
PSU Pride presents Dawn of the Day of the Living Queer

Pride season is summatime, the season of short shorts and no more teachers, dirty looks. But colleges and universities love a queer too, so they start the season off early. And PSU’s week of LGBT Pride starts tomorrow with Dawn of the Day of the Living Queer. It has quite the lineup, (including li’l ol’ me with a tiny pile of last year’s stickers). It’s supposed to be a sunny and beautiful day in the park blocks from 4-9p as Tender Forever, play/start, NO/HO/MO and more take the stage.

I just recently saw Tender Forever, aka Melanie Valera, kill it at Saratoga. With a new album and all over her emo-electro charisma, Valera is sincere and swoon-worthy. Even I was charmed by her slight French accent as she convinced the audience to catch her crowd surfing. And I did see someone filming my favorite performance trick of hers, controlling the beats with a pair of WiiMotes, but they disappeared before I could commandeer the recording for the site. (But I have another chance, and with better light!)

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Weekend full of Rae Spoon, a CJ & the Dolls Bent, FOC Fest, Queer Youth Summit, Notorious Neon, and a ‘Divine’ Mrs.

Rae Spoon plays tonight at Saratoga

Rae Spoon with Tender Forever – I don’t know too much about Rae Spoon but this musician from Montreal produces dance-able electro-pop with a deep sense of longing. And he’s apparently a big deal as excitement for this show has reached a fever pitch. I mean, he is real cute in a pink sailor hat. He’s be joined by the equally longing filled local (well, now) Tender Forever. Her beats range from dark and melancholy to nearly pop electronic and always include something interesting like video background or controlling a virtual drum snare with Wiimotes. Ok, I have to admit I’m pretty damn excited too.


Bent features CJ & the Dolls – In a very special pre-tour event, CJ & the Dolls, will be performing at and generally fluffing the crowd at this weekend’s Bent. It’ll be just a taste of what’s to come from the band, as we’ve got a project in the works. And if you thought there was excitement for Thursday night, it ain’t got nothin’ on FriGay the 13th (thanks for that one Mr Charming). The crowd will be filled with intense sexy doll makeup and fierce nails courtesy pre-party nail-fest from Nailed by Ally.

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Summer guide to queer Portland!

Portland's getting better!
Portland's getting better!

Portland's getting better!

Do I dare post this? Hard to believe, but the weather forecast for tomorrow is up to a staggering 94 degrees! Considering I was having drinks with a friend at the Bye and Bye last week and could see my breath, this is unbelievable.

Time for a quick-and-dirty summer guide to queer Portland.

  1. Ah, beach life. A great place to go and be amongst your fellow queers is to hit up gay (clothing optional) beaches on Rooster Rock or Sauvie Island. Check out our handy-dandy little guide to Sauvie Island. Sauvie’s is totes trans/girl/queer/clothed/all-sizes positive, so you have no reason to stay at home! You can also go berry picking or check out the wildlife on the island. Rooster Rock is also another option, but is generally cruisier and more gay-guy orientated than Sauvie Island. Plus we went there yesterday and its all kinds of flooded, so bring yer raft or prepare to hike.  A trip to the Oregon coast is also the perfect way to spend a summer day.
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Pride Saturday...keep it comin' queers

It's Kaj-Anne Peppar vs Blow Pony...who's gonna win?

I know yer tired…so am I…but we persevere…cuz it’s Saturday night y’all

The Dyke(ish?) MarchDespite all the confusion and disorganization the Dyke March will trudge on in 2010. But be careful because it’s an hour earlier this year! Gathering at 5pm with a 6pm step off this parade of “dykes” is really more about celebrating Portland’s appreciation for and power of otherly gendered peoples, women, dykes, transpeople and other non-conformers. So what if it’s run into your ex-girlfriend march. You live in Portland. Get over it.

SMYRC’s Gayest Day of the Year Bike Ride – We get so wrapped up in our alcohol-fueled debauchery that we sometimes forget that wholesome activities that include youngsters can be just as amazing and Prideful. Not that I’m always so innocent when astride my trust lavender Bridgestone roadie Lola, but at least I can pretend.

Pride Pet paradeI’ve never been a good lesbian, as I have never owned by own dog or cat, (I mean, I’ve walked a dog so that cute girls will talk to me) but a queer lubba puppy and a cuddly kitteh so you know the folks will be out. Even if my favorite happen to be the Prideful goats, one of whom won the Just Out Pet’s category that I helped judge (oops! Is the cat out of the bag?)

