
 I remain unconvinced that you love us
A short while ago, a French McDonalds ad featuring a young gay man was touted in the media as “gayfriendly” and “a breakthrough“. In the ad, a young man is ordering food with his father in a McDonalds fast food restaurant when his lover calls him on the phone, the two chitchat until the boys father arrives, who is oblivious to his son’s gayness.
Commercial ploy or sincere declaration? And what about the American video response just published?
Check out both ads after the jump. What do you think?
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  Last year's Beartown 14. Photo by Stephen Cassell
Can you believe that Portland has been celebrating fuzzy, round, gay men for more than half my life now? That’s right, 2010 ushers in the 15th Annual Beartown from this Thursday the 10th through Sunday the 13th at the Jupiter Hotel (800 E Burnside).
Once again, the schedule is ridiculously exhausting. Whether you’re hot tubbing, cigar smoking, or dancing in your underwear, you’ll be doing it with other friendly beasts. And boy howdy, how exciting will be be to see a bunch if hairy dudes descend on Hawthorne’s shopping district?
Of course one of the biggest events will be the Release the Beast Dance Party with tag-team DJ’s Sam Storicks (of Bearracuda Portland) and DJ BradPDX (Crush Bar, “Tilt-A-Whirl” 2009) as well as returning host(ess) Foxxy Bernadette. And if you’ve still got growl in your soul left for Pride weekend, absolutely head over to Branx for Bearracuda.
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  Team Dresch rocking out in Santos, Brazil
Team Dresch has been the seminal dyke punk band since Donna Dresch, Kaia Wilson, Jody Bleyle and Marci Martinez first started rocking out in the Pacific Northwest’s thriving 90s rock scene. They’ve been through breakups, hiatuses, drummers, moves, solo projects, parenthood and more. And much has changed in both the music scenes and queer communities since then. What hasn’t changed is their ability to rock your socks off.
Rumors of a Team Dresch reunion swirled in 2006 and they promised more shows and new releases in 2007 and while we are still waiting for some of these super tight new releases in 2010 the ladies do continue to bring their widespread talents together for various shows around the world, the latest of which just took place at Brazil’s Ladyfest.
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  Portland, OR: Not quite this gay, but getting there
Edit: I just realized this article was from Jan 6th, 2010, not June 6th, 2010 as I previously reported. My apologies for this error. –Perry
The Portland Tribune has claimed in an article that our fair city is getting gayer, quoting statistics stating that despite our lack of a “gay ghetto”, Oregon has the “third-highest proportion of same-sex couples in the nation” and “Portland has the 11th-highest number of same-sex couples among all U.S. cities”. The stats rest only on same-sex couples, but we all know that those are indicative of a whole lotta single ladies (and gents).
I could’ve told you PDX is getting gayer by the day without expensive surveys and statistical analysis…just look at the amount of queer dance parties, especially at Pride!
I’m pretty excited that the stats back up Alley’s and mine drunken musings about the amount of queer nights now vs. a few years ago.
More info and stats after the jump.
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  Topp Twins characters Ken & Ken
Why does it take really cool things forever to be on US radars? We’ve certainly been missing the boat by not recognizing the amazing comedic and musical genius of lesbian New Zealanders the Topp Twins. Hopefully the release of their new documentary, Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls, screening this Sunday at 7pm as part of QDoc, will remedy that. Because this is my favorite film of the fest.
The dynamic duo of Jools and Lynda are also taking their act on the open US road with shows here in Portland on Tuesday at the Mission Theater (1624 NW Glisan). A mix of sketch comedy, yodeling and folk music the Topp Twins have been beloved in their home country for decades as well as outspoken leaders in gay rights. Even though they have never shied away from their stances nor their personal sexualities, a diverse country of farmers both more and less gay-friendly have embraced the folksters unlike any other act.
Untouchable Girls chronicles their lives as ranchers, musicians and activists and blends hilarious interviews with their alter egos with serious topics such as Jools’ battle with cancer, coming out to their parents and a nation, and the real love both have for their respective partners.
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  Portland Queer anthology edited by Ariel Gore
It was exciting enough when the chronicling of our town’s queerness made the Lamda Literary finals. But, that’s right, now it’s actually won. That’s right, the Ariel Gore edited anthology that features local lit stars such as Dexter Flowers, sts, Kathleen Bryson, Tony LeTigre, Sarah Gottesdiener, Marc Acito, Christa Orth, and Sarah Dougher, has won in the category of anthology.
And though STS may admit that her remembrance of the Empty House is a bit romanticized this only makes me happier as I recall the days of sitting on the porch, napping on the coach and frantically waiting for Ace to bring back my mother’s car. It’s almost like our lives have won an award.
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  William S Burroughs
William S. Burroughs, The Man Within. Directed by Yony Leyser screening Sat June 5th, 6pm
People must of thought I was a weird kid. I carried around a torn, stained copy of Naked Lunch in my backpack for months during high school in Utah. It was a difficult book to understand but the reading was made easier because I recognized the science fiction tropes he used and I forgave him the graphic, homosexual imagery. William S. Burroughs wasn’t someone just any young student could idolize. His prose was abstract and difficult. He was a junkie, and had been for forty years. He wrote about strange creatures that fed off the ejaculations of the human race. He developed avant garde methods of prose construction such as the cut-up technique. His influence reverberates through the generations. He inspired queers all over the world to rebel against a society that controlled and punished them. He was celebrated in his later years as the Godfather of Punk. How did this strange, queer junkie worm himself into mainstream American culture and become that dark renaissance man?
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  Le Tigre live at a filled stadium
Originally titled with the much preferred Le Tigre: Who Took the Bomp, the video diary for the last Le Tigre tour is a bit of self-indulgent nostalgic fluff. But it’s good nostalgic fluff. And you should all know how much I adore both of those things.
Beginning with a random home rocket kit test flight Le Tigre: On Tour takes an irreverent look at the comraderie and adventures of the team, and spends a lot of time fawning over the most masculine of the trio JD Samson. Dykes will appreciate the attention paid to this mustachioed butch dreamboat who comes across as genuine, humble and sexy, even when she’s accepting champagne from adoring fans.
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  Stop hate crime
While none of the qPDX.com staff were able to attend last night’s community forum due to conflicts in our schedules, we’re excited to see that the event, organized by JustOut columnist Daniel Borgen and Stephen Cassell, was well attended, and that Portland Mayor Sam Adams was there to hear concerns from the community first hand. According to coverage by JustOut, one of the main concerns of the forum is the difference between actual homo/transphobic incidents that we all experience, and the rate at which they are reported to the police. At this juncture, I want to share a little story with you about gay bashing, about violence, about police reporting, and about why it matters.
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  Friday is going to be ridiculous, including Dolly Parton Hoot Night...
Holy goddess-mother it’s Pride season and there’s going to be a helluv a lot of ways to have fun this summer from here on out. I’ll do my best to highlight with I think sounds best but, you know, feel free to school me…
QDoc – Um yeah, this is actually all weekend. Get it while the gettin’s good. Opening party tonight with the hottest old drag queen and director Michelle Lawler. Hell yeah!
First Thursday – You already know about it if you’re artsy, and a lotta us gays are. But you should definitely check out Brent Pruitt’s Commie Pinko Fag exhibit at the Men’s Wellness Center and Audrey Lawson’s Queer Sex senior thesis show at PNCA.
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