 Hey folks we’re back. Sorry for being late and sorry for leaving you waiting with baited breath for the second half of the Feminist Agenda podcast. I started my champagne bath and then never wanted to get out. No. Actually, we had some technical issues and lost the whole thing. Very sad, as we had some funny moments with Amber Rowland but that’s ok because this week we have […]
  Organizers MJ and DJ Alicious at the Red Party
The ladies of Portland were out in full force last night for Crave‘s Valentines Day themed Red Party and we’ve got the photos to prove it. And just give you you a little extra flavor, whether you were there and can (barely) remember or you’re sad you missed it there’s also a brief bit of video showing just a slice of the V Day mania.
Can you spot yourself or the girl you had your eye on through the sea of crimson?
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 Basic Rights Oregon recently produced a great ad campaign called “Marriage matters to me” featuring several Oregon couples both gay and straight. Four of these couples will get coverage on CNN this Valentines Day as part of Freedom to Marry‘s newest national campaign.
Via press release, BRO executive director Jeana Frazzini lauded the decision to show the ads on Valentine’s Day of all days.
“Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love and commitment, and that’s true for all couples, gay or straight,” said Frazzini. “We’re reaching out to Oregonians to talk about the reasons we all want to get married: we want to publicly affirm the commitment we’ve made to the person we love.”
You can see the video below and more at a statewide themed website Marriage Matters Oregon.
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Labworks with video by D4N30V3R – PDX can be a really packed for the queerion and we can often feel sucked into the scene vortex. So bust out this Thursday with some beats that you can dance to sans pop. Queer DJ Sappho is a wicked spinstress worth the trip to straightland.
Bearracuda Scruff Night – I’m sure there are plenty of well groomed chubby cubbies out there, but this night is for roughnecks. So let that 5 o’clock shadow turn into a Portland hipster beard and let your Sunday morning outfit out to play. And even when the parties over you can find your scruffy puppies through your smartphone. Oh what a brave new world.
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  All new works from Rai Villanueva
CAP Archives Grand Opening and Exhibit – AIDS has been a part of our culture for 30 years now but CAP has been with us for almost as long. Celebrating its 25th anniversary CAP presents an exhibit of activist art and ephemera that will tug on your heartstrings at the same time as making you laugh at past marketing campaigns and images. It is a night of community remembering that will survive the ages long after our hangovers have left us forgetful.
Dirtbag and Drop Shop – Two of the dirtiest, funnest parties in town. Make Thursday dive night to start your weekend right.
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On Sunday night if you find your self Valentine-less or just want a fun spot for you and your homo hubby, come to Rotture for HEARTHROB! There will be DJ’s, slow jams on the hour, card making and secret crush! Then… if you feel like nursing your bloody hangover… Mondays are QUEER at Slabtown. Join DJ Girlfriends and DJ Rainbow Bridget Monday night from 9 til ??? And with […]
 HEARTTHROB: gay people throb and have hearts too, you know
We all know that valentines day is a bunch of silly stuff, sillier than silly string, not quite as silly as, say, Tiger Woods text messages or Donald Trump’s toupee but still, pretty silly.
It’s still an exceptable excuse for a party though, so a local hero DJ squad consisting of, wait for it, Lifepartner, Freddie Fagula, Girlfriends and Gottesfinger are getting together to bring you HEARTTHROB: A HOMOEROTIC VALENTINES. Yay! Sounds heartwarming.
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Aw, Valentine’s Day can be so cute you throw up in your mouth a little. And who knows what to expect from those freaky performance artists at Homomentum when they take on the pink and red clashing holiday. Puke is not out of the question, especially when organizer and emcee Max Voltage makes the claim that this month’s Love Bugs has the biggest lineup yet with Under the Radar, […]
…with tales from the dark side of dating. It’s Not Me, It’s You takes place tonight at the Bagdad Theater (3702 SE Hawthorne) and celebrates all that is awkward, bad and downright shameful about dating. An antidote for the upcoming V-Day or a reason to be grateful for your perfect little love muffin, these storytellers have some real tales to spin. And they are all devastastingly true. Even better, I make a brief appearance in one. Let’s see if you can guess which…
We’ve all had them: dates that go terribly awry. An evening of personal stories told live onstage, unscripted, just telling you the painful truth. You’ll leave either feeling grateful for your current relationship or with the realization that being single isn’t so bad after all.
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 "Whispers in the Wind" by Frankie Jones
Despite our grey skies and perpetually falling drizzle Portland lesbians are some of the best when it comes to going out. That said, winter can be more about reading a novel cozied up to the fireplace and, if you’re lucky, maybe a little snuggling.
Split the difference and head out to one of the many literary lady lovin’ events.
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