  Carmen Carrera from RuPaul's Drag Race makes an appearance Friday at Peep Show
Don’t forget the biggest fest of the weekend, Not Enough!, preview in this interview with organizers Sheana Corbridge and Edgar Frias.
Love Crimes: Faguette Disco – Haven’t seen DJ Girlfriends around in awhile so I’m glad to see him back and teaming up with another of Portland’s great lesbian loving and adorable gay DJs LunchLady. Advertising a cross of pulp fiction and Tom of Finland means a welcome infusion of irreverence to perk up a scene that hasn’t seen a new night in awhile. (Because we have so many good ones currently I know. Just sayin’…)
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  Gay Cat
Wow – what a weekend. I don’t know about you, but I’m still recovering, and finding glitter in unexpected places. This year’s Pride was an amazing experience for me. Five nights, ten parties, two marches, and zero gay bashings or homophobic incidents (as far as we know). A vibrant, powerful and peaceful pride despite a lot of changes this year – to the Pride route, to step-off times…and weather that wasn’t quite what we’ve been hoping for. This also marked a change for us here @ QPDX.com as we slowly grow from a little website that could into the bigger, badder, and more powerful queer community media hub that we want to become.
We do what we do for you, our community, and we want to thank everyone who has supported us over the past year and a half in so many ways: Holding banners, running errands, making connections, t-shirts, costumes, stealing copies, blogging/photographing…all of it. Thank you for inspiring us to do more and do better, every day. Thank you for giving us hella gay stuff to write about.
Alright, enuff wishywashing. Let’s get down to the dirt!
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  Spin Slayer!
This weekend begins on Thursday – at least for gays and dykes in this queer, queer town, and this little guide will help you win it and not hit the net too early. So get your sweatbands on and pull on those short shorts, because it’s gonna get hot and sweaty! Not only is it Beartown 15 all this weekend, it’s also a grab bag of fun stuff to do from sports to art and dancing.
Kaia Wilson kicks things off on Thursday, serving up some hot shots and killer teams to raise money to send her to the Gay Games in Cologne, Germany. Kaia’s Ping-Pong Pandemonium will feature star-studded teams (Donna Dresch, Carrie Brownstein, Explode into Colours and more) and local Portland DJs Permanent Wave (Jenny Hoyston) and Dan Moe. The winner will face Kaia in the final round. Bone up on your Ping-Pong knowlege here, and read the history of Kaia’s shot at Gay Games glory here. There will also be an exhibition match by pro table tennis players. More info 21+/$5-? sliding scale. 8pm. Point.
But thats just the warmup round!
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 PORTLAND QUEERS! I would like to invite you and all of your friends to the first of potentially many installments of a women-centric DJ night called LUNA LUNES. As the name suggests, the party will fall on Monday nights, the first just so happens to be tonight at Sloans Tavern (36 N Russell St. at Williams)
The evening will start early, before 9, giving y’all a chance to make sure […]
  Tahoe Jackson will perform Saturday at the Red Dress fundraiser. Photo by Wayne Bund
This beautiful spring day has all the local queers riled up and ready to mingle. And we have many opportunities to do so. The weekend kicks off tomorrow not only with the Tranny Roadshow but with Crave for the ladies Menz Room and Red Cap’s official Red Dress Pre-Party for the dudes, and Cuda Cabaret for the artfags.
The qPDX sponsored Crave brings the ladybeat back to Crush (1400 SE Morrison) with a Purple Rain theme that will have your doves crying and your feet dancing. DJs Alicious and Boy return to the decks with some 1999 love for your dripping purple heart. Oh and did I mention that Go Go Girls will bring out squirt guns to get the sweaty crowd into the wet, rainy spirit?
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  Special appearance by DJ Beyonda
Though we’ve actually gained an hour of light at the end of our sunny spring days, dusk is still the witching hour for frisky queer gatherings. Organizer and DJ Freddie Fagula is feeling the spring fever, categorizing the beginning as last week’s Bent. With a crowded, sweaty dance floor and hot homos sidling up to one another I can’t say I disagree.
He aims to keep that party vibe going with this Thursday’s Do the Dark Spring Break Edition at the Tonic (NE 31st and Sandy).
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So we’re all still sad that the holidays are over and, more importantly, that Fruitcake is breathing its last breaths. And to top it off, its Monday. Lame. Still, we have the chance to gaily celebrate once again the emergence of a new weekly (that’s right not monthly when the full moon hits or some other bs) queer dance night, Manic Mondays.
From the quixotic minds of DJs […]
Unfortunately, I am out of town and will be missing most of these fabulous events. It also means that because of their sheer number I cannot preview all that I would like, but each are in the calendar and I want to give you a quick heads up on the ones you absolutely should not miss.
If you don’t already have plans be sure to check out Poison Waters Notorious Noel tonight at The Original (300 SW 6th). Ms. Waters is likely to speak for herself but check out the holiday festivities getting ready photos at Byron Beck‘s blog. I’m sure he’ll recap as well.
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Hey Gays! Start your halloween festivities off early and right at Branx (320 SE 2nd) FRIDAY NIGHT! Catch Gay Jays Lifepartner, Girlfriends and the legendary, now ex-Porlandite, Automaton for her last DJ gig in PDX!!! Dress to impress but don’t be a hot mess!
 DJ Automaton at the decks
Wednesdays are often quite a full hump day with the weekly Fame/Gay Pizza/Slice, and monthlies Lube Job and Gloss. But tonight also features a special mix of 2 of Holocene’s (1001 SE Morrison) dykiest nights. Tonight’s Tartdown is a celebration of Double Down and Tart as well as a going away party of sorts.
From the organizers:
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