  The legendary Bob Mould performs at Q Center's annual Winter Gala Saturday
PQ Monthly launch party – A new publication is in town and tonight is the night both the print and web versions launch. We are excited to share resources and have even more reason to make sure local queer coverage is comprehensive and thought-provoking. Oh yeah, and an excuse to party.
SugarTown queer soul – The best queer homage to 60s and 70s soul in town is finally back after a brief hiatus. The new venue of the Spare Room has a great space, cheap drinks and will be a refreshing change to the usual old haunts. And this special return also features this week’s DJ profile for Freaky Outty. Plus where else can you get sweet treats by Emily Franco in addition to a drink? It’s a killer comeback you won’t want to miss.
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  Celebrate our nationalism in any way you choose. For instance, use an American flag postage stamp as a sexy loincloth to barely cover your naughty bits!
Rice, Beans, & Collard Greens – Pride’s not over according to Basic Rights Oregon, API Pride, Black Pride and Latino Gay Pride as they round out the month with a dance party for queer and trans people of color. And a great way to usher in our fireworks-crazed American Pride celebration weekend. (I’m already hearing the firecrackers going off in my neighborhood as I write).
RnRCFG benefit with Portlandia stars Brownstein and Armisen – So many great things in one: comedy, philanthropy, helping girls rock out, movies, music, TV and a VIP room with two talented comedians/musicians who’ve made our city the Pride of liberal-loving America and the butt of its jokes at the same time. What’s not to love?
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  The Dolly Pops perform as part of End of the Rainbow
Oh my god, today is the day! So shake off that 3 day hangover and get your ass to the big Pride Parade…Make it Happen! And check out the earlier route and Waterfront Festival maps in case you’ve forgotten. Gay Standard Time is probably ok but the route is short so don’t miss it! And once you’re done with downtown it ain’t over yet, as there seem to be more Sunday afternoon and nighttime events than ever!
Families of Color Day Out picnic – Sunday is a perfect day for winding down and slowly easing yourself out of Pride weekend. I’ve often gone to informal friend BBQs but people of color might want to consider the larger group gathering in North Portland’s Kenton Park. SO grab the hot dogs and the ribs and show your out of town guests what a NW picnic in the shadow of the big Paul Bunyan statue really means.
7th annual Pride Block Party – Today’s the day when Stark Street really is gay again as Red Cap/Boxes closes down the triangle to outsiders in favor of colorful tents that contain some of the best daytime dancing and performance I’ve seen. Hosted by San Francisco’s Trannyshack momma Heklina, the block party, open mere moments after the parade at 1pm, features performances by the Rose City Sirens, ChiChi and Chonga, and (can it be?) all the Miss Thing winners of 2010.
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  Leslie and the Lys will perform at Blow Pony
Full schedule of Saturday events: https://archive.qpdx.com/events-this-week/2011-06-18/
Dyke March 2011 – Don’t get confused or show up late, this adventure of “how many exes does it take to screw in a lightbulb and organize a dyke march” may be ridiculous in its ever-changing lineup of organizers but its worth it to keep it going. We had grand ideas last year to take it over and make it as big and great as San Fran’s but my compatriot up and ran away to said city by the Bay. So instead I’ll just be another marching lezzie. But that’s quite a force in P-Town, even if we are running to catch up an hour late…
Doll House Pride Edition – I may not usually be into chains but Hamburger Mary’s is a fun implementation of a great idea gay/drag laid back restaurant franchise. The atmosphere is friendly and they’ve given the prime Pride real estate of Saturday night over to the ladies.
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  BabyPuppySailorSuit showing off his 4Loko bling.
For a full list of Thursday events: https://archive.qpdx.com/events-this-week/2011-06-16/
Preludes to Pride at the Record Room – Wanna start off slow for a big climax? Lounge it out at the Record Room (8 NE Killingsworth) with DJ Shoshana spinning Charo to Chicks on Speed, T-Rex to XX, Little Milton to Biggie Smalls amongst real, actual records that you can peruse, and a beer and wine bar.
Queerlandia! – Remember, we’re not just gay, we’re Portlanders too, which means we’re a little offbeat and super awesome. It also means we like to combine our FREE club nights and killer DJs with performances (in this case ChiChi and Chonga, Devan McGrath, electro hip hopper Baby Puppy Sailor Suit and more) and arts and crafts from the likes of Field Work Objects and Jewelry, Becca (underwear), Greg LeMieux (DIY bliss objects). And, of course, gay Feng Shui with Rob Loucks.
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  Portland Black Pride - June 15th to June 19th
Portland Black Pride is back! After a hiatus of sorts Portland Black Pride is back – and collaborating with the PFLAG Portland Black Chapter.
“We are planning a series of events to take place during the dates of 6/15-6/19. We have combined a variety of youth, adult, and events for all ages during the black pride celebration week to ensure we are including and recognizing all of our community” writes Khalil Edwards, one of the organizers of the events.
More info and a full listing of events underneath the cut.
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 Black OUT marches in Portland Pride 2006
Though the wrestlers, dancers and Latin hunks were out in full force this weekend, making for an incredibly successful Latino Gay Pride in Portland, our Black Pride, put on by the Unity Project (formerly Brother to Brother) seems to be having more of a struggle.
Amid the scandal of Executive Director Alisa Simmons’ abrupt resignation, and questions about the need for Unity Project to exist, the events scheduled for this year seem a bit pale in comparison to the popular block party of last year.
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