  Corrina Bain performs Friday as part of Q Poetry's Award Open Mic.
Hot Mess Grand Finale – Whether you’ve been attending religiously for the past 12 weeks or just want to see how it all turns out, tonight’s final contest is sure to be a knock down drag out fight to the hot mess death. With 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize packages starting at $700 you know these queens are going to be giving their all and putting on a good show. But who will win? Jackie Daniels? Jam N Toast? Allie McQueen? One of the other 6 contestants with or without an odd drag/stage name?
Wild Flag record release show – This one’s a bit of a non-starter. Not only is it the second night of a 2 night set, but it’s already sold out. However, I’m sure there’s a scalper or two out there and with regular tickets a reasonable $12-14 they shouldn’t command too much of a premium. But if you’re not willing to risk it these locals are sure to play again soon. In the meantime check out Wild Flag videos and news in earlier posts.
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  Dexter Flowers and Cooper Lee Bombardier perform Sunday at Not Enough! Festival
Bollywood Bike In with Qurbani – Giving Portland a little much needed cultural flavor local DJ Anjiali and Kid Sister are showing classic Bollywood films outside the Q Center (4115 N Mississippi) all month long. This week features Qurbani and I’m excited to see a South Asian take on the 80s…
Ratatat afterparty with Rude Dudes – Ratatat are not a gay band but they’re hipsters and isn’t that about the same thing in Portland these days? Don’t worry, they’ve teamed up with “Rude” homos for a spanktastic dance party and DJ set. This might be the most mellow Thursday I’ve seen in awhile.
Mendy’s Big Gay Boat Party – Do you need an excuse to bust out those Top-Siders and sailor hat? No, you don’t. But in case you want to fool around with others in sea garb this is your chance.
Forsorcerers with Hooray for Everything and Don’t – Didn’t think Portland could get any weirder? How about a queer fantasy metal band? Despite the schtick, hoever, Forsorcerers are incredibly talented drum and guitar heros that will aurally rock you into remembering why you love the rough stuff.
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  Ela Barton is a guest at this month's Q Poetry night
Are you in the mood for some local(ish) queer poetry? Join fellow queer poetry enthusiasts at the Q Center! Recently local queer poet Aleks Stefanova has out together a reoccurring night of queer poetry – this month, the featured artist is Ela Barton from Seattle. More info and some video under the cut!
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  THEESatisfaction plays Friday at Rotture as part of Menz Room. Photo courtesy of Maceo Paisley
sPLURt! episode 2 – I’m starting this weekend off tonight because how could I not highlight a bukakke-themed 90?s rave revival party? Really, I kinda think the 90s are back with a vengeance and I did always have a hard time letting go of the Peace, Love, Unity, Respect mantra. Plus with a photo like theirs and a promise to go home covered in something it’s likely we’ll all be pre-squirtin’ before the real weekend even begins.
Drag Queen Bingo wine and food tasting – Hosted by eminent drag queen MC Poison Waters how can you go wrong with tiny tasty hors d’oeuvres and some fancy sips?
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  Just some of the super hot go go dancers, Chase Bender, Chance McKinsey, & Storm Titley, appearing at Queer Cornucopia
Looks like we are all finally recovered from Pride, because the weekends are back. There’s more than enough to keep you busy but the most exciting reunion of this week (cuz, yeah, there’s more comin’ up) is the return of Puppet and Stormy‘s Booty: Queer as Ye Be. But the past ain’t all the weekend, or Friday for that matter, have to offer. There’s foam, punchy go go dancers, and bar hopping unicorns.
Queer Cornucopia – The trannies and chasers are out in full force to hock their sexy wares in benefit of Tuff Luck and Original Plumbing and yet the best part is that it’s low pressure donation. Savory Pink‘s Sophia St James wanted the community to be able to “support TL and OP in a matter that they are comfortable [with]…” But you’ll want to contribute to these hotties as they dole out either kisses or punches. That’s right, it’s a very naughty “kissing” booth they’ve got goin’ on here and I have got to figure out a way to get back and forth from the south to the north.
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  It's Kaj-Anne Peppar vs Blow Pony...who's gonna win?
I know yer tired…so am I…but we persevere…cuz it’s Saturday night y’all
The Dyke(ish?) March – Despite all the confusion and disorganization the Dyke March will trudge on in 2010. But be careful because it’s an hour earlier this year! Gathering at 5pm with a 6pm step off this parade of “dykes” is really more about celebrating Portland’s appreciation for and power of otherly gendered peoples, women, dykes, transpeople and other non-conformers. So what if it’s run into your ex-girlfriend march. You live in Portland. Get over it.
SMYRC’s Gayest Day of the Year Bike Ride – We get so wrapped up in our alcohol-fueled debauchery that we sometimes forget that wholesome activities that include youngsters can be just as amazing and Prideful. Not that I’m always so innocent when astride my trust lavender Bridgestone roadie Lola, but at least I can pretend.
Pride Pet parade – I’ve never been a good lesbian, as I have never owned by own dog or cat, (I mean, I’ve walked a dog so that cute girls will talk to me) but a queer lubba puppy and a cuddly kitteh so you know the folks will be out. Even if my favorite happen to be the Prideful goats, one of whom won the Just Out Pet’s category that I helped judge (oops! Is the cat out of the bag?)
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