performer in her own right as one half of electro-pop-raptresses Luxury A.K. Bent is always a good time but this one will be a night to remember (or, perhaps, forget…).
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 Our little neighbor to the north really isn’t so little anymore, and it’s a pretty decent place to be a gay person, even if they did recently lose their only gay bar (hey, we lost our only lesbian bar). This weekend Vancouver, Washington celebrates their Gay Pride with Saturday in the Park.
A decidedly different approach than the debaucherous Prides of most cities, VanWa’s celebration begins with “Lyle’s Miles” 5k run and bills itself as the only family friendly Gay Pride celebration in existence. The annual charity walk/run goes through downtown Vancouver to raise money for Cascade AIDS Project, Martha’s Pantry and Global Partners for Development. The non-competitive walk/run event starts at 8:30am and is open to all.
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Katastrophe “Tunnel Vision” official music video. Cinematography Olivia Parriott.
Was this a Blow Pony afterparty that I’ve forgotten?
  Celebrate our nationalism in any way you choose. For instance, use an American flag postage stamp as a sexy loincloth to barely cover your naughty bits!
Rice, Beans, & Collard Greens – Pride’s not over according to Basic Rights Oregon, API Pride, Black Pride and Latino Gay Pride as they round out the month with a dance party for queer and trans people of color. And a great way to usher in our fireworks-crazed American Pride celebration weekend. (I’m already hearing the firecrackers going off in my neighborhood as I write).
RnRCFG benefit with Portlandia stars Brownstein and Armisen – So many great things in one: comedy, philanthropy, helping girls rock out, movies, music, TV and a VIP room with two talented comedians/musicians who’ve made our city the Pride of liberal-loving America and the butt of its jokes at the same time. What’s not to love?
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  ElleMC is way better than Ke$ha and she'll be here Friday night at JunKtion
Seems to me if you’re not one of the many going to either San Francisco or Seattle Prides this weekend you might still be in recovery, but there are some decent options if you gotta keep the party going
JunKtion! – Rapper, singer, songwriter, skateboarder and dually named ElleMC aka Swagatha Christie will make the Local Lounge pop with her dope rhymes before the dance party begins. Maybe an all-female skateboard dance troupe ala the Sprockettes will bust it out?
Heavy Metal Ladies Night – Iron Man ain’t got nothin’ on us. Sloans is the most badass bar in Portland. You know, the one with the semi-truck pokin’ out the front? Perfect venue to celebrate the female headbangers.
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  The Dolly Pops perform as part of End of the Rainbow
Oh my god, today is the day! So shake off that 3 day hangover and get your ass to the big Pride Parade…Make it Happen! And check out the earlier route and Waterfront Festival maps in case you’ve forgotten. Gay Standard Time is probably ok but the route is short so don’t miss it! And once you’re done with downtown it ain’t over yet, as there seem to be more Sunday afternoon and nighttime events than ever!
Families of Color Day Out picnic – Sunday is a perfect day for winding down and slowly easing yourself out of Pride weekend. I’ve often gone to informal friend BBQs but people of color might want to consider the larger group gathering in North Portland’s Kenton Park. SO grab the hot dogs and the ribs and show your out of town guests what a NW picnic in the shadow of the big Paul Bunyan statue really means.
7th annual Pride Block Party – Today’s the day when Stark Street really is gay again as Red Cap/Boxes closes down the triangle to outsiders in favor of colorful tents that contain some of the best daytime dancing and performance I’ve seen. Hosted by San Francisco’s Trannyshack momma Heklina, the block party, open mere moments after the parade at 1pm, features performances by the Rose City Sirens, ChiChi and Chonga, and (can it be?) all the Miss Thing winners of 2010.
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Last night Queerlandia kicked off Portland Pride 2011 right with a packed house at Mississippi Studios. Outside on the patio there was Fliptography and vendors such as Underwear from reclaimed materials by Becca. Inside on the Bar Bar side was some series dancing while the Stud had a photobooth with Wayne Bund (and some super awesome popsicle dick props) and performaces by ChiChi and Chonga, Devan McGrath, Magic Mouth, […]
  Leslie and the Lys will perform at Blow Pony
Full schedule of Saturday events: https://archive.qpdx.com/events-this-week/2011-06-18/
Dyke March 2011 – Don’t get confused or show up late, this adventure of “how many exes does it take to screw in a lightbulb and organize a dyke march” may be ridiculous in its ever-changing lineup of organizers but its worth it to keep it going. We had grand ideas last year to take it over and make it as big and great as San Fran’s but my compatriot up and ran away to said city by the Bay. So instead I’ll just be another marching lezzie. But that’s quite a force in P-Town, even if we are running to catch up an hour late…
Doll House Pride Edition – I may not usually be into chains but Hamburger Mary’s is a fun implementation of a great idea gay/drag laid back restaurant franchise. The atmosphere is friendly and they’ve given the prime Pride real estate of Saturday night over to the ladies.
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