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MUNCH: a new queer food column

Here at QPDX, we spend a lot of time munching on various things—salads, burritos, omelets, carpets (I can only vouch for myself here, although I have a feeling that the other writers here are equally suspect). Sometimes the world outside of the kitchen is pretty shitty. Research shows that there are things that you can stick in your mouth that will make you feel good. Sometimes you are hungry and there is nothing in the fridge (and alternately, no one in your bed). […]

Dirty! Dirty! Dirty!

It’s safe to say that Dirty Queer, the monthly open mic at your local feminist bookstore happening this friday from 6-9pm is dirtier than dirt. At times its dirtier than an orgy of naked tree-sitters making the nasty in a mud pit (not that I’ve ever experienced anything like this. at all). Case in point: a few months ago, someone read a piece about getting off to tornadoes and […]

Queering femininity conference

Still no plans over Memorial Day weekend? Seattle will be invaded by femmes and femme-lovers for its first Queering Femininity conference. Build up gender, tear it down, but most important is learn, exchange, and play. The weekend will be filled with all three. And by filled I mean 6 to 8 workshops to choose between from dawn til dusk and parties from dusk til dawn again.

There will be vendors and an art exhibit all weekend. Saturday nights event is Femmetastic Cabaret, while Sunday youll have to choose between 2. On one hand you have the Dirty Dancing themed all ages dance featuring all the songs from that bizarre blending of the 60s and 80s, or for the more adventurous among us Seattles community center The Wet Spot hosts a play party (18+ of course).

But the daytime should be well worth the trip in and of themselves. Heres a rundown of some of the most enticing workshop titles: Confessions of a Pillow Queen: Femme Desire and Sexual Agency, Post Porn Love, Sex Workers and the Perversion of Proscribed Gender Roles, What’s That Under Your Dress?, Visualizing Mixed Race Femme Identities, Stalking the Wild Butchand oh so much more, some of which I dare not print here. Its the school you always wanted to attend.

And if youre too overstimulated and overwhelmed with information. Theres always that big sale at Ikea up there

All weekend in Seattle. Get all the information you need at the Queering Femininity website.

The weekend packs some POW (fest) with Bent’s 2 year anni, a Lisa Frank Mrs and more

Mrs takes on Lisa Frank Saturday at Mississippi Studios

Thursday and all weekend

POW (Portland Oregon Women) Film Fest – POW Fest, now in its third year, aims to highlight women directors (unlike the Academy, who has never awarded a female Best Director) and has a great and eclectic assortment of films in its 4 day run. On Friday can catch 80s classic Fast Times at Ridgemont […]

2 Girls, 1 podcast ep #6: demise of Just Out, what we don’t want straights to know, gay gangs and more

Gay gang?

Welcome to the first new 2 girls, 1 podcast of 2012 with qPDX’s Lyska Mondor and Alley Hector. And don’t forget you can subscribe in iTunes! Don’t miss an episode! Get it downloaded automatically.


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PPCW’s fashion show Dress/Undress tonight! Interview with Equal Access Fund’s Nicole Boyer

Bryce Blak's Studio SKB will be one of the featured designers

Planned Parenthood‘s Equal Access Fund aims to provide helps gynecological exams for women and transmen who aren’t covered by state pregnancy-prevention funding but meet the same economic requirements. Dress/Undress is a fashion show to raise money for the fund. The show takes place tonight at the Fez, emceed by Sossity Chiricuzio, fashion re-designer, sex radical activist and producer/host of Dirty Queer.

We took a minute to sit down with EAF volunteer Nicole Boyer to talk about tonight’s event.

What’s your name and what’s your involvement with the PPCW Equal Access Fund?

My name is Nicole Boyer, and I am PPCW’s Volunteer Programs Coordinator as well as a member of our LGBTQI Committee. I’ve been involved with PPCW for 4 years now, and am passionate about spreading the word about our diverse services and patient population. I and many other PPCW staff contribute $ to the Equal Access Fund from each and every paycheck because we feel so strongly about increasing services for our local LGBTQI community.

What made you think of a fashion show as a fundraiser? Do you think a fashion show is even more likely to be interesting to an LGBT crowd?

